Facing Jiang Yichen's test, lawyer Zhang Yida appeared very confident.

From the procedures for employees to leave, to the basis for determining whether the company's signed agreement is valid, to the actions that Jiang Yichen can take, and the demands that can be made.

"Of course, the other company also set up this trap very cleverly, and it is estimated that they will also raise corresponding rebuttal opinions in court."

Zhang Yida was not completely confident that he would win, and he also put forward his point of view at the end.

That is, for this lawsuit, if there is no very strong evidence, it is estimated that it will take a long time to make a judgment.

Jiang Yichen's winning rate is about 80%.

Jiang Yichen nodded and took out the relevant materials of Youtuan.com's plagiarism.

"Our Meituan.com company wants to sue this plagiarizing website. Lawyer Zhang, what do you think of our chances of winning?"

Zhang Yida took over and said,"Mr. Jiang, according to industry rules, this is another case."

"Well, don't worry, Lawyer Zhang. I can still afford the consultation fee."

"It's me, Meng Lang." Zhang Yida smiled, then took it and read it carefully. After a long time, Zhang Yida looked at Jiang Yichen and said,"Mr. Jiang should know that at present, the relevant laws and regulations in our country in the field of Internet are not perfect. Whether to define plagiarism, whether it is evidence collection or the corresponding applicable clauses, there are difficulties."

Jiang Yichen frowned and said nothing.

Zhang Yida said again,"From my point of view, I suggest not to fight with the other party. Youtuan.com is just a newly established small company. Although it is developing by copying, if we sue the other party, not to mention the long time, the popularity and publicity obtained by the other party are free and lasting."

"Even if we win the case, according to the current law, we may only get a small amount of compensation, which is insignificant compared to the benefits the other party has gained from the lawsuit."

Jiang Yichen nodded,"I have this concern too. But if we don't take the path of suing, we can't swallow this breath."

"™Yes, it’s okay to copy my operating model, but at least change the style of the website. It’s simply copy and paste."

Zhang Yida sighed,"Of course, this is just my personal opinion. If President Jiang must fight, we can fight. Even if there can’t be a good result, it’s good to take this opportunity to promote the country to improve laws and regulations in the field of Internet."

After listening, Jiang Yichen pondered for a moment, and finally slammed the table,"This lawsuit, let’s fight!"

Jiang Yichen is not afraid of giving the other party a chance to promote. What

Jiang Yichen is worried about is that this trend of plagiarism will continue to spread.

By then, the whole market will be in chaos, and the trust of users will be eroded. In the previous life, there was a war between thousands of groups, and many capitals came out and kept burning money. In the end, it was only a year, and the group buying model gradually faded.

There are various reasons for this, but the adverse effects of vicious competition in the war between thousands of groups are also one of them.

Zhang Yida gave Jiang Yichen a thumbs up,"President Jiang is domineering, Yida will do its best to help your company win on the battlefield of law."

""Okay, I've asked Yating to prepare the agreement. Lawyer Zhang, happy cooperation."

Jiang Yichen stretched out his right hand.

The two shook hands tightly.

Jiang Yichen generally trusted the lawyer in front of him.

It is said that Lawyer Zhang has never lost since his debut!


With the corresponding response measures and Jiang Yichen in charge of the company, this sudden crisis did not cause a big impact.

The company is still expanding rapidly and in an orderly manner.

It's just that when promoting offline, more attention should be paid to safety risks.

Xiao Yating was still thinking about finding Bingxue Tianyuan Company for further communication, but it was obvious that the other party was well prepared and ignored Jiang Yichen's opinions on Meituan.com, and was determined to fight to the end.

For this reason, lawyer Zhang Yida submitted an indictment to the court.

A lawsuit began.

Of course, it is not so easy to end at present. As soon as the company's affairs were settled, Jiang Yichen returned to school to continue his studies.

In order to improve his studies as soon as possible, Jiang Yichen's professional courses in both majors were almost not left behind, unless there was a conflict.

As a result, Jiang Yichen's two professional skills improved very quickly. It is expected that in another month, Jiang Yichen will be able to master the knowledge of the sophomore year.

The professional courses were not left behind, and Jiang Yichen also took time out of the evening to participate in the activities of the association.

That night, it was Jiang Yichen's turn to teach members.

President Wen Ruoyun attached great importance to it and promoted it in the member QQ group and BBS early on. In addition to members, she also widely invited all students in the school to attend the lecture.

What was it about?

Naturally, it was Wing Chun.

《"The Spread and Actual Combat of Wing Chun"

This is a simple PPT that Jiang Yichen made based on the knowledge he acquired through extensive reading and the boxing techniques he learned and mastered.

As a Wing Chun coach without a candidate, Jiang Yichen was not unhappy.

On the contrary, he was a little happy.

In the past month, in the evening activities, Jiang Yichen either listened to lectures and martial arts salons, or asked the coaches of the association for advice on boxing.

Apart from anything else, among the boxing techniques that Jiang Yichen currently masters, Wing Chun is the highest level, followed by Baguazhang, Bajiquan and Taijiquan, all of which have reached the beginner level of D grade. For a normal fight, there is no problem at all.

When Jiang Yichen came to the classroom, many people had already come to listen.

Not only members, but other students who like Chinese martial arts also came here to listen.

Jiang Yichen did not say hello and started talking directly.

Starting from the origin of Wing Chun, he quickly talked about the characteristics of Wing Chun.

Centerline theory

"Draw a straight line from the point between the eyebrows on the front of our body to the lower pubic region, and that is our midline."This is also the center of gravity of our body," Jiang Yichen said in his explanation."

"If you attack me, either attack from the left or from the right."Jiang Yichen stood in a defensive posture.

"And my counterattack, from here to the counterattack, is also the shortest route"

"In the final analysis, it is to achieve the most ideal effect in the shortest time, with the least power resources and the most direct and simple method."

Jiang Yichen threw a few punches in this posture.

The punches were very fast, but ordinary people could not feel the power.

Some people in the audience started to discuss.

I wonder if Wing Chun is really as powerful as it is described in the movie.

"Coach Jiang, according to your midline theory, Wing Chun is the most scientific boxing in the world?" A tall boy raised his hand and asked directly with some ill intentions.

Although he said so, the other party was thinking:

It sounds so good, your Wing Chun should be very good, right?

Jiang Yichen stood up straight,"This is the concept of boxing, but it does not mean that we can all practice to this level. Different people have different strengths, reaction speeds, and resistance to blows. I can't say whether my boxing skills are good or not, anyway, I think I am better."


A burst of laughter and boasting rang out.

Jiang Yichen's eyes narrowed slightly.

The man who had just provoked stood up and said,"I wonder if Coach Jiang can let me see it for myself!"


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