League’s All-around Mid Laner

Chapter 142: Abandoned house r!

"Chong!" TOP Tiger roared at this time, invigorating the somewhat dim atmosphere in the lounge.

At this time, he was in a state of a tiger descending the mountain, it can be said that the **** is blocking and killing the god.

The incense pot also got up and twisted his neck, "This round must be won!"

Uzi was still sitting in the chair, his hands trembling slightly.

They already know the enemy in the next game, SKT.

Although this season, SKT is only a third place in the LCK, but don't forget that they were once the invincible triple crown dynasty in LOL history.

Being dragged down by Ueno, SKT, despite being slightly weak this season, still owns Faker and Bang. With both of them, SKT will not be a weak team.

Most importantly, Faker has always been Uzi's nightmare.

Whether it's S3's 3-0 sweep or S7's five Galio, Faker has always been like a mountain, blocking Uzi, when his dream of winning the championship is ruthlessly shattered.

Now in this life and death situation, Uzi once again faced Faker, which was a big test for him.

At this time, Chen Yuan came over and patted Uzi on the shoulder, "I'm on the court."

Uzi's trembling hand suddenly stopped shaking, and he got up to join the yelling team, and walked to the stage arrogantly.

Watching the players walk towards the stage, Brother Feng's frowning brows have not been unraveled. He took a look at RW, who had not yet appeared on the stage, and sighed slightly.

On the way, the five people had a face-to-face meeting with the returning IG people.

"Come on! Yuanzi brother, Gouye!" There was no smile on Ah Shui, who lost the game, his face was quite serious.

Players from both sides entered the field and the BP session officially began.

In this round, SKT has the right to choose the side. They chose the red side.

RNG first ban first selection, first ban, Feng Ge directly to Galio.

With the smile of the winner, SKT coach kkoma banned the vampire and the sword demon.

"RNG banned the Crow and Morgana again. SKT's last ban was the Sealing Nightmare!"

"Grab Luo first!" Brother Feng said calmly. Since Luo is released, there is no reason not to take it.

"The version's strongest support Luo did not ban, RNG used the blue side to take the lead!" Remember to make a live commentary in the commentary booth, "SKT has locked up sister pig and Kai'Sa."

Once again it was RNG's turn to select candidates, Feng Ge asked Chen Yuan with a smile, "Do you really want to take it?"

"Take it!" Chen Yuan nodded affirmatively, Sut dared to take it, why didn't he dare?

In everyone's attention, RNG locked the barrel with second and third hands...and Yasuo!

"Come!" Miller excitedly said loudly: "Yuanzi's four guarantees and one Yasuo! The first game that EDG failed to win, I RNG will help you win!"

SKT chose Daomei for the third hand.

In the second round of BP, SKTban lost the prince and the stone man with two strong blows, and Feng Ge was banned by Shen and Niutou as two assists.

Four guarantees and one Yasuo’s core secrets let Yasuo directly enter the arena through a knock-out. The emphasis is on a linkage. So Shen, the hero, must not be released. The bull’s head also means the same thing. Two strong knocks are not conducive. Yasuo output must also be held down.

"SKT chooses to support Tam first, leaving Conte to the top laner..." Miller saw that this move was a little surprised, wondering if your top laner deserves a conte position?

"What do you want to fly?" Brother Feng asked, "Aoun, Big Bug, Thain..."

Xiaohu decided for a while, but he quickly came up with the answer, "Sion, I'm highly proficient with this hero."

This is not to say, the old driver's proficiency, Xiaohu is indeed a must, and the hero of Thain is not afraid to choose first, after all, it is a panacea.

"RNG locked up Thain and EZ with the last two hands, and made up the third knockout." I remember looking at this lineup, frowning slightly: "The promise is still outside, the Thain fighter can't beat it, right?"

Immediately afterwards, SKT directly locked the promised hand with the last hand.

