Lin Kong suddenly moved and saw the icon of his ultimate skill appear on his body.

Xiaohuasheng was also a little anxious. Just now, he gave his shield to Kennen. He thought Huni would start a team fight immediately.

Who knew that Lin Kong suddenly showed up halfway.

He also gave him his ultimate skill!

When Lin Kong landed, Xiaohuasheng knew that he was finished.

There were four people around him, and Tam was looking at him lovingly.

Ahri was on the flank, and at most he would come over to cast a WQE.

Bang was still looking for a good position...

If you want to ask Kennen?

Uh... is he soaking in stomach acid?

Lin Kong landed, with god-level hand speed, double Q followed by E, and then a flat attack.

He also moved to avoid Ahri's chain.

Xiaohuasheng saw the speed at which his health dropped sharply, and he didn't dare to stand still, and immediately flashed to Faker's position.

Lin Kong used R to retreat to a safe position, and even passed by Tam who was eating Kennen. The scene was so funny.

However, the SKT players could not laugh. After Lin Kong finished his attack, Peanut was left with little health.

Xiaoju was dealt with by the people behind EDG, which was equivalent to killing one player at the beginning.

Moreover, EDG's formation was perfectly opened, and Gragas stood at the front, always looking for Bang's rat.

Rat's invisibility ended immediately, and the team battle was completely impossible.

The SKT players were very clear. After the team battle, Gragas used a big move to kill Kennen.

Without Peanut's protection, Bang's rat would not have any good output space.

They could only retreat.

That is, Leblanc, Rat, and even Peanut could leave.

But Tam who ate Kennen in front and walked very slowly could not do it!

Tam was blown back by Mouse's Gragas big move, and Kennen who had just been spit out was killed together.

Both died!

"Double kill!!"

Uzi got two kills, and Colonel Guan shouted excitedly.

EDG's kill ratio was also pulled to 5-0, and more importantly, they also got the most critical second dragon.

With the water dragon in hand, SKT can be perfectly suppressed in the laning phase.

Seeing this, Coach Kouma frowned and stopped watching. He knew that SKT was likely to lose this game.

In the preparation room on the other side, Abu cheered. At the moment, it can be seen that they are about to defeat SKT!

In two years, since that MSI, EDG has not had such an exciting moment.

In the official live broadcast room, four people stood and watched the show for Lin Kong's shocking five people just now.

It was also said that it was too fun, and hoped that Lin Kong would continue to perform well and play the same trick again in the next team battle.

The audience was also attracted by Lin Kong's magical operation every time. It was the first time for them to see someone play a Zed to such an extent.

From the initial disdain to the current respect, this is e-sports, strength is supreme.


"Brothers, play well, and win with operations!"

Ziyi also shouted loudly, facing SKT directly and fighting to this extent.

Ziyi was already very happy, not to mention that they were just one step away from defeating SKT!

This last step, accompanied by the refresh of the big dragon, is coming soon!

Before the big dragon group, the two sides also clashed constantly. SKT killed mouse and Ziyi once, and got two heads for Faker and Bang.

Similarly, EDG ate two more heads, all of which were taken by Lin Kong, and the head ratio came to 7 to 2.

The economic gap was about 5,000, and EDG had a big advantage in the situation, occupying the position of the big dragon pit early.

However, SKT's strong strength, coupled with top-level understanding of the line of soldiers

When EDG wanted to kill the dragon, they kept pulling and making it difficult for EDG to start.

The dragon was shot again and again, three times in a row.

Until the 27th minute, the dragon was not taken, and the economy dropped from 5000 at the beginning to 4000.

"This is SKT, the biggest enemy of LPL, with extremely strong pulling and operating capabilities. In this case, EDG is in a dilemma!"

"Or it's too difficult. SKT's ability to handle the line of soldiers is too strong. EDG is exhausted and can't start the dragon in front of SKT. Kennen is not nothing!"

"EDG currently has no good way to break the deadlock."

"The economy is also beginning to be recovered..."

"Let's see if my brother Kong can find an opportunity to catch a single in this situation."

"As long as we catch it, we can take down the dragon!"

Colonel Guan's face was full of anxiety, and he was looking forward to whether Lin Kong could help EDG break the current deadlock.

The audience in the live broadcast room was alsoAnxious, no one expected that EDG would fight SKT to this extent with such a big advantage in the early stage.

SKT is indeed strong enough as an enemy, which makes people feel suffocated.

Many fans have already taken quick-acting heart-saving pills. If SKT turns the tables with such a big advantage, everyone will be angry to death. Take the medicine to save your life first.

But in difficult situations, that man never disappoints!

After finding a flaw in Huni's single-handedness, Lin Kong gave the fans a satisfactory answer.


There is no stalemate in ninjutsu!

Forbidden ultimate! Instant Prison Shadow Killing Formation

Lin Kong hid in the bushes in the bottom lane, waiting for Kennen for a long time, and used his ultimate skill first.

Three flowers gathered at the top, reappearing today!

The sudden appearance of Zed surprised Huni, and he pressed his ultimate skill repeatedly, but for the flexible Zed.

Kennen's ultimate skill is just like a toy.

After the three flowers gathered at the top, Lin Kong used R to go back to avoid Kennen's ultimate and Q skills.

Seeing that it was impossible to kill, Huni wanted to run away.

As a result, Lin Kong used W to go back, and was stunned by Kennen after hitting EA.

But for Huni, his life was like a candle in the wind!


"Shadow Master kills Violent Heart!"

"Brothers, kill the dragon, I'll be in position immediately!"

Lin Kong completed a solo kill in the bottom lane, and above, EDG occupied a perfect geographical position in the dragon pit and started to attack the dragon again.

Now it's five against four, with an economic lead, the real advantage is mine.

"It's Zed again!"

"It's my brother Kong again, he has become the hero of EDG again and helped EDG break the deadlock!"

Lin Kong killed alone, and Colonel Guan, who was Kong's fan, shouted excitedly.

EDG's deadlock was broken, and SKT was also confused.

I really want to have a four-on-four game with EDG without Kennen.

As for the result, it's obvious!

Without Kennen's ability to start a team fight and restrict, how could the remaining four SKT members control Uzi's Kog'Maw, who had Lulu, the seventh god-equipped exclusive to Kog'Maw, next to him!

Under the perfect protection of Lulu and Gragas, Uzi got a double kill, and Warlock's Warwick killed Rat, leaving only Faker's Leblanc to escape alone!

After taking down the Baron, EDG's victory was set!

One minute later, all EDG members' equipment was fully replenished, allowing Lin Kong to carry 41 points and press into SKT's high ground.

During the Baron time, two SKT high grounds were demolished.

They were also ready to go back and take down the fourth dragon!

The economy was pulled apart by nearly 10,000, and all SKT members knew that there was little hope of victory. In the end, they fought desperately, handled the soldiers, chased out, and planned to fight EDG in the dragon fight and the end of the dragon time.

As a result, without vision, two SKT players were ambushed.

The remaining three people couldn't defend their home at all.

Just over 30 minutes later, EDG broke through the SKT base!

The live broadcast room was boiling, "EDG is awesome!"

"EDG, awesome!"

"My eyes were filled with tears!"

"Wow, Kong Ge is awesome!"

"That's how it should be, this is the EDG I want, crush SKT!!!"

"Kong Ge, lead EDG to win the championship."

"Kong Ge, I declare that I am your biggest fan now!"

"Go, not only win the group stage, but also win all the rest, win the championship with all wins, let everyone understand that a moment is not eternal, and my LPL will also win the championship one day!"

The screen full of EDG's awesomeness represents the mood of the audience.

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