League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 962 Chapter960 Oops, I’m a dick

The news that the Blackbeard Pirates were ambushed and defeated by the Guns and Roses finally reached the City of Pirates. The already chaotic Bilgewater Bay was filled with a chilling air, and every door was closed for fear of causing unnecessary trouble. trouble.

For ordinary Bilgewater people, the unknown life and death of the Pirate King Gangplank is not good news. Every change of the Pirate King means a bloody storm until everyone is decided again. Until everyone recognizes him as the pirate king, the war will not stop until then.

At this time, murderous gang thugs can be seen everywhere on the streets and alleys of Bilgewater Bay. Everyone is coming and going in a hurry, holding knives and guns, guarding their respective territories cautiously.

Except for a few gangs with powerful backgrounds who still run shops on their own acres of land, most smart people who have sensed the threat have transferred important assets and are waiting for the turmoil to end before moving back and continuing to do business. Those who established a foothold in Bilgewater Bay were few and far between, and the few who did were often eaten to the bone.

The most popular figure in Bilgewater Bay is Miss Fortune, the boss of the Guns and Roses gang who killed the Blackbeard Pirates' ship. Unfortunately, the pirates and gang leaders recognized that Miss Fortune dared to take action against Gangplank. Courage, but does not really recognize Miss Fortune's identity as a woman, and does not agree with Miss Fortune who killed the Blackbeard Pirates to become the new King of Pirates.

Most people in Bilgewater always believe that only by using the most primitive fighting method can one be qualified to sit on the throne of the Pirate King. After all, all the previous Pirate Kings have fought all the way to the top. No matter what the means, only by intimidating the heroes can they be subdued. Everyone, I would be embarrassed to say that I have flown the black skull flag and sailed the keel boat without bearing the lives of dozens of people.

To the surprise of many forces in Bilgewater Bay, Miss Fortune Sarah, who returned to Bilgewater Bay with the Avenger, did not claim to be the new Pirate King, but only as the former Pirate King's killer. A proposal was made to publicly vote for the new Pirate King in Bilgewater Bay. Before the battle even started, Miss Fortune raised the no-battle card.

After some operation, all the famous people were invited by the Guns Roses gang.

In this way, even if someone is unwilling to attend the meeting, there is no reason. No one is willing to admit that he is 'not qualified'. In line with the idea of ​​'even if I am not the pirate king, I cannot let others become it', Bilgevo The most famous public arena in Tewan [Elha Black Flag] was directly seated by the rebellious pirate force representative No. 182.

The weakest representative of the pirate force does not even have the smallest plundering ship. The entire gang only has about ten dock workers doing odd jobs at the dock. The most powerful force is the veteran pirate group second only to the Blackbeard Pirates. The bandit leader has more than a hundred fast boats under his command, traveling across hundreds of miles of sea. The only thing that reflects the power structure is that the former can only attend the meeting in person, while the latter can send key personnel to attend the meeting to avoid putting himself in danger.

In order to ensure the safety of the meeting, one hundred and eighty-two representatives of forces entering the Black Flag of Elha, including the Guns and Roses gang, were each accompanied by two guards who could be equipped with cold weapons. Crossbows, firearms and hidden weapons were all prohibited. Banned outside the Black Flag Arena,

As for the security issues outside the Black Flag Arena, for the sake of fairness, the various forces that voluntarily participated in the meeting will naturally be jointly responsible. This way, it seems that the Guns and Roses gang is not playing tricks. This is also the main reason why the voting meeting can be held as scheduled. reason.

The slightly poisonous sunlight shines on the ring-shaped platform, the temperature gradually rises, and the strong smell of blood is steaming in the sand. For many evil people present, the harsh environment is a place where they don't care much.

After glancing at the time hourglass that was about to end, Sarah, who was wearing a three-cornered hat and a black and red pirate cape, stood up and looked at the cool female captain who was only in her early twenties. The whispering place suddenly became quiet, and even more There were many men who did not hide their greedy gazes, and invariably focused on the bulge of the captain's cloak.

Being watched by hundreds of thugs, Sarah didn't show any emotion at all. There was no smile on her delicate and pretty face, but it didn't make people feel alienated. It was obvious that the woman had mastered the control of distance. Down to the smallest detail.

