On Monday, there were professional classes again.

However, Meng Deqiang and his friends had gotten used to it. Jiang Yichen would not attend the economics class in the morning.

They also always thought that Jiang Yichen took computer classes in the morning and economics classes in the afternoon.

But that was not the case. Jiang Yichen did not attend professional classes in the afternoon.

""What's wrong with Yichen? Why doesn't he come to the professional class?" Seeing the time was up, Meng Deqiang asked in confusion.

Zhang Ping shook his head,"How can I guess what Brother Jiang is thinking?"

"Isn't he afraid of failing the exam? Damn it." Meng Deqiang was also very speechless."Fortunately, our teacher never calls the roll, otherwise I don't know how to deal with him."

"I'll interrogate him later to see if he was seduced by the girl from the computer department."Zhang Ping said

"Brother Jiang is here."

Qin Tian had been paying attention to the door, and when he saw Jiang Yichen, he said hurriedly.

Then he gestured with his hand.

Jiang Yichen came in with his computer bag on his back and sat next to Qin Tian.

The teacher on the stage also saw him, but did not stop and continued his course.

From the listening experience, the teacher's teaching was still very good, but the only thing that made Jiang Yichen feel boring was that the speed of the lecture was too slow, so he had to learn the later content by himself.

Therefore, Jiang Yichen did not even bring a book.

"Why are you back so late?"

"It's too late to go to the library to read." Jiang Yichen shrugged.

"Damn, you work so hard, don’t you need to take a nap at noon?"

"Just close your eyes for a while."

Jiang Yichen whispered,"Listen to the class carefully."

As he spoke, he turned on the computer and prepared to check the stocks.

It would be 3 o'clock in half an hour.

In front of him were red and green lines.

The first thing that came into view was Haitong shares.

Jiang Yichen had bought this stock at the beginning of the summer vacation.

At that time, it was less than 1.9 yuan per share.

But now it has risen to 10 yuan per share!

It has become the most profitable stock among Jiang Yichen's current stock selections.

Jiang Yichen has bought 4,200 lots so far.

The current stock market value is 4.2 million.

Qin Tian was close, so he came over to take a look quietly,"Brother Jiang, I also bought Haitong shares like you. You are making so much money now, are you still holding it?"

"Continue to hold, I think it will still rise by the end of the year"


"Of course, this is just my intuition, you may not agree with me. You can sell it when you have made enough money."Jiang Yichen did not plan to reduce his position, so he turned to look at other stocks. After looking at the market, he started to choose new stocks.

The royalties for September will be in hand soon.

By then, Jiang Yichen will have nearly 500,000 yuan of spare money to invest in the stock market. At present,

Meituan no longer needs Jiang Yichen to invest his own money. Wouldn't it be more fun to burn investors' money?

Not only that, he doesn't have to put his own money in, and the company still has to pay him a salary!

Jiang Yichen's current salary is not very high. As the general manager, his monthly salary is 100,000 yuan.

With this income, Jiang Yichen has become a financially free college student.

Qin Tian thought about it,"I'll follow Brother Jiang closely anyway. I just bought Haitong shares today, and it went up a bit. It's much better than my previous stock trading."

"The stock market is like this, there are ups and downs, the key is to have a long-term vision."Jiang Yichen talked about his own philosophy.

Under the sensitive buff, Jiang Yichen quickly analyzed the messy and disorganized K-line chart in front of him in his mind.

In addition to looking at the lines, Jiang Yichen also looked at the trading situation.

In particular, looking back at the trading records of important periods, he closed his eyes and carefully calculated the probability of ups and downs and the general trend in the future in his mind.

Although Jiang Yichen cannot be completely accurate, as far as the self-selected stocks in front of him are concerned, Jiang Yichen's hunch after daily inventory and the situation on the day are not far apart.

However, there are many variables in the stock market, but the real big variables are still in the market.

Once there is any movement in the market, those in the stock market who have information in advance will change the fastest.

Jiang Yichen does not have any reference to internal information. What supports his stock selection and buying and selling is his feeling about stocks.

This feeling is very mysterious, but the more mysterious skill buffs are here, and Jiang Yichen believes it very much.


Jiang Yichen suddenly saw a strange stock trend.

Some hidden multiple washes washed away retail investors.

This stock is likely to reach the daily limit.

At this moment, Jiang Yichen was sensitive to the stock trend chart, but he smelled a hint of the daily limit.

A ST stock actually has this ability?

Seeing that the time was approaching, Jiang Yichen immediately placed a buy order, and 500,000 yuan was immediately smashed.

A large order was not enough to make the K-line chart rise a little bit.

It immediately fell again.

"Brother Jiang, this stock is about to hit the limit, why don't you buy it?" Qin Tian frowned, very puzzled.

"Maybe it can’t fall any lower!"

"Will be stuck"

"Take it and see first."

Jiang Yichen has his own experience in stock trading, so he naturally doesn't care about the person next to him who can lose 30,000 yuan out of 100,000 yuan.

【Ding! Your stock trading skill critical hit rate is 48, and the current learning progress has increased by 1.2%. Congratulations, your stock trading skill level has been promoted to B level! The current skill learning progress is 0.1%】

B-level stock trading skills?

Jiang Yichen's mouth curled up slightly.

When there was this random reward, Jiang Yichen was also very happy, and he thought that the system would be able to draw it for him.

I didn't expect that this skill was achieved through my continuous learning and practice.

The B-level level, if nothing else, can at least surpass 95% of the stock trading population.

Of course, sometimes the situation is not good, the market is not strong, and the money may be kept in Alipay, and this financial management can still surpass 90% of the population.

And just looking at the economy is not enough. China's economic strength has been rising, but the A-share market has remained at around 2000-3000.

It's unbelievable.

After turning off the computer, Jiang Yichen listened carefully for a while until the end of the first class.

"Brother Jiang, did you teach Qin Tian how to trade stocks?"

"No, I just looked at the stock situation."

"I checked before class, the market is doing very well today, the National Day has just started, and the market is rising."

"Well, the market should be good these days."

Meng Deqiang licked his lips,"You only have 5,000 yuan, and you are so serious?"

"Humph, look at how I, the stock god, made 5 million from 5,000 yuan." Zhang Ping was a little indignant.

"You think too much. If 5,000 can be hyped up to 10,000, you have to increase the price by 100%"

"……"Zhang Ping was not convinced,"Then why can Brother Jiang earn five or six times more?"

"Zhang Ping, don't compare yourself to me, or you'll get depressed." Jiang Yichen patted his head gently, showing some concern.

Zhang Ping rolled his eyes.

Jiang Yichen packed his things and said,"I won't be attending these freshman professional courses. Let me know when you have exams.""

"No way, Yichen, you don’t come to class. How are you going to take the exam? You’re going to fail!"

"If you fail too many courses, the school will persuade you to drop out!"

Meng Deqiang was very anxious and couldn't understand Jiang Yichen's choice.

"That's right, no matter how much you like computers, you can't neglect your major."

Jiang Yichen said with a smile,"I'm not going to study computer science, I mean, I'm going to listen to the professional courses of the sophomore year."


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