League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 974 Chapter972 Massacre

On top of the arrow tower, the cone-shaped arrow in Leopold's hand, together with the yew longbow, was dyed with a layer of scorching red flames. He straightened his left arm and pulled the bow string with his right hand, like a full moon.

At this moment, the hunter has completely transformed into the deadliest archer, and the most threatening skeleton warlock is reflected in the sharp and cold eyes of an eagle.

"call out."

The fire element-enchanted cone-shaped armor-piercing arrow was thrown high upwards, and after reaching the highest point, it began to fall. Miraculously, it bypassed the skeleton warrior blocking the skeleton warlock in front of him with a parabola, and hit the skeleton warlock behind him.

The moment he was hit by the arrow, before the skeleton warlock who was chanting Rachen's magic had time to react, the skeleton's body in iron-clad leather armor was engulfed in flames, and the skeleton was smashed to pieces by the armor-piercing arrow.

The most exciting thing for everyone present is that the combination of the strongest hunter and the strongest fire element Ixtali can directly kill difficult monsters, without giving the monsters a chance to resurrect their bodies after death, and maintain the soul of the skeleton's life. The fire was completely wiped out with an explosion of fire element enchantment.

Without the blessing of the soul fire, the skeleton mage's scattered skeleton was completely turned into a dead thing, and the evil soul returned to where it should have been.

Without the most threatening skeleton warlock to support the rear, the balance of the battlefield once again tipped towards the defenders on Green Street. Alcott, the commander of the Omta Town Guard who was observing the battlefield, instantly captured the fleeting scene. The fighter immediately drew his sword and shouted hoarsely.

"Kill these monsters!"

"Exile these skeletons!"

"They are not invincible! Let them see how powerful we Omta people are!"

"Kill! The elements are with us!!!"

Ixtali, who was only half a beat slower, guided the earth elements to form a solid slope for people to charge. Five hundred elite armored soldiers armed with chain armor, steel swords, heavy hammers and halberds turned into arrows and smashed the skeleton warrior's The front line, followed by the mighty town defenders, the enchanted spear in their hands pierced the soul core of the undead skeleton, making up for the critical damage.

An extremely effective charge directly penetrated the skeleton soldiers' defense line. There was no need for a skilled longbowman like Leopold to make dangerous plans to hide the deadly enemy behind. The elite soldiers directly attacked the enemy's formation. In the back row, they used the enchanted steel shield in their hands to carry the corrupted arrows and various evil spells, chopping melons and vegetables, beating the skeleton warlocks and skeleton archers hiding behind into rotten bones.

When the last skeleton soldier fell, everyone on the battlefield let out cathartic roars and cheers. Even though they were caught off guard at first and paid a heavy price, they still defeated these monsters from the underworld and defended them. Home, at this moment, everyone is qualified to enjoy the joy of victory,

Unlike the soldiers, Alcott's tense expression did not ease at all. As the commander who coordinates the overall situation, he knew how dangerous the space portal generated by the skeletons was. According to historical records, sudden portals to other worlds have always been the source of disaster in the world.

If the portal cannot be closed in time, even if they have killed so many skeletons, more and more dangerous guys will come out of the portal before long.

"This battle is not over yet! The portal has not been destroyed yet! We cannot take it lightly!"

Alcott's voice was still loud, and the cheering crowd soon fell silent. Thousands of people stared at the leader who led them to victory. His eyes were full of reverence and conviction.

Alcott knew that he didn't have much time left for him. He didn't need to predict the future to feel the urgency of time. Now that the town defenders had the upper hand, he had to take back the hunt as quickly as possible. Square, destroy the portal.

"You warriors! What we have to do is not just expel these monsters! The most important thing is that we have to take back our homeland!

Malachi, Marcos, Broust, Ivan Dodd! You each lead a thousand people to serve as the vanguard! Head to the Hunting Square immediately and clear the obstacles for the army at the rear at all costs! "

"Got the order!"

"Arnolph! You are responsible for leading the City Guards to support the vanguard at any time in the rear! Please remember the mission of the City Guards! Destroy all invading powerful enemies for our compatriots!"

"Arnolph's order!"