After looking around, Sarah cupped her hands and said loudly.

"Everyone is here to talk about things. Since everyone is willing to give Sarah face like this, I won't say any more nonsense."

After a pause, Sarah’s face became a little more serious.

"I can tell you that the people of the Iron Hook Gang were wrong. The pirate king Gangplank is not dead. Not only is he not dead, he is still running and jumping aboard the Anaconda Islands."

The words immediately caused an uproar, especially for Captain Crane of the Iron Hook Gang. His rosy face suddenly turned pale, just like a corpse that had been dead for three days. His face was as pale as a corpse.

Speaking of which, excluding the legendary Titan of Black Waves and the Deep Sea, Bilgewater Bay is recognized as having four untouchable things: the life-seeking water ghost in the Blood Harbor, the catfish that deceives people and sells their souls, and the snake mother with tattoos all over her body. sea ​​beast sacrifice, and the most cruel and vicious Captain Blackbeard in Bilgewater Bay,

If Captain Blackbeard and the Sea Beast Priest of the Baru people were really involved as Sarah said, even the combined sum of all the people present would not be enough to hit each other with one finger.

Anyone who has ever sailed a ship will understand that the most terrifying thing is not the enemies above the sea, but the things that are unclear and unknown below the sea.

"Captain Sarah, I heard that Gangplank is your enemy. How come you let Gangplank go back after finally finding an opportunity?"

Regardless of his identity, Kelan asked in a trembling voice.

"Forget it about others, Captain Sarah, don't you know the relationship between Gangplank and the Baru people?"

Crane knew that if Plank would take revenge on a group of people after his return, he would be the first to take revenge. Plank would not consider other things.

Staring coldly into Crane's frightened eyes, Sarah said calmly.

"Glank and I have a grudge against killing our father and humiliating our mother. I want to kill him more than any of you. Unfortunately, the time has not come and I let him run away."

Immediately someone said something weird.

"Does the majestic Captain Sarah only know how to talk? Since Boss Gangplank is not dead, what's the point of this voting? The Pirate Code in Boss Gangplank's hands has not been destroyed, and we have no right to establish a new one. Lord, it’s better for Captain Sarah to go back and rest early, and find a strong man to take care of her. If you can’t find a good man, you can find me.”

There was obscene laughter from the crowd, and Sarah glanced at the speaker coldly. She was unwilling to hold grudges if given any chance.

"You're right. Captain Sarah keeps saying that she killed Boss Gangplank. Captain Sarah also held this meeting based on the news of Boss Gangplank's death. You deceived us like this. Captain Sarah really doesn't want to Take us seriously."

"Yes, Captain Sarah, this doesn't make sense. After all, we pirates are the most trustworthy. Tell me, what does Captain Sarah mean? Are you kidding us?"

Graves frowned when he was near the edge. He was about to say something when he was patted on the shoulder by the man next to him. He immediately turned his head with a dissatisfied tone and saw the card magician spinning smoothly and flexibly with the five fingers of his right hand. Holding gold coins.


"I know you're in a hurry, but don't be in a hurry first and wait and see what the situation is."

"Real men should be tough on men. A bunch of cowards don't dare to fight Gangplank. What's the point of bullying women?"

"No one else is as strong as you."

Knowing that Graves would most likely not listen, Drizzt sniffed the body odor, moved closer to Graves and lowered his voice.

"What's more, the woman you're talking about is not a simple character. A simple character can't capsize Gangplank's ship. Look, don't do anything casually, lest you get yourself involved. This is a business opportunity we have just found. Finally, Just don’t screw it up.”

Graves snorted coldly, thinking that he had not received the meat tickets he had selected, so he managed to suppress his anger.

"This is one thing I want to prove to you. The Pirate Code is actually not important. What is important is who has the bigger fist. So we might as well put aside these formal things and say something sincere. talk.

I think the reason why you have been enduring Gangplank's oppression is because you are concerned about the Baju people. First, Bilgewater Bay is the land that the Baru people gave to us foreigners. If the Baru people are provoked, Bilgewater will The bay will also turn into a ship burial cemetery like the Anaconda Islands. Everyone has also experienced the soul-eating black fog. Without the help of the sea beasts of the Baru people, it will be difficult for us to fight against those lonely ghosts alone. "

Everyone present said nothing, as if they acquiesced to Sarah's words. Only he knew best whether it was because of fear or concern.

