League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 950 Chapter948 Decisive Game

Zoe is a bitch who is really difficult to deal with, but she doesn't want to fight her. After all, there is some inseparable love involved. If she doesn't fight, this guy will be itchy and jumpy to the point of making people angry. I really don't know how to deal with it.

[Teacher, don’t worry, just eat Zoe and I will protect you! 】

Just as the man was reluctantly playing the music with the magic skipping rope, the reliable voice of his beloved disciple appeared in Lester's ears, and Lester couldn't help but feel refreshed.

[It’s not impossible, it’s just that Zoe’s small body makes her feel too guilty. It wouldn’t matter if she is well-developed like Akali. Zoe’s appearance is probably about the same age as when I first met you. It's an average size, how can I get rid of it? 】

[Idiot teacher, have you forgotten that you have the blood of a vastaya changer? With this princess assisting you, wouldn’t it be possible to ripen the steamed buns if you apply the shape-changing energy to Zoe? Eat Zoe, and I will put your rune mark on Zoe's body, ensuring that Zoe will never leave you in the future! 】

In a daze, Lester saw the confident and arrogant look of his beloved disciple.

The man's body shook, and he took a breath as if he had opened the door to a new world.

[Is there such a good thing? Can you change shape according to my idea? 】

[That won’t work, it’s not transformation magic after all. I don’t know what Zoe will look like in her transformation, but what is certain is that it will definitely allow Zoe to break through the power of the star realm for a short period of time, which is enough for you, teacher, to do bad things with peace of mind]

At this point, Lester can't find a better way to deal with Zoe. Instead of letting Zoe waver and bring him all kinds of trouble, it would be better to solve the problem once and for all.

"Don't, don't think I will give in, little Lailai, I hate you! I hate you, I hate you, I hate you!"

After the excitement was over, Zoe shouted twice in defiance, staring at Lester with her eyes. It was more like shouting than shouting. She was not aware of the approaching danger at all. She had already seen what was happening in front of her. Men dare not really do anything to themselves.

“Whether you hate me or love me, Zoe, at this point today, you can’t escape anymore.”

The evil and arrogant man held Zoe with his left hand like a tyrant, looking murderous as if he was about to enter the battlefield.


Zoe exclaimed, finally realizing something, and a look of fear and pleading appeared on the face of the Twilight Star.

"Little Lailai, please let me go, I will die, I really will die! Can you wait until I grow up a little bit? Please~"

"It doesn't matter, little Lailai, I'll help you grow up."

I can’t tolerate Zoe’s continued quibbles.

Lester, who was eager to help others, directly injected the vastaya's shape-changing power into Zoe's body.

At the same time, Elena on the other side of the light curtain secretly used her strength to temporarily become the carrier of Vastaya's shape-changing resonance, allowing Zoe's body to reach the basic state of shape-changing.

Lester shouted lowly, and the Twilight Star spirit reached the critical point of transformation that it could bear in an instant.

Originally, Lester was worried that the magic skipping rope that sealed Zoe would strangle the girl.

The magic skipping rope stretches along with its owner very confidently, and fulfills its duties to ensure that the owner is always in a shameful state of being unable to move.

Lester nodded secretly. It seemed that Zoe's skipping rope was indeed a secret treasure. This kind of secret treasure should be left in his hands to play its real role. It would be a pity to leave it to Zoe to jump around.

This is what Lester originally thought. Under his gaze, Zoe's body began to undergo unforgettable changes.

It was as if the growth hormone that had been suppressed for thousands of years was instantly released.

The skipping rope that was so comfortable suddenly tensed up and screamed as if it was about to collapse.

The plains swelled into towering mountains, which came back to the top in an extremely domineering manner, showing the heroic courage of Mount Tai.

The momentum that was about to burst out was so shocking that Lester's breathing stagnated unconsciously, and he was stunned on the spot for a while. Lester, who had seen a lot, was dumbfounded.

At the same time, Zoe's long orange hair grew further, flowing like an orange waterfall on the ice and swaying in the wind,

The childish and tender face has completely grown, the cute and clear heterochromatic eyes have become narrow and dangerous, and the charming pink lips are slightly upturned with a three-pointed evil smile.