"Laurien, you will lead Ixtali outside the front, create the necessary conditions for our army's victory, assist the soldiers to reach the hunting square, and destroy the portal! There must be no mistake!"

On top of the arrow tower, Lauryn saluted in response, tidied up briefly and prepared to greet Ixtali to leave.

"Do I need to follow?"

Leopold asked with a serious face.

"Maybe you can still use me."

Lauryn shook his head, looking relaxed.

"The war is ultimately the responsibility of us soldiers. The previous defeat was because we were caught off guard. Now that the army is gathering, there is no reason to lose, let alone for you to continue taking risks."

Lauryn left the arrow tower, and Leopold watched Lauryn's back disappear into the crowd. He couldn't help but think of his wife and children, and laughed at himself, feeling that he was a bit hypocritical.

I am willing to risk my life and come here for no other reason than to give my wife who evacuated in the opposite direction and her son living in the village a chance to survive.

Now that the overall situation has been decided, his wife has left Omta and gone to Parosa, where the defense force is stronger. The safety issue is absolutely guaranteed. I am afraid that my son, who has always been proud, will soon realize what happened here and rush here. Come on, if I hadn't taken care of it, I might have really made a fool of myself.

There is really no need for him to continue mixing in the army.

Thinking about this, Leopold relaxed a little more. It won't be long before he can meet his son here. It just happened that the family of three went to Pasa to relax for a few days due to this unexpected incident.

Sitting on the ground, Leopold, who was slightly tired, hugged his longbow, closed his eyes under the kind eyes of other crossbowmen, and took a nap.


There was a series of thunderous explosions in his ears, and his heart seemed to be hit hard again and again by a heavy hammer. Leopold lost his sleep and opened his eyes that had regained some energy. What he saw was dozens of people. Zhang suddenly looked in disbelief and panic.

"what happened?"

"Us, Ixtali's magic signal... No, it's impossible, there are obviously so many people..."

Leopold stood up and looked north along the stuttering crossbowman. He saw a dozen crimson flames suddenly lit up in the dark sky. The flames formed a simple character, like blood. The setting sun symbolizes a major defeat on the front line, the entire army was wiped out, and there was no room for maneuver.


Leopold only felt as if his heart was being grabbed by some invisible entity. The calmness he had just lost was gone, and he could hardly continue to breathe.

There are more than 20,000 people in Omta's standing garrison. Even if they are mobilized in a hurry, there will definitely be tens of thousands of soldiers participating in the Omta defense tonight. Even Parosa will not be so efficient and united. Soldiers, this is the pride of Omta people,

But now, Ixtali on the front line actually sent out a signal of defeat. Those were more than 10,000 professional soldiers. Different from the third-rate village militiamen who usually took up their hoes to become farmers and put down their hoes to become soldiers, the towns of Omta Each guard has gone through decades of daily training, and hundreds of dummy targets in the military camp alone have to be replaced every year.

That was real blood and sweat, otherwise the soldiers would not have been able to carry out unheard-of spells and poisonous arrows to fight those terrifying skeletons and zombies tonight.

The battle that we had fought so hard to win was lost just like that?

How did you lose?

How could it fail?

"Lord Alcott has an order! Everyone, stand firm! Do not run away! Anyone who disobeys the order will be killed without mercy!"

"Lord Alcott has an order! Everyone, stand firm! Do not run away! Anyone who disobeys the order will be killed without mercy!"

Under the arrow tower, the messengers riding fast horses rushed into the distance in the blink of an eye, but Leopold could no longer see Alcott's figure.

The sense of crisis in his heart became more and more serious. The promise he made when he parted with his wife Grace appeared in his mind. Leopold immediately picked up the longbow and left the top of the arrow tower. The other crossbow soldiers did not stop him, but there was something in their eyes. It is with an indescribable sadness.

Arriving at the bottom of the arrow tower, Leopold was stopped by an unknown Forbidden Army soldier as he was about to leave. The Forbidden Army soldier guarding the exit of the arrow tower pulled out his shining steel sword and looked murderous. look.