Seeing everyone's expressions, Sarah said coldly.

"Let me ask you all, if one day the Baru people repent and want to drive us out of Bilgewater Bay, will you agree?"

"Captain Sarah, you'd better stop being so secretive and just say what you have to say directly. You won't waste everyone's time. If you don't tell us, we can leave."

"Okay, then let me tell you straight away, it's time for a new owner of the Mangxing Islands."

Said casually something that was treasonous to the people of Bilgewater, Sarah kept sneering, and the cloaked bodyguard behind her took a few steps forward, took off the hood, revealing a blue-purple braised egg head, and raised it With his hands, a blue magic circle suddenly appeared in the sky above the entire Black Flag Arena.

Seeing this scene, Drizzt, who was still looking like an old god, changed his expression. He immediately took out a teleportation card and grabbed Graves' arm.

Graves turned his head in confusion, not knowing what Drizzt was doing.


Drizzt did not explain anything. He patted the precious teleportation card on his body without hesitation. The teleportation card gradually showed magical fluctuations. Before Drizzt could breathe a sigh of relief, a few seconds later, the light of magic began to appear. Disappeared, Drizzt and Graves were still where they were.

"The teleportation magic failed? No, it didn't fail, but it was suppressed by a more powerful teleportation magic."

Glancing blankly at his empty palm, Drizzt sighed and put down his right hand. Unexpectedly, the rumored arcane mage could easily break his teleportation magic.

Drizzt turned to look at the arcane mage who was casting a spell. As expected, the arcane mage who sensed the fluctuations in magic was also looking at him. What made him relieved was that there seemed to be no hostility in the eyes of the arcane mage.

In this case, it's better to let nature take its course.

"Man, we're in big trouble."

"What's causing trouble? Wait, what kind of magic is he doing? I don't feel right."

Graves, whose body was gradually becoming disillusioned, finally seemed to understand something, and Drizzt smiled bitterly.

"If I'm not wrong, we are going to become meat."

After the words fell, all the visitors in the entire Black Flag Arena disappeared, including the two of them, leaving only three people in the venue.

Sarah's second bodyguard took off his cognitively disruptive hooded cloak, revealing the face of an extremely handsome man, Lester, who had just arrived in Bilgewater.

Lester nodded to Ritz first, then walked to Sarah's side and smiled.

"The plan went smoother than expected. Thanks to you this time, I can save a lot of effort."

Sarah, however, was no longer as calm as before, and there was a bit of hesitation on her face.

"It's not just the most vicious people who are struggling to make a living in Bilgewater Bay, there are also some poor people who are desperate because of oppression... Do you really have a way to identify them?"

Lester knew that Sarah was trying to save others by herself. Sarah's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fortune, were what Sarah called poor people. They had to settle in Bilgewater Bay because of being excluded. He made a living by crafting firearms, but he encountered the demon-like Gangplank, and ended up with the tragic end of killing the goose and taking the eggs.

"The wonderful thing about magic is that it can do many things that you can't even dream of."

Lester pulled Sarah back to his seat and sat down, while Riz consciously moved away to give the two of them space to talk.

"After we master the power of magic, the only thing we need to carefully consider is how to ensure that magic is not abused."

Having said this, Lester let out a breath.

"The current situation is different from before. Originally, I wanted to let you slowly manage your own power, and then use your power as the basis to gradually intervene in the affairs of the Python Archipelago. When the time comes, the empire will support you, even if The Baru people must also be willing to recognize you as the Queen of Bilgewater. You are both righteous and powerful. In a decade or so, you can manage Bilgewater into an integral part of the Empire. By then, you will be the Imperial Appointed One. Governor of the Bilgewater Empire, he can achieve his goals in life and avenge his loved ones without delay.

Nowadays, there is not much time left for us. It is like a gardener who wants to prune a big tree with crooked branches. Although it hurts to chop off some crooked branches with an axe, it is better than being burned by a robber. "

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