League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 969 Chapter967 The Lord of the Deep Sea in Runeterra

It is not surprising that Illaoi would make such a request. If Illaoi surrendered unconditionally just because of defeat, that would be questionable.

When you come into contact with the Baru people, you will inevitably have to deal with Naga Kapoulos.

"Is it Naga Kapoulos' will, or is it your own idea?"

Hearing Lester ask, Illaoi had no intention of hiding it.

"It is the will of Naga Kapoulos. Other than that, Naga Kapoulos did not give me any more enlightenment."

As Illaoi's words came out, Elnis understood why the True One showed such a contradictory state.

If Naga Kapoulos recognized Lester, a ridiculous and powerful foreigner, let alone the True One himself, I am afraid that all the Baru people would have to obey him unconditionally.

No one dares to offend Naga Kapoulos and disobey the will of the Snake Mother. The sea beasts guarding the Anaconda Islands are not slaves of the Baru people. It is just because of the gift of the Snake Mother and the sea beast priests of the Baru people. It's just a certain connection. The sea beast's real allegiance is to the true god Naga Kapoulos.

Lester rubbed his chin and thought to himself,

To be honest, he was a little frightened to be contacted by Naga Kapoulos. The snake mother and sea beast totems in the temple are mostly related to octopuses and tentacles, which inevitably reminds people of Lovecraft's ideas. Cthulhu, the Great Old One of Creation,

Regardless of strength, in Lovecraft's mythological system, the Old Ones and Ancient Gods are unsolvable existences. Although he is strong, he is not confident enough to firmly believe that he will not be affected by the Old Ones. .

Fortunately, judging from Illaoi's performance, Naga Kapoulos does not seem to be a weird being like Cthulhu who will lose his mind at a glance. Nor does the Anaconda Islands or Bilgewater have that kind of existence. Rumors about dropping SAN,

Being able to communicate and willing to maintain the religious beliefs of a group through the true, rather than being detached from the mundane world, this way the possibility of Naga Kapoulos being Cthulhu is reduced to the minimum. The mother snake totem and the emblem of Cthulhu The resemblance may just be a coincidence.

There will be risks, but they are still within the tolerance range.

Having made a decision, Lester looked at Illaoi and asked.

"How should I meet Naga Kapoulos? Do I need to participate in some kind of sacrificial ceremony?"

"It's not that complicated. The Divine Symbol allows His Majesty to establish direct contact with Naga Kapoulos. If you want to meet Naga Kapoulos, His Majesty Leicester only needs to touch the Divine Symbol to listen to the serpent mother's voice. If your Majesty is ready, you can start now."

"It's so simple?"

"That's right. Shenxi is a sacred object given to my family by Naga Kapoulos. Normally, Naga Kapoulos will enlighten me directly through Shenxi if she has any will."

Lester raised his eyebrows and couldn't help but look up at the golden statue in Illaoi's hand.

The statue is in the shape of a sphere, shaped like the head of some kind of sea beast. It has strange eye holes and half-open mouthparts of the sea beast. It has a special texture and looks like gold but not gold. It looks like a stone but not stone. It looks very heavy and is 100% reliable if you put it on someone's head. Will explode.

It seems that the connection between Shenxi and Naga Kapoulos is deeper than he imagined.

Lester stood up, and Illaoi immediately placed the god on the futon, stepped back a few steps, and signaled Sarah and Elnis to exit the temple.

With a slight breath, Lester sat back on the ground with a serious face, stretched out his right hand and placed it on the golden statue.


The moment his palm came into contact with the statue, he felt as if he was being pushed into the sea and fell into the world of the deep sea, and his ears were filled with the sound of bubbles.

You can't see your fingers in the deep sea, and you can't even see any marine life. Only the eternal silence fills this world.

Lester only felt that he was being pulled downwards by some very special pulling force, as if there were invisible tentacles pulling his body, as if he was trying to sink into the eternal deep blue, which made him feel at ease. Yes, his body is still under his control. Although it is a little difficult, it is not impossible to resist this pulling force.