Miller was a little uncomfortable, "Then whether the tiger can resist the pressure of the promised hand in this game is the key to the situation..."

At this point, the lineup of the two sides has taken shape.

Blue RNG: Thain, Keg, Yasuo, EZ, Luo.

Red party SKT: Nuoshou, Pig Girl, Dao Girl, Kai'Sa, Tam.

Summoner's Canyon appears, and five heroes appear in the spring water!

Both sides did not intend to invade. After each purchased the equipment, they stood at the entrance of their own wild area. Both sides chose to open the game.

RNG is a blue square, and the purpose of the incense pot and wine barrels is to protect a wave of tigers all the way up.

As for the black emperor on the opposite side as the red side, the purpose of the red opening is not well understood, maybe he wants to catch it.

In the middle lane, Chen Yuan brought the Conqueror and TP this time. After the **** lane, he directly pressed forward and did not give the sword girl a chance to touch the **** lane.

Although his opponent was Faker this time, he didn't have the slightest fear, but became more calm.

The first-level Yasuo is very strong, but the first-level full-passive Sword Girl is stronger, so he should try to delay the full-passive time of Sword Sister as much as possible to grab some resources for himself.

Yasuo [Zhangang Flash] stabbed out, slammed three small soldiers horizontally, knocked down the blood volume of the soldier line, and at the same time, he kept leveling A, and slashed the melee soldiers one by one.

Faker is operating the sword girl standing behind at this time, he is not in a hurry, because sooner or later the line of soldiers will be stale. He only needs to wait until that opportunity to use Q to take down three melee soldiers with stubborn blood, and the line right in the middle is still It's still his.

After a few seconds, the enemy's melee soldiers took the lead in the residual blood. Chen Yuan raised the knife and fell. AQA accepted three melee soldiers, but soon, the three of his own soldiers also entered the residual blood state.

Faker's Sword Girl began to slowly move forward, wanting to take this opportunity to regain the line right, and no longer hesitate, [Blade Impact] pointed directly at the residual blood soldier.


The Hayate Swordsman gave a soft drink, and a hurricane flowed from the blade, accurately knocking away the sprinting Sword Girl.

"Wow!!!" I remember the moment the pitch rose sharply, "Brother Yuanzi's wind broke the Q of Sword Sister! Sister Sword Q skill CD is extremely long, that is to say, in a short time, the line right of the middle lane is all Yasuo's!"

Chen Yuan's hanging heart at this moment was slightly relieved. In fact, his operations and reactions were not enough to guarantee that he would be able to interrupt Dao Girl Q 100%. This wave still brought a little luck.

But fortunately, he succeeded.

At the second level, Chen Yuan learned E quickly, Yasuo continued to move forward, and quickly rushed to the sword girl, first flat A to trigger the conqueror, and then followed by a Q on the sword girl.

Faker reacted quickly. When Yasuoping A cut out, his blade started to swing, but his level was one level lower, and there was no blessing from the conqueror, so A was not benefited.

Chen Yuan continued to chase Dao Sister A twice, and then E went straight back.

In between these few encounters, Sister Dao was directly chopped for nearly half of her blood, but Yasuo didn't lose much blood because of the passive shield.

"The mid-lane advantage has been played out..." Miller said happily, "If you want to play Yasuo with Sword Girl, you don't want to see who is playing Yasuo!"

After pushing the line forward, Chen Yuan took advantage of the time when the sword girl was closing the tower and going down the knife, got into the river, and went to the opposite F6 to take a look. F6 was empty.

Now the third wave of soldiers has just arrived. If it is Lan Kai Zhu Mei, it is certain that F6 cannot be brushed at this point in time.

"The opposite jungler is red." Chen Yuan made a signal at F6, using his laning advantage to bring some information to the team.

"OK." The Bottom Duo got the message and moved a little bit back.