The perfect and exquisite beauty is only half a chest away from Leicester, like a death knell flower blooming under the starry night, extremely dangerous but revealing all kinds of charm.

Lester never expected that the quirky flat-faced female brat would grow up to become such a shocking and evil beauty. She would grow up completely on top of his XP system. In other words, no normal man could refuse him. Such a woman.

After being stared at by the man in a daze for a long time, the large-sized Zoe showed no sign of being shy at all.

After looking down at his body, he adjusted his posture very naturally so that the magic skipping rope could fit in better with him.

"You can actually break the influence of the Star Boundary Law on me. Even with the power of world runes, it is difficult to do it. How did you do it?"

The deep and clear voice of Yujie is charming but not demonic, and it makes your heart shudder when you hear it.

Facing Zoe who seemed to be a different person,

Lester composed himself and said nothing, but stretched out his hand to support Zoe's heavy body very naturally,

The large-sized Zoe, who originally thought she could calm the man down, finally had a bit of suppressed embarrassment on her indifferent face.

Sure enough, the larger the place without nutrition, the more it will affect people's wisdom.

"Are you going to keep hanging on to me like this? I thought you were a considerate man."

"I said I would help you grow up, but I didn't say I would let you go. If you ran away, wouldn't my efforts have been in vain?"

Lester didn't know what kind of changes had occurred in Zoe's mind after the transformation, and he didn't need to know, because he wasn't going to follow Zoe's pace.

"Zoe, we have played hundreds of games, but there is only one game left.

Want to see who surrenders first? "

As if she knew that the man would not let her go, Zoe regained her composure as if she was resigned to her fate. After glancing down, she stared into Lester's eyes without giving an inch.

"Yes, but there has to be a bet. Do you, a grown man, dare to bet with me? Of course, you can also ignore my needs. In that case, you will never see me again. I will treat it as a dog bite."

"you say."

"Let me go, fair play,

If I win, your future woman can only be me, and I will satisfy all your needs. Of course, I will take you out of Runeterra to travel and adventure in other worlds.

If you dare to find another woman, only one of us will survive. Maybe I am not your opponent, but I can guarantee that the Twilight Star will no longer be Zoe. "

Unexpectedly, the large-sized Zoe was so extreme. Lester frowned and seemed a little hesitant. Zoe sneered and said sarcastically.

"Why, are you scared when things get tough? Isn't this a skill you are proud of? A veteran who has experienced many battles is afraid of a fledgling recruit?"

Now that it's all said and done, it's natural that Leicester can't back down.

"I accepted your bet, but if I win, your man can only be me. I don't object to you continuing to venture to other worlds, but you must always stand by my side and cannot interfere with my private life. "


After thinking for a moment, Zoe nodded.

"Let me go and let's finish this fair game."

On the other side of the light screen, Elena and the other three people couldn't help but hold their breath, as if they were the ones participating in this bet. After all, if the man really lost, then they would basically have no hope for the rest of their lives.

It was said to be a battle before, but it was as childish as a game. Now it was said to be a game, but the atmosphere was so solemn that it felt like a real war.

"You won't lose. My cousin will never lose. He is so powerful. Sister Riwen and I are no match for him."

Akali murmured, Riven nodded in agreement, but Elena frowned.

Lester actually asked her not to apply the mark first, and wait until he was victorious before doing anything. This changed the plan. Even she didn't know whether the Twilight Star spirit had new abilities after changing shape. If the Twilight Star has the ability to break free from the rune seal, and then runs away and refuses to admit its guilt, then the best opportunity to capture the Twilight Star will be missed.

With the abilities of the Twilight Stars, no one can find her if she wants to run away.

【I believe her】

Faced with her persuasion, her teacher also gave a reason that he had nothing to say.

At this point, she can only trust her teacher.

Above the starry sky of Runeterra, a mysterious place that does not exist in the material realm, a space beacon that reaches the sky and the earth connects the two planes.

