League’s All-around Mid Laner

: One hundred and sixty-six 5 kills! Uzi's crazy slaughter!

After Xiaohu entered the tower, he directly started his hand. Thain drove W and hit the crab with a face-to-face big move, cooperating with the stone bird who entered the arena to immediately drop the third-level crab in seconds!

King Ning's Kayin entered the game with a Q and chopped two people, but this was not messy.

Xiaohu flashed out of the tower. At this time, with half of his blood left, he even slashed Kayn with an axe backhand, extremely arrogant.

At this moment, Brother Feng in the lounge took a sigh of relief. Their team has been secretly practicing the line-swap system since the beginning of the regular season. At this moment, they finally got a successful implementation!

This line-changing routine has bought enough development time for Kai'Sa, and the weakness of the opposite side makes it difficult for the opposite side to play in the upper middle field.

Next, they only need to maintain these three-way advantages, and the odds of winning the game are extremely high!

The game quickly reached ten minutes, at which time the economic gap between the two sides had reached two thousand.

However, IG has always been known for all kinds of unreasonable small team battles. In the face of economic disadvantages, they will not shrink and operate, but will actively seek opportunities to capture people.

In the middle, Rookie's Ryze already has a good line pushing ability. After he quickly finished pushing the line, he actively called up and started to align with the bottom lane. They also understood that if you want to win, you must catch Uzi!

Kai'Sa has the right to push the line against the ice. At this time, although he was slightly behind with the supplementary knife, he still pushed the line under Uzi's tower.

When Rookie and King Ning approached the bottom road, they would open their ultimate move, and a portal opened after a tower.

"Rookie is driving here...A wave of four packs and twos are coming down the road!" The doll exclaimed: "Both Yuanzi and Karsa are in the middle, so I can't support them!"

Xiao Ming's Bloom did not retreat while holding the shield. The anti-theft door absorbed almost all the ballistics, and at the same time, his blood volume was dropping sharply.

IG is still in charge of resisting the tower. Tam has been at level six at this time. After being shot into the residual blood by the tower, he activates the E skill, and a thick white shield appears on his body, resisting pressure without pressure.

Uzi knew that he couldn't run away, and set fire to Kayn next to Bron, but the damage was still a little short. After Kayn killed Bron, he used his ultimate move to get into Kai'Sa's body to complete the wave of four packs. two!

"Ice Remnant Blood, Tam Remnant Blood, Kayn Remnant Blood, RNG's side is a little bit close!" The doll said loudly, "There is a TP on RNG's side! Stone Sparrow has also started the big move, and it seems that he doesn't intend to let it go. They go!"

The time to cross the tower was not short. After rushing on for a long time, Karsa finally ran a long enough distance. The rock sparrow came by a stone wall and blocked the retreat of the IG four!

At the same time, TP lights up under the RNG tower! It is TOP tiger!

After Thain TP landed, he drove directly and charged towards the enemy four people sealed by the stone wall!

The cool jet cannons of Tyrannice Alien came galloping, and IG did not hesitate. Ryze, Ice, and Tamm flashed across the wall at the same time, leaving only the remnant and non-flashing King Ning. Was directly hit to death by Thain!

At the same time, RNG's counterattack was not over yet. After Rock Sparrow came along the stone wall, Shi Chuan Jia Quarry directly took Tam.

"Kill the rock bird, kill the rock bird!" Rookie yelled here. In this case, he didn't want to run, but called Ah Shui to fight back.

Ah Shui itself is a radical character, of course, he doesn't need to command, the ice shooter has already hit the rock sparrow with a W!

Ryze and Hanbing's stance output is extremely high, and the damage falls on the crispy rock finches, directly crippling Karsa's rock finches!

Karsa flicked to escape, Rookie's Ryze also flicked and chased, and forcibly killed the rock sparrow!

But at this moment, news came that Frost Bing had been killed.

"Brother Yuanzi's Zoe is here!" Miller exclaimed, "Hanbing was directly killed by a flying star, and the next Ryze can't escape!"

"Zoe picked up three flashes in a row to pursue! Rookie was eventually killed, and RNG played a wave of three for four!"

The audience boiled instantly off the field. They were a little worried when they saw that they were overrun the tower, but when they saw the rapid support of RNG's three teammates, they quickly felt relieved.

Twelve minutes later, after Karsa was resurrected, he cooperated with his teammates in the middle and lower to control the first dragon, which was a fire dragon.

However, the information about holding the dragon revealed the position of Karsa. King Ning knew that the stone bird would definitely go to red buff after holding the dragon.

So Kayn used the E skill to cross the wall and successfully killed the stone sparrow at the red BUFF.

"The invasion of King Ning is quite beautiful!" Chang Mao nodded and praised, "This wave of catching people has opened a good gap for the team! The rock bird died twice in a row, which has a considerable impact on the economy!"