But after this wave, his advantage in the mid lane is almost gone. When the sword girl finishes this wave of tower knives, the position of the mid lane will be directly reversed...The sword girl who is full of passive hands, he will go up again. Just send.

However, Chen Yuan was not in a hurry, Yasuo stood quietly behind to eat experience, waiting for the opponent to push the line of soldiers over.

At this time, Chen Yuan's left hand kept pressing F2-F5, and the screen kept cutting to and fro, observing the teammate's alignment.

The laning of Xiaohu on the road is not good, he can only squat behind and use his skills to eat soldiers, and he is about to enter the three-minute tower knife stage, but the incense pot has been brushed and the BUFF is ready to be on the road.

On the bottom lane, Uzi's line is still stable, because the opposite support is Tam's reason, so the line is very easy to play. At this time, the **** line has just been pushed over, but the pig **** the opposite side has not appeared, and Uzi dare not go up. Oppressive.

"The incense pot is about to be caught, the opposite side has just pushed the line into the tower, and I haven't had time to look at it..." I remembered a little agitated, "Can Shanglu Nuo catch it to death?"

In fact, this is completely fart. There is a downside to the promised hand in the game. It is limited by tactics and can only carry TP. The promised hand without sprinting will greatly reduce the line pressure and escape ability.

After the third-level wine barrel of the incense pot was wrapped around, grabbing a deep-pressing promise hand, it was naturally a hand to grab, the wine barrel was filled with strong wine, pin E in the hand and use the red BUFF to slow down and chase A.

After Xiaohu used the flash Q to force the promise to flash, the incense pot followed up with an E, and if the flash was not handed in, he would take a blood.

At the same time, Sister Pig also appeared in the bot lane, but Uzi and Xiao Ming had been reminded by Chen Yuan in the morning and were on guard, so they did not let Sister Pig succeed.

From time to time, the situation on RNG's side is very good.

After seeing it almost, Sword Sister finally pushed the line of soldiers over, and Chen Yuan began to make up the tower knife.

He did not choose to slowly repair the tail knife, but directly violently cleared the line with Q, because Faker would definitely return to the city to replenish the equipment after pushing the line.

If you don't return to the city, you won't be able to hit the lane.

However, with the existence of the E skill, Yasuo is also very difficult to miss the knife. Between the two EQs, the minions accept all without fail, and the next wave of ordinary soldiers is also the same, which is also quickly cleared.

When the soldier line pushed the tower, the sword girl who returned to the city to replenish the equipment happened to be on the line and made no mistake.

Chen Yuan pressed TAB and saw that Sister Dao had two more long swords, but his financial situation was not too different. He bought a pair of shoes, a short sword and a real eye.

The situation in the middle lane is relatively stable. After all, no one can do anything, but Chen Yuan doesn't want stability. To break the deadlock, he can only use big moves.

"Daddy Wild, come here! The soldier line is coming right away." Chen Yuan began to shake people, "Save the child! I can't make up the knife!"

"Don't call, don't call!" The incense pot was not in a hurry, and continued to sullenly brush the wild. "Aren't you making up the knife almost the same? I'll wait for my sixth level."

"OK OK!" Chen Yuan felt much settled after receiving Ye Dad's promise.

When he went online again, the eighth wave of soldiers just entered the tower, and the ninth wave of soldiers was about to come. As long as he had eaten the first three melee soldiers of the ninth wave, he would be promoted to level 6.

A bold idea breeds in Chen Yuan's heart.

After Yasuo cleared the tower, he immediately pushed forward and hit the three melee soldiers with an EQ. Even if he sacrificed a certain amount of blood, he still had to grab this sixth level.

Of course, Faker wouldn't let go of the 6th grab. He ignored Yasuo on his face, and charged his power on the spot, hitting the three small soldiers and piercing Yasuo's white shield at the same time.

Soon, the melee soldiers on both sides turned into residual blood in the duel, and the heroes on both sides began to move at the same time.

