Chapter 147: F and B

Ning Qi's sudden opening was well thought out, and the combination of Tsar and Wheel Mother was given to the opposite side without paying attention, and the RNG side had no other way to win than to wear SKT in the early stage.

S4SKT can drag the situation with a clockwork of faker, Omg can't push it up with such a big advantage, this SKT has another bang wheel mother, if you don't take a little suppressive power, it's pure waiting for death.

Xiaohu thought for a moment, finally nodded, and said, "Jace, it's okay, it's okay to cooperate with Qianjue of the incense pot." "

Wuxx on the fourth floor helped lock up Jace and said, "Since I'm going to play the line, how about I take the Spear of Vengeance?"

mata nodded, his Chinese was okay, he had been in the LPL for several years at the time, and the short sentence could be clearly expressed: "Callista?... Yes, we can press a little bit on the line. "

Ning Qi nodded, SKT disabled two ads, and grabbed another ad.At this time, there is really no version of a strong shooter that can be used, S6The spear of revenge in this period should have been weakened several times, but the line is still a strong hero, since wuxx dares to take it, then give it.

So m28ata helped lock the spear of revenge with one last hand, and all five choices for RNG were confirmed.

rng five people plus Ning Qi, one staring at the last hand of the opposite SKT, they should still be missing a hand on the single, as Ning Qi expected, they finally gave Duke a hand of burpee out, as a solid front row, to assist in the double C output.

The lineups of the two sides are confirmed: blue side RNG: top laner Ruiz, mid laner Jace, jungler Qianjue, and bottom lane revenge spear Gabron.

Red side SKT: Top Single Bobby, Middle Single Tsar, Jungler Spider, Bottom Lane Wheel Mom and Star Mom.

mlxg: "Xiaohu, did you hear what the coach said, if you kill a few waves of faker alone, our LPL will be the MSI consecutive championship." "


Wuxx smiled: "After winning SKT, we have just reached the finals, right?"

mlxg: "As long as we win SKT, no matter which team is in the finals, it will not be our opponent!"

RNG's team voice is very atmospheric, Ning Qi took a closer look at these people before going down, Xiaohu in this period is still wearing orange eyepieces, and he feels that he has not changed much from three years later, MLXG still looks very young, scum whining, Wuxx is a teenager with thick bangs, Mata is already a bit like an uncle, and 1ooper is more silent.

Ning Qi was delayed on the stage for a while, and was pulled by a referee lady wearing a black and white uniform, reminding him that he should go off the stage.

Ningqi: "Come on." "

MLXG: "Don't worry!"

Wuxx: "Rest assured, Coach." "

Ning Qi exhaled and looked at it from afar, faker was wearing a new red team uniform of SKT and a new style of glasses, and sitting on his right was Bang who was competing in a circle, although the two of them lost the first game, they were very calm.

Ning Qi: "These two goods are not easy to deal with.

shook hands with SKT's buckle coach, Ning Qi walked to the stage, Ning Qi was the audience for the rest of the game, Ning Qi glanced back, the faces behind him, Ning Qi's heart moved, and accosted one of the beautiful girls, but she didn't expect her to respond, and said in surprise: "You are the coach of rng, right? You are so young! You are also very handsome! The first game of rng played so well!"

Ning Qi was stunned, the world of the system was really very close to the real world, it was like a parallel world that existed in real life.

Could it really be that there is some parallel world, where I am the coach of SHR, the jungler of OMG, and the coach of the rng in front of me?

Ning Qi smiled, but he didn't care, because after all, he was going back to the real world for 19 years.


Miller explained: "The idea on the RNG side is still quite clear, playing on the right line, and if the line collapses SKT, SKT will not be easy to play." "

Ning Qi stared at the screen, crossed his arms and nodded.

But immediately, Ning Qi frowned, SKT's position was ready to change lanes, and they were ready to change the weak down-lane combination to the up-road.

And they succeeded.

Ning Qi secretly said that it was a pity, SKT's tactics were very effective, so that the spear of revenge held by wuxx in the last hand would not be able to exert its online suppressive power.

S6's line change bureau,There is basically no way to appear on the line,1ooper and duke each help to fight the jungle and open the wild monsters,Duke got to the top of the road,Push a wave of lines into it with bang and wolf。

RNG decided to switch the spear of revenge and Bronn to the top lane again, but still had to catch the right lane, trying to crush the wheel mother and the star mother.

However, at this time, they have missed the first three lines, and although they can still press a little, in terms of pressure resistance, SKT has done a very good job in the lower lane, or it is a bit outrageous in place, until the sixth minute, Bang Wheel Mother's mending knife is only three knives behind the Wuxx Revenge Spear.

The Bang in the S6 period was a bit of a monster, and Ning Qi turned his gaze to the middle lane. Faker Czar vs. Xiaohu Jace, the two sides are also almost the same.

At this point, Ning Qi basically had a feeling that he was facing unprecedented difficulty.

Ning Qi himself has also summarized before that the difficulty of the level given by the system is not steadily increasing, but there is also a gradual upward trend, and the difficulty of this level is probably a bit large, reaching a peak.

Ning Qi paid attention to the faker Tsar, S6's Tsar's singles were too strong, and Jace relied on the length of his hand to press others, but the Tsar's hand was longer, Jace pushed the line, and faker made up the knife delicately.

xiaohu sent a QE blast, but was dodged by faker000, and made the sand soldier stab with a backhand, and the sand soldier rushed in front of Jace, slowed down to Jace and poked it with a general attack.

xiaohu also knew that he couldn't brush anymore, so he immediately turned into a hammer form and accelerated to chase after the tsar, the tsar had already used the Q skill, and Jace also escaped from the attack range of the first creep.

Jace's Sky Leap smashed into the Tsar, and faker made a WE combo backwards, dodging the smashed hammer, easily avoiding Jace's outburst and continuing to lie on the line.

Miller commented: "This game was stabilized by SKT on the line, and the jungler in the lane change game was not very easy to play." "

At eight and a half minutes, the blank spider caught, the cocoon hit mata Bron, the wolf star mother flashed E and was silent for two, and the bang wheel mother opened the big move to greatly accelerate the three of them, and the crazy walk A. splash damage is amazing.

mata and wuxx want to fight back, the two of them set fire wheel mother, but wolf star mother's milk volume is too amazing, w, w, r wheel mother three mouths of blood, and finally bang first killed bron, and then killed the spear of revenge, the residual blood harvest double kill, a moment later, the star mother's milk back blood.

Miller: "It's difficult, it's difficult, we're the one who wants to fight for the early advantage!"

The doll's voice was also a little impatient: "Now we must find an opportunity to bring the rhythm back as soon as possible!"

Ning Qi exhaled in the audience, his eyes were confident:

"SKT's faker and bang, this level is quite challenging. "_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

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