Jiang Yichen did what he said. He left the Internet cafe and parted ways with Pan Yun. He rode his bike to the stationery store and bought a thick and large notebook and a bottle of ink.

There is a fountain pen at home, which was given to Jiang Yichen by his uncle on his birthday this year.

The fountain pen is not expensive, probably more than 100 yuan.

Jiang Yichen rarely used it before, because he usually used a gel pen for exams.

But now he wants to write a novel by hand, so he can use this fountain pen.

When he returned home, Jiang Yixin was still watching TV.

Liu Yuanxiu came back first and was preparing dinner.

"Watching TV again."

Jiang Yichen said to his sister with a straight face.

Jiang Yixin pouted,"What's wrong with watching TV? Aren't you watching it too?"

Jiang Yichen glanced at the TV, which was playing"Magic Sword Life and Death Chess".

Although he had some impression of it, he was already past the age of watching TV.

"What's so good about this?"

"Hey, brother, are you stupid? You don't even like watching TV anymore?"

Jiang Yixin asked suspiciously.

Recently, Jiang Yixin really found something wrong. Jiang Yichen, who used to sit with her and watch TV all day on weekends, didn't watch TV anymore. He either read a book or went for a walk or a run.

If they didn't sleep in the same room every day, she would really suspect that Jiang Yichen was possessed by a ghost.

"I don't think there's anything very good to watch on TV. I'm going to do something. Don't bother me if you have nothing to do."

Jiang Yichen waved his hand and went to his desk.

Then he put down his notebook and took out a fountain pen that had been in the drawer for a long time.

The brand of the fountain pen is Hero, which should be a low-end model. Jiang Yichen took it and sucked up the ink, and tried it on a blank paper. It felt okay.

Jiang Yixin came over stealthily at this moment,

"Hey, brother, how come your handwriting suddenly becomes so good?"

"There is nothing good about it, I just learned a little bit."

Jiang Yichen shook his head.

On the white paper, Jiang Yichen wrote his name in Jianghu style, which was very distinctive.

But as he practiced calligraphy every day, his calligraphy (hard pen) broke through the C level, and his learning progress ranked first among all skills, reaching (360/100000).

When the progress reached this stage, Jiang Yichen had a deeper understanding of calligraphy and a deeper understanding of the shortcomings of his calligraphy.

If he wanted to continue to improve, in addition to learning critical strikes, he had to raise his own spirit.

Jiang Yichen thought, if he wrote a novel of 1 million words by hand in this notebook, I believe his calligraphy (hard pen) would be It is planned to rise to A level or above.

Reaching the A level, it is equivalent to the grandmaster in the field of martial arts, right?

I just don’t know if there will be S level, SS level and the like in the future.

If there are these, it will be too difficult to advance.

Nowadays, the learning progress of C level is 100,000 points, and it will be 1 million points when it comes to B level, and 10 million points for A level.

Even if you study critical strikes every day, it will be very difficult to advance to the later stage.

But this is understandable. It is easy to get started, but it is not so easy to really master it, or even become a master.

Jiang Yixin laughed,"I don't understand, but it looks good. Look, how can you write such a beautiful pen stroke, in one go, and beautiful and natural."

"Is it because of the pen your uncle gave you? I want to try it too."

Jiang Yichen said with a smile,"Why don't you think about it's because of my hand?"

As he spoke, he gave the pen to his sister.

Jiang Yixin took the pen and wrote a line of poetry that she liked,"The moon shines on the bed, I wonder if it's frost on the ground."

Jiang Yichen took a look and felt that his sister's handwriting was not bad, neat and upright, and also powerful.

Of course, compared with his own handwriting, it is far worse.

Jiang Yixin pouted and returned the pen to him.

"I'm depressed. Why can't I write in your style when I pick it up?"

"There is a control of strength here. You see, from one stroke to another, you need to pay attention to going from light to heavy.……"

Jiang Yichen explained, but turned around and saw that his sister didn't want to listen."

"Hehe, it's almost the same, as long as you can't recognize it."

Jiang Yixin shrugged, and then ran to watch TV.

Jiang Yichen shook his head, he couldn't do anything about his sister.

Then he ignored her and began to think about what to write.

According to his previous life, the novels at that time were completely different from now. There were more system-based cool articles, just like the learning critical system he has now.

The growth of the protagonist has been accelerated, and the cool points are more concentrated.

Although some routines for fighting monsters and upgrading are still the same, they are more obvious.

The novels that Jiang Yichen reads now are not like this.

The names of the novels are not long, usually 2 words or 4 or 5 words.

The plot is also slowly unfolding, not too anxious, but more attentive to the foreshadowing of the plot, the shaping of the characters, and the display of coincidences and conflicts.

Jiang Yichen thought about it and wrote novels in accordance with the era.

Nowadays, he just wants to write those fast and cool articles, and it is estimated that today's readers cannot accept it.

Maybe, I can't even sign a contract!

It's better to be more cautious.

Jiang Yichen suddenly remembered that Shenji had written a novel called"Eternal Life" a few years later. It was very popular, with very rich settings and sophisticated writing. It can be said to be unique.

You can"borrow from it" and write a similar fantasy novel. Then you have to think about it carefully.

There are five major realms: physical body, magical power, longevity, immortality, and immortality.

Each major realm has 10 small realms.

The division and setting of each realm are very sophisticated and can support the development of the novel in the later stage.

Of course, Jiang Yichen will not write it completely.

Jiang Yichen opened the notebook and began to set it up.

The division of realms, well, can basically be borrowed, that is, you don't need ten realms in the future, just five or six small realms.

For example, the realm of body forging, the realm of magical power, the realm of the king of gods, the realm of heavenly immortals, and the realm of creation. As for the protagonist, his name is Jiang Han.

The heroine, Jiang Qingxue


Relying on his memory, Jiang Yichen slowly designed the general plot.

Of course, after all, this was a novel he had read many years ago, and he had almost forgotten many of the plots except for the ones that he remembered most. Jiang Yichen planned to sort out the general development context first and then slowly enrich the plot.

And he needed to spend time and think carefully about some plot ideas, which had to be both exciting and good-looking.

After dinner, Jiang Yichen wrote and wrote all night, and his writing ability and calligraphy level continued to improve.

When it was time to go to bed, Jiang Yichen had already started the first chapter

"Chapter 1: The Ten Stages of Physical Training"

"Daqian Dynasty, Jiangzhou City, the first family, the Jiang family……"

He did not use the Jianghu style, but rather cursive writing, which flowed quickly under the black fountain pen.

Jiang Yichen's mind was empty, and his thoughts were constantly running.

Thinking while writing made his learning critical strikes happen all the time, and every time a critical strike occurred, his thoughts would be instantly opened up. His ideas flowed like a spring, and his writing was like diabetic mellitus. In just over an hour, Jiang Yichen wrote the first chapter. It was more than 5 pages of paper, and when he wrote to the end, Jiang Yichen could no longer control his writing hand, and it began to become messy.

But no matter what, Jiang Yichen's first chapter has been completed.

The title of the book was named"Eternal Life of Creation" by Jiang Yichen.》


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