Lin Kong pushed the troops to the defense tower, out of Xiye's field of vision, and immediately rushed to the bottom lane.

Synchronous factory manager also went with him.

From the perspective of God, it is easy to see the overall movement of EDG.

Colonel Guan: "It's coming, King Galio's classic level 3 roaming!"

Wang Duoduo: "The prince is also rushing over synchronously. This wave is to play four-on-two. Spider is not in the bottom lane, and there is no line right in the middle lane. Can WE's bottom lane realize it and leave quickly!"

Miller: "It feels too late, they are too greedy for troops!"

On the commentary desk, EDG's four-on-two was also opened. In the previous two games, EDG had never launched such a good offensive in the early stage.

In less than 30 seconds, EDG had gathered all together. Xiye gave a reminder, but it was too late.

The troops entered the tower, and the brother-in-law and zero were still under the tower.

Factory manager Prince eq flashed very decisively.

Lin Kong flashed over the wall synchronously and followed up with the control.

The goal is to kill you two in one second.

At the first moment, the brother-in-law pressed the flash to avoid the prince's eq flash.

The problem is that Galio's subsequent EW flash could not be avoided.

Flash was used, but he was still killed, and the most uncomfortable situation was formed.

"Here at level 3?!"

The brother-in-law was a little confused. Although the mid laner reminded him just now, he still wanted to finish eating this wave of soldiers before leaving, after all, he had two skills and full health.

Unexpectedly, the opponent killed him so quickly.


Faced with the questioning of the brother-in-law, Xiye was speechless.

There was no way, he also knew that the opponent wanted to four-on-two, but the problem was that the bottom lane had two waves entering the tower, plus full health and two skills, there was really no reason not to eat.

The result was like this.

"Haha, it's true!"

"This is the FPX of S9, do you feel it?"

"Everyone knows that we want to 4-on-2, but no one can stop us!"

"Brother Big B, it has to be you."

Lin Kong said happily, this set of play is the famous play he borrowed from Doinb.

Doinb in S7 is not weak, RW is a legend.

It is also in this version that Doinb's 4-on-2 is well known.

Lin Kong showed this invincible 4-on-2 in advance, and the effect was perfect.

"Nice!" Uzi also waved his arms excitedly.

In the previous wave, he got another head again.

Rat started with two heads, and his development must be extremely strong. Now it can be confirmed that EDG's team battle can definitely be won.

"Just play like this, keep calm!"

"Don't make any mistakes, wait until Galio reaches level 6, and then you can organize another attack and take down a tower."

"Lin Kong, you continue to command."

The factory manager was also quite excited. In the previous two games, they were completely unable to fight back against the opponent.

Now under the leadership of Lin Kong, it seems so fragile.

Let the factory manager's heart be more confident about victory.

The audience outside the field and the audience in the live broadcast room also rekindled hope.

Start 3-0!

The two Cs in the middle and bottom each had a kill, a perfect start.

Can't this be won? !


"Fuck, Kong, that's how it should be."

"It feels like EDG has changed its team since Kong came up."

"I declare that Kong is the soul of EDG."

"Kong is awesome, this is Galio, the invincible four-on-two."

"Haha, WE was fooled by this punch!"

"Justice punch, can you withstand it, brother-in-law!"

"EDG, come on!!!"

The scene was boiling again, everyone rekindled hope, as if they really had the passion to make a comeback from 2-3.

WE made adjustments quickly. Spider didn't have a jungle area, so he went to gank and made a kill in the top lane.

After ganking, he came to the bottom lane, ready to do a counter-camping counterattack to prevent EDG from continuing to gank four-on-two.

It was just completely useless!

The invincible four-on-two is never a joke.

One more jungler?

That just changed from four-on-two to four-on-three!

At 7 minutes, Lin Kong relied on the extra kills and magic power to lead, and once again gathered the line into the tower, and went to the bottom lane in front of you, Xiye.

Just telling you, I'm here to catch the bottom lane, what can you do?

Xiye had no choice but to eat the soldiers. There was no reason not to eat two and a half waves of soldiers.

At the same time, the prince also went to the bottom lane.

Uzi was in the bottom lane and had already gathered three waves of soldiers.

This scene was so familiar.

"Hey, here we go again!"

"EDG's four-on-two!"

"The rat and Braum in the bottom lane gathered the soldiers again. From the previous push back to now, the brother-in-law only scored 7 points.In just one minute, Uzi was ahead by more than 20 last hits. The equipment gap is too big. "

"This creates a vicious cycle. The equipment gap is too big. If you can't win in the laning phase, you will be trapped in the line. If you are trapped in the line, you will be crossed."

"Galio's play is quite powerful."

The commentator saw EDG launch an attack again from a God's perspective.

The three of them were also surprised.

EDG's attack speed in this game was unexpected. A late-stage lineup could play a perfect rhythm in the early stage.


"Must go."

Xiye shouted anxiously in the microphone, and Galio went down in front of him.

He could only remind the bottom lane to run quickly.

The brother-in-law looked embarrassed.

"No, I can't go. Three waves, going is equivalent to death."

"The bottom tower must be lost."

"Come on, use TP! ”

Big brother-in-law was in a headache. Uzi had accumulated three waves of lines into the tower, and he and Lulu were not level 6 yet.

He couldn't stand down, but if he didn't eat these three waves of lines.

EDG could rely on these lines to destroy the bottom lane tower. Not only would he lose the line, but he would also lose the tower.

This was an absolutely unacceptable outcome.

There was only one way to fight!

But there was only one outcome of a strong fight, that was to send!

Or send in the send!

Prince and Galio were so fast. The extra wild monsters that Factory Manager and Prince ate in the early stage made him higher than Spider.

This wave and Lin Kong were both level 6.

EQR directly framed Big Brother-in-law, Xiye had no space to tp at all, and even 957 on the top lane wanted to tp to 5 vs. 4, but it didn't work.

Prince EQR, Galio's ultimate, a very large range of ultimate knocking up.

There is no way to save the big mouth.

It was melted in an instant.

Zero's Lulu could only use flash and walk back, waiting for Galio's ultimate to end, and then TP in the middle and top.

WE just managed to save the bottom lane tower.

But the big mouth still didn't get anything.

Uzi's rat had 70 knives, and he only had a pitiful 36 knives.

In just over 7 minutes, he was suppressed by so many last hits and fell behind by one level.

After the TP of 957 in the top lane, the top lane no longer had an advantage.

EDG here, retreated after killing the big mouth, and the tactical execution was extremely good.

"So strong, this Galio has such a terrifying suppression power."

In the preparation room, Hongmi frowned and stared at Galio.

At present, WE's bottom lane was caught like this, which was an outcome he never expected.

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