The beacon location in the material realm is at the highest peak of Mount Targon, and the other location in the space beacon is connected to a magical world composed of exquisite and ancient astral magic.

For the Rakkor people who live on Mount Targon, the greatest honor in life is to climb to the top of Mount Targon.

According to rumors, when a qualified mortal can pass the trial and reach the top of Titan Peak, the world outside the sky will bloom with overflowing brilliance in the halo of stars.

Only a handful of climbers can see the dazzling light radiating from extremely high places above the clouds and below the stars.

Along with a beam of bright light from the top of the mountain, it goes straight to the depths of the sea of ​​​​stars and reaches the city of the giants where the stars shine.

On the top of the peak, the legendary immortal gods live in a large city made of gold and silver, and enjoy the glory of eternal life with those who have passed the test.

Different from the legend, the fact is that all those who are lucky enough to reach the top of the peak will only see a rugged and desolate mountaintop scenery, without seeing the light pillar reaching the sky, let alone the mysterious holy city hidden behind the light pillar, like a mirage.

Mortals don’t know that the qualifications to witness the City of Titans are determined from the first step of mountain climbing. Qualified climbers do not need to pass harsh trials, do not need to face extremely cold snowstorms and frequent landslides, they only need to If you need to go all the way, you can see the guiding star beast from the star realm without any hindrance, and then you will become one of the losers who disappeared on Mount Targon.

There are only two types of people who can successfully walk down the mountain. The first type is the human vessel chosen by the giant god, and the second type is the true warrior who is not needed by the giant god but can promote the name of the giant god.

At the top of Mount Targon, Priscilla from Rakkor looked up at the golden light pillar leading to the City of Targon like a miracle.

After being excited, Priscilla felt inexplicably uneasy.

This journey was so smooth. It was as smooth as climbing two hills and reached the top of the legendary Mount Targon. It was as smooth as an unreal dream. It was as smooth as if I was elected by the tribe. Participating in the Targon Trial was as if it was deliberately arranged by some great being.

Recalling the climbing process, Priscilla doubted for the first time the authenticity and significance of the so-called 'Trial of Mount Targon'.

If those great people who passed the trial of Mount Targon climbed to the top as easily as he did, how could they prove that their will was strong enough to withstand repeated trials? If others climbed to the top as easily as I did, would they be able to return safely if they failed to see these visions? If someone could return successfully, why wouldn't they question the Triton of Targon?

Or is it that anyone who sees a vision will be disqualified from returning to the mountain?

Just as Priscilla lowered her head in thought, at the other end of the sky-reaching light pillar, in the starry sky, a golden star door with a height of a hundred meters gradually solidified from the void, and a high-pitched animal cry came from the other end of the door.

Following the direction of the beast's cry, Priscilla raised her head again, and saw the golden star door slowly opening, and the shadow of a city composed of gold, silver, emerald agate and other rare objects appeared in front of her.

Before Priscilla could fully absorb the sight of the Holy City that suddenly appeared in front of her, a great creature with a blue body, a body as huge as a giant dragon, two wings on its back, and four legs and two heads flapped its wings and fell from the door. Flying in the direction where he is.

The left head of the living creature that came looked like a lizard, with a long blue tongue burning like a flame. The right head had a huge wolf head, with frightening sharp teeth exposed between the opening and closing of the mouth.

The living creature landed in front of Priscilla, the wolf's head opened its mouth slightly, and made a sound like thunder exploding.

"Mortal, you have passed the test, come forward and follow me to the City of Titans."

Without giving Priscilla a chance to refuse, the astral beast stretched out its right paw on Priscilla's upper body with an expression of 'I'll beat you to death if you don't come up'.

Thank you to the readers of [Youxing Shen] for the big reward. I can understand that there are a few old readers who have voted for me. After all, they are definitely true readers of this book who have supported it so far. I agree with Lester’s opening of a harem and accepting all of them. of,

But the problem is that I really didn’t expect that this book would still have readers willing to reward it. Thinking that I didn’t work hard to update it, and that I owed a chapter every day and couldn’t correct it in time, I suddenly felt like I deserved it.

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