Looking up at the sea surface reflecting the dim light, Lester had a very clear premonition that he would be able to escape from this world if he could swim all the way up to the surface.

No longer resisting the pulling force, Lester allowed his body to sink all the way.

The seawater gradually turned from azure blue at the beginning to a deep black, but it was not because of the light. It was as if the seawater itself had undergone some kind of mutation.

Lester seemed to have lost all five senses in the Black Sea. Only the gradually increasing pressure was forced from all directions. The pressure that was enough to crush the soul of a mortal in an instant just gave Lester an unpleasant tight feeling. , the man still remained calm, observing the surging environment around him with his deprived vision.

The boundaries between time and space gradually blurred. Just when the patient Lester was getting a little impatient, a dim light suddenly appeared in the depths of the Black Sea, proving that his five senses were not deprived by the Black Sea.

The light is like a long flowing river, turning into tens of thousands of neon-like light blue light strips according to some unobservable law. It is not some kind of luminous swimming fish in the deep sea. The flashing and extinguishing light strips themselves exude a faint light. Ruo Wu's dangerous aura.

Although he couldn't tell where the light source came from, Lester could vaguely see the continuous and majestic buildings from the shadow outline left by the flash of light.

"That's... a city?"

Lester squinted and stared at the bright spot. After sinking for a long time, the light spot in his sight finally became larger. He secretly estimated the distance of his sinking and the magnification ratio of the reference object in his sight. Lester My heart sank,

Those seemingly distant light spots are not difficult to distinguish because of their small size, but because the depth of the Black Sea is unpredictable. He needs to sink hundreds of thousands of meters in the Black Sea to get slightly closer to the behemoth and see the exposed tip of the iceberg. .

As he got closer, he could see countless eye-shaped blue light spots that were densely packed like eyes, opening and closing, following the giant tentacles swaying in the black sea. Follow the direction of the tentacles. Go, Lester can't see the end of the tentacles at all, only the numbing deep-sea giants covering the top of the underwater city, maintaining eternal motion in absolute silence.

The sight in front of you can definitely satisfy the curiosity of patients with macrophobia, deep sea phobia, and trypophobia all at once.

Having said that, if the owner of these tentacles is Naga Kapoulos, then Naga Kapoulos' size is definitely beyond his imagination.

Without any warning, a tentacle approached Lester at an incredible speed. Lester's expression changed, but he saw the incredibly large tentacle staying not far in front of him. Any eye-shaped suction cup They are all two times bigger than their own bodies.

The eye-shaped suction cup closest to Lester suddenly expanded and widened, and the light blue light quickly turned into a numbing light red. At the same time, there was a sound in Lester's ears that made his soul faint. A trembling voice.

"Lester Lee."

Lester's face changed slightly. He didn't even know what it was that was talking to him. Maybe it was the owner of the tentacle, or maybe it was just the eye on the tentacle.

Because of the unknown, an uncontrollable fear suddenly emerged in Lester's heart. It took a lot of effort for Lester to calm down and not be frightened by the ominous red eye.

"Are you Naga Kapoulos?"

"I am Naga Kapoulos, a Baru, the true god of Illaoi. I am not just Naga Kaporos."

The existence of the location speaks a language that Lester has never heard. The strange thing is that Lester can easily understand the true meaning of the sound.

The red eyes blinked, and Lester suddenly felt that something in him was passing away quickly. Through the red light emitting from his eyes, he seemed to see some indescribable twisted things, shaped like shocking tentacles, and It was like countless men and women were shamelessly glued together, and there seemed to be a womanized version of herself among them.

Quickly closing his eyes, those twisted and strange black shadows dimmed, and Lester fully understood what the hell he was facing.

Even if it is not Cthulhu, the Great Old One, this indescribable monster in front of you is definitely related to Cthulhu!

This is a bit exaggerated. When Riot Games designed the plot of Naga Kapoulos, it was completely based on the legendary image of Cthulhu.

[Is Naga Kapoulos just a small part of this majestic thing? 】

"Lester Lee, you are very smart. I am just a small part of the dream of the great thing. I happened to be captured by the Baru people in Runeterra, and established a connection with the Baru people, so I became the Baru people. God is what people call it, and what you think is indeed true, majestic things do exist in the deep sea, and have established connections with thousands of worlds."