Chen Yuan found an angle to clear three melee soldiers with a QA, and went up to level six. Faker did the same. His three Q skills increased to six, and he passively came to the full floor at the same time.

"Are you going to fight in the middle?" Miller looked at the scene on the screen, a little nervous.

At this moment, Chen Yuan’s attention was concentrated 120%. Theoretically, he only needs to hide Sister Dao and E and R, then he can beat this wave...

It's difficult to say, but in fact, as long as you are focused and prepared for countermeasures in advance, it is actually not that difficult.

Yasuo and Sword Girl made a score against A, then Chen Yuan decisively moved the E soldier away, then moved slightly, and another E went back, and at the same time, he pressed Q. He had already Q twice before, and at this time a ring tornado was in the air. Formed at the feet of Dao Mei.

Faker didn't evade at this time. Taking advantage of Yasuo's EQ's stiffness, [Bi Wing Double Blade] quickly pulled out, wanting to take this opportunity to stun Yasuo.

The tornado blew Sword Sister high, Chen Yuan looked at the double-edged blade beside him, with no waves on his face, and gently pressed the E skill, Yasuo used Sword Sister as the pedal and moved again, avoiding this segment at the extreme distance. control.

"?" Faker was a little puzzled. He just came over with E. Why can he lose E so quickly?

His Yasuo proficiency is not low, and he quickly figured out the reason. He knew that Yasuo's first level E CD is 0.5 seconds, like the situation just now, it must be impossible to throw a second E, unless this Yasuo is Lord E's.

Level 3 E, CD 0.3 seconds, Chen Yuan used two skill points to grab 0.2 seconds for him to help him avoid this period of double-winged swords.

The battle continued. Chen Yuan looked at the knife girl who was knocked into the air.

Faker frowned slightly at this time, but he still had a chance in this wave, Sword Sister turned around after landing and threw a big move directly at Yasuo.

Chen Yuan said with no reaction now, seeing the moment when Sister Sword's movements changed, he quickly pressed W, Yasuo created a wall of wind, and directly confiscate Sword Sister's sword formation by sticking to his face.

"The wind wall blocked the big move!" Remember to shout, "Brother Yuanzi reacted so fast!"

At the same time, the Q skills improved, and he slammed the sword directly on the sword girl.

Faker saw that neither the big move nor the E was hit, and knew that this wave must be overwhelmed, so he smeared the soles of his feet, but Chen Yuan’s Yasuo was out of the shoes, and the speed itself was fast, chasing all the way. Continue to chop.

The Conqueror's already full of Yasuo damage is extremely high, every knife can chop off a large amount of blood of the sword girl.

The Q skill CD turned better again, faker knew in his heart, and immediately started to turn his head left and right.

As long as the next Q can be twisted, Na Yasuo can't get out of the wind, so naturally he can't kill himself. It doesn't matter if he gets chopped a few more times.


Q is in.

Chen Yuan has a sneer at the corner of his mouth, who are you talking to?

After this Q, ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Sword Girl's blood volume officially fell below three hundred, as long as the next big move is blown, that person will be gone.

Faker started to plan again. He has a flash now. Later, he only needs to flash to avoid the hair dryer, and he can still run...

So he focused at this time, staring at Yasuo's movements, as long as he raised his hand to get out of the wind, he would flash.

"Hace here!"

But Chen Yuan would never follow his script, Yasuo raised his right hand, and at the moment when the wind was about to blow out, a golden light flashed all over his body, teleporting to appear beside Sword Sister.

Q flashes!

Originally, the distance between the two heroes is actually not far, and even a flash may even flash.

Therefore, Chen Yuan's decisive short-range Q flash was unexpected to Faker. The sword energy tornado blew out, and the sword girl flew away with his face.

Gently flatten an A, then apply the big move [Slash in the Wind], and then hit an A after landing.

Complete the achievement.


The first time you play Faker, you will be successful if you can kill it solo.

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