"According to Lord Alcott's order, no one is allowed to leave the Arrow Tower. Anyone who violates the rules will be treated as a deserter. This matter is urgent. No matter who you are, don't make it difficult for me. Now, go back."

Leopold took two steps back, raised his longbow to show that he was not hostile, and explained in a deep voice.

"My name is Leopold. I'm not a soldier. I just volunteered to assist the defense of the second front. Chief Alcott specifically gave me the right to act expediently. You have no right to stop me from leaving!"

The leader of the Imperial Guard remained indifferent and did not listen to Leopold's explanation at all.

"Don't ask me to repeat what I said a second time. Listen, I don't care who you are, where you come from, or what your bullshit name is! Now I count to three and go back to where you should be. Otherwise, don't blame the military law." ruthless."


The other two Imperial Guards picked up the loaded military crossbows, and pointed the bright crossbow arrows directly at Leopold's chest.


His fingers were already on the crossbow.

Leopold took a deep breath, turned around and walked towards the arrow tower.

The Imperial Guard put down their crossbows and watched Leopold leave with cold eyes, curling his lips in disdain.

Returning to the arrow tower, Leopold was greeted with sympathetic and sad eyes.

"Brother Leopold, if you can't leave, none of us can leave. No matter what comes, we have to face it."

"Yes, we have been abandoned by Chief Olcott. The meaning of our existence is to buy more time for the evacuation of Omta people."

"We are soldiers. We get military pay on weekdays. Even if we die in battle, we deserve it. It's just a pity for you, brother. You are a good person. You shouldn't have come here in the first place..."

Amidst the comforting words from you and me, Leopold pointed in the direction of the Hunting Square, his face full of uncontrollable anger.

"So many people died outside for no reason. Now only Ixtali, who controls the earth element, is left here. There are only a thousand people, and the location is no advantage. Are we going to bury ourselves here so worthlessly?" ?Are you willing?"

No one had the opportunity to interrupt. Everyone present looked at Leopold and listened in silence to the man saying some words that were not conducive to unity.

Leopold's movements became wider and his arms became stronger, just like the most dangerous hunting. He only had a weak wooden stick in his hand, but he scared away the white man who could easily disembowel him. Pi Menghu.

"It is not shameful to desire to live. Now it is a situation where death is certain. Even Alcott is running away.

Brothers of the City Guards, we have no reason to stay here and die in vain. Even if we cannot defend Omta, we can go to Parosa and Zenobia to continue to exert our value, instead of waiting here to die. ,

The taxes we pay for the food and clothing of the Forbidden Army are paid by us. On weekdays, they have the best equipment and live the most luxurious life. However, they may not suffer as much as us in training.

Now that the danger is coming, they are pointing their swords at us and asking us to die... To say it is treason, why? Does the selection of the Imperial Guard treat us equally? "

"Brother Leopold, what do you want to do? Do you still expect us to rebel with you? After all, we are also soldiers, and we cannot do such things as swords against our compatriots."

"There is no need to use swords against fellow citizens."

Leopold's tone was calm, as if he was stating a fact.

"Before the enemy comes, the Imperial Army will flee here. What I mean is that we all stick together and escape from Omta together. Only by uniting can our chance of survival be increased."

After a slight struggle, all the soldiers present agreed with Leopold's suggestion. It would be better to live than to die here. As for how to explain their survival after telling them, it was not worth mentioning.

When Leopold encouraged other soldiers to escape together, there was no one around Laurian. Different from the high spirits when he came, at this moment Laurian had a broken arm and half of his body was covered with symbols. Bearing the mark of death corrosion, if it weren't for the unyielding elemental fire still burning in Laurian's body, the man would have fallen down long ago and become part of thousands of corpses.

Whether it was the town guards guarding the side or the elite Omta Forbidden Army, everyone was slaughtered like pigs in the hands of a butcher.

Those terrifying figures that cannot be described in words are silent and cruel, solemnly and solemnly cutting off heads one by one. Whether they are begging for mercy, resisting in a corner, or fighting to the death, in the eyes of those monsters, any struggle of mortals is insignificant. It's meaningless, only killing and death go hand in hand.

But now, the knight symbolizing death has come behind him, raising a huge lance that can penetrate the city wall.

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