After this wave, Kayn also had enough energy, and he returned to the city and turned into Lan Kai directly.

Lan Kai has a more powerful ability to cut back. Although the combat effectiveness in the late stage is not good, they can't wait for the late stage in this round. They must continue to grab the rhythm in this mid-term.

But RNG is not a vegetarian.

Fourteen minutes, a wave of three packs of one on the road, TheShy, who had just gained a little improvement, returned to the spring again, and the three took the opportunity to take the next tower.

Sixteen minutes later, Chen Yuan's Zoe's big poster face, a hypnotic bubble accurately hit Rookie, and what followed were the big moves of Rock Sparrow and Thain.

Although Rookie cleans up quickly, he still hasn't been chased by Thain and Stone Sparrow! Then a tower in the middle road was also unplugged.

Nineteen minutes later, the RNG people assembled again and began to work on the second dragon, which is also a fire dragon and has important strategic significance.

Obviously, the IG side does not want to let this dragon go, a wave of team battles are on the horizon!

"Take the dragon first!" Chen Yuan commanded loudly. At this time, Stone Sparrow was at the same level as Kayin on the opposite side, and it was time to fight for punishment.

Xiaolong was set on fire by the five RNGs at the same time, and soon reached the residual blood.

At this time, King Ning stood up again, Kayn's Q skill narrowed the distance, a W hit the rock bird, and at the same time a very extreme punishment grabbed the dragon!

Immediately afterwards, Kayn made a big move directly into Stone Sparrow's body.

For one second, two seconds, Kayn waited for a Q skill CD, got out of Rock Sparrow's body, landed on AQ, and shot the electric shock. Lan Kai's damage to the crispy skin was devastating, and Rock Sparrow was immediately killed!

"Grabbing the dragon and killing people, King Ning is so handsome!" The doll yelled: "The four RNGs took away King Ning's head, and at the same time, the frontal fight has already started! Oh! Yuanzi brother was directly crippled by a flying star. Rookie's Ryze!"

"Uzkasha flew! The ultimate move flew behind Ryze to kill him directly! At the same time, he cooperated with his teammates to kill Tam!"

"Both sides played so wonderfully!" Miller couldn't help but exclaimed at this time: "Is this the game between top teams? King Ning grabs the dragon and kills, and Uzi reaps in a series. It makes me dazzled!"

"This wave of IG has played a wave of one for three, but they got Xiaolong, which is actually not a loss!"

Karsa looked at the screen at this time, his eyes flickered, but he quickly adjusted and re-entered the game.

The remaining four RNGs pulled out one tower along the line of troops. At this point, all three towers and one tower have been demolished, and the economic gap has reached four thousand! 11-5

Twenty-six minutes later, the dragon refreshed again, still a fire dragon!

IG is still moving forward and does not intend to let the dragon. The ten people from both sides meet again in Xiaolongkeng, but RNG came earlier, and at this time it is firmly occupying the dominance of Longkeng!

This wave of Chen Yuan took a look at the levels of both sides. Kayin's speed of clearing the wild was quite fast, and at this moment he had already completed the level overtake.

"Don't fight the dragon, just open up people!" Chen Yuan learned the lesson from last time and planned not to give the opponent a chance to punish him.

Karsa's eyes flickered, but there was no objection.

Xiaohu's Thain unlocked the glory of justice and big moves, and the Qiu Ming roller car **** directly and accurately smashed into A Shui who was madly instigating people!

Baolan's Tam came over and swallowed his AD in one bite, saving Ah Shui's life.

Because of Thain’s opening of the group, RNG’s lineup unconsciously stood together and pursued the opponent. At this time, a shadow assassin appeared behind the wall.

Kayn, who was well equipped, suddenly violent, flashed a WQ closer! Lan Kai's two AOE skills hit Zoe, Stone Sparrow and Bron at the same time.

"Oh! King Ning played a wave of beautiful AOE, and all three of them were directly disabled!" Miller was a little dumbfounded at this time, "This opportunity is so beautiful!"

Immediately afterwards, King Ning got into Zoe's body with a big move, and the second stage of the big move broke out and immediately slapped Zoe!

He died without doing anything. Chen Yuan frowned slightly at this time. He didn't expect Kayn to be in this position. It was indeed his carelessness that this wave was dropped.

Immediately afterwards, Uzi's Ka'Sa began to export. He has been eating resources. The economy is well-deserved first in the audience. He has already made Lan cuts, sheep knives, yellow forks, and mercury ribbons.

Kai'Sa first pinged A to take Kayn, and piled up sheep knives. Then he didn't hesitate to fly directly into the enemy crowd with a big move!

On the opposite side, Ryze, Ice, and Crab are all madly exporting Thain, and they have temporarily given up their skills. At this time, Uzi's full sheep knife Kasha enters the arena, it can only be said that the gods are descending!

At this moment, the world is focused on you!