Lester did not speak, but his voice was known by the thing in front of him. Faced with this indescribable thing, Lester could not feel any resistance in his heart.

Just kidding, the laws are not at the same level. He doesn't know how full it is for a game company to forcibly stitch together the concept of Cthulhu in a high-magic world like Runeterra.

Lester didn't speak, but his indescribable eyes still spoke.

"Countless dreams within dreams put the great thing into a state of light sleep. The light sleep of the great thing is too far away for you mortals, enough to be called eternity, and I am just the most insignificant part of the great thing. It’s just a speck of dust, so you don’t need to worry about waking up something gigantic. Your idea is just as ridiculous as a speck of dust worrying about disturbing the universe.”

Lester opened his eyes and looked at those strange eyes again. For some reason, he seemed to be much less affected this time.

Considering that his behavior might produce some benefits, Lester tried his best to focus on the indescribable thing in front of him, or an insignificant part of the indescribable thing.

"Well, I am indeed afraid of waking up... Anyway, I can call you 'Naga Kapoulos', right?"

"Yes, in Runeterra, my name is indeed 'Naga Kapoulos'. Some people also call me 'Snake Mother' or 'Mrs. Bearded', which is the 'god representing life, growth and eternal movement'.

Lester Lee, you don't have to treat me as a tall person. Your strength is enough to be called "unruly" in Runeterra. Therefore, you are qualified to talk to me as an equal. It takes a long time on weekdays. It makes me feel bored. There are not many opportunities to talk face to face with a strong person from another world like you. "

Since Naga Kapoulos said this, Lester calmed down and separated 'Naga Kapoulos' and 'Old Ruler Cthulhu' as two completely different existences. .

Sensing the change in Lester's attitude, Naga Kapoulos blinked her eyes with satisfaction. The red light in her eyes made Lester once again see some strange and twisted black shadows.

"To be honest, I thought 'you' were a fictional myth created by Lovecraft. Meeting you this time was really eye-opening... Well, I mean, I'm honored to have met something magnificent. Without turning into a lunatic."

The eyes took the initiative to move closer to Lester, and Lester had to turn his head to avoid meeting his eyes.

"Lovecraft saw a being like me in his dream. That being protected Lovecraft's soul, showed him secrets that mortals could never touch in a revealing way, and then guided Lovecraft to Fawcraft revealed the tip of the iceberg of the universe to more mortals,

For that being, doing these things is just to relieve boredom in a long time. The actual effect can also be felt by you mortals. It is like a gap opening in the abyss, and more and more secrets are revealed. The form of the story appears paradoxically in front of mortals, and together they form part of the dream..."

Naga Kapoulos seemed to be a talker and couldn't stop talking, but Lester was not a qualified listener. Even with his extraordinary soul, he felt sick and nauseous at this moment. His hands seemed to have turned into flexible tentacles.

His senses conveyed to him dangerous visions, and he understood that his time seemed insufficient.

"Although I would like to have more conversations with a great being like you and learn more secrets, Naga Kapoulos, my body does not allow me to continue. Through divine knowledge, we have more. There are many opportunities for communication, but there is not much time for this meeting.”

There was a pause in her voice, and Nagakapoulos' tone became more apologetic.

"I almost forgot that you haven't found your own 'secret path' yet and can't adapt to such an environment.

As a gift for the first meeting, you have to understand that different worlds have different roots. Just like the earth cannot cast magic, other powers are rootless. Only the 'hidden' power is universal and majestic. If you want to become strong, you must find and develop your own 'secret path'..."

I don’t know if there was not enough time, but Nagakapoulos did not express the theme of this meeting to him. The sound of her words gradually faded away with the increasingly dense sound of water bubbles, and an incomprehensible force pushed Lai. Ste's body floated all the way up, breaking away from the hazy and strange underwater world as if struggling out of the sea.

When he opened his eyes, he had returned to the Baru Temple.

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