After landing an AQA, Kai'Sa of Lanche Evolution Q was extremely terrifying, and the ice that was almost full of blood in the last second was instantly killed!

The next one is Ryze. Rookie's EW to withstand Kai'Sa, Uzi's mercury solves in seconds, and then walks away from Ryze's EQ, hits Ryze with a backhand, and then kills Ryze!


"Five kills and five kills! Xiao Ming, go up and take control!" Chen Yuan, who was already dead, took over as the spring water commander and continuously directed the team battle.

Xiao Ming also knew that his control show was about to begin. Bron flashed up with an R and knocked the remaining crabs and Tamm off at the same time. At the same time, the security door was raised high to protect Kai'Sa's safety.

Uzi closed the range with an E, and another AQ shot to kill Tam.

Karsa was a Yantu who carried the crab back, and finally under the control of his teammates, Uzi tied A to collect the crab.


"Five kills!" The doll exclaimed: "On the stage of the finals, Uzi completed a wave of five kills harvesting show!"

The audience was full of voices, cheers and the impact of support rods were like thunder, sweeping the entire venue, and the live broadcast room was full of screens [666].

[Uzi took five kills again, and the youth of the Lord is back]

[The five kills are too easy. An AQ can be done in seconds. How to play? 】

[Yuanzige: It's cool to lie down and win! 】

"RNG took advantage of the time of Tuan Mie to get the big dragon!"

Uzi specially waited for a few seconds for Chen Yuan's resurrection, and as the dragon wailed, a circle of purple BUFF appeared on the bodies of the five of them.

With five heads, Uzi's equipment has changed from "luxury" to "just NM outrageous".

Twenty-six minutes, three hundred and twenty dollars, and the seven-headed Kasha directly made a three-piece hurricane set of Lancut sheep knife, plus speed shoes and mercury ribbon, vampire scepter, leading the ice by a whole big Pieces.

Immediately afterwards, RNG began their old zoning. The little tiger's HP at this time has exceeded four thousand. He is like a monster. A person is on the road with a line. As long as the line enters the tower, the blasting knocks out, the blood of the defensive tower. The amount is half and just gone.

The remaining four are looking for opportunities to start a group in the middle.

At this time, Chen Yuan's stage is here. As long as Zoe is one person in E, Tam will have to make W to eat his teammates. At the same time, Fei Xing all kinds of chaos and prizes, if the crispy skin is smashed, he has to go back to the city to replenish his blood.

Twenty-eight minutes, the soldiers line pushed up to the high ground.

Suddenly, Ah Shui's ice shot a rock bird with a big move, and IG actually chose to take the initiative to start the group!

"IG has opened a group! The rock bird is about to be stunned!" Miller did not expect that under this situation, IG was still looking for the opportunity to start a group actively, "Oh God, what is TheShy doing!?"

I saw that TheShy Crab's big move was also shot on the Rock Sparrow. When the teammates maimed the Rock Sparrow, the second stage of the big move started, and the crab flashed directly into the RNG crowd!


TheShy was silent for a round and seized a beautiful opportunity. A big move exploded and frightened the remaining four of RNG.

At the same time, Kayn had already touched Kai'Sa's side through the wall. With Lan Kai's terrifying burst of damage, Kai'Sa would definitely not be able to take it!

Mercury ribbon!

A circle of white light appeared on the feared Kai'Sa, the state of fear disappeared instantly, and then Kai'Sa entered a state of invisibility!

"Are you a hunter or a prey?"

The beautiful team can't smooth this huge economic gap. When Kai'Sa reappeared, it was already in full fire.

Looking at King Ning who was already close, Uzi didn't panic, AQWA, just kill!

At the same time ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Chen Yuan entered the enemy crowd with a big move, and a precise sleep bubble hit Rookie!

This control provides Uzi with a chance to enter the arena. He randomly plays a few CDs of skills such as crabs, and the ultimate [Hunter Instinct] cuts directly!

At this time, Ryze was hit by a flying star from Chen Yuan in his sleep state, and his blood volume was already in danger, while Frost Bing was relatively safe. He was driving Q to Sion Meng A, but the damage was very limited. ...

Kai'Sa enters the field, two rounds tied with A to make up for half of Ritz, and AQA is on the ice again!

Although Chen Yuan was killed by Ryze and Hanbing in seconds, he was already worth his death, and the next crab and Tahm could only be targets.

"Uzi is invincible! He wants to kill everyone!" The doll has difficulty controlling her own language. "Even if IG is the first rock bird, it still can't stop RNG's offensive!"

"RNG once again hit a group destroy!"

The remaining three directly chose a wave.

Next, there were Thain and Kai'Sa, pushing the tower extremely fast, almost in a blink of an eye, the highland tower and the front tooth tower were pulled out.

At the moment when Kayn was resurrected, the IG crystal shattered!

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