
Jiang Yixin had never encountered such a situation before and was completely stunned.

On the first day of the new year, they actually encountered a car accident?

Fortunately, Jiang Yichen reacted quickly, otherwise they would both suffer this unexpected disaster.

A car crash like this is basically equivalent to losing half of their lives.

Until the rollover was over, Jiang Yixin became even more scared. She closed her eyes and cried, her heart pounding.

Jiang Yichen comforted her,"It's okay, it's okay."

Jiang Nanning and Liu Yuanxiu, who were riding their bikes in the front, also stopped and rushed over.

"Achen, Xinxin, are you okay?!"

"It's okay."

Jiang Yichen said, then he took out his cell phone and dialed 120 emergency number.

The whole car was hit and spun and rolled over, making the scene a little scary.

The entire front of the car was damaged, and the exposed anti-collision beam was obviously dented.

The car that was knocked away was upside down after rolling.

One side of the rear door was squeezed and dented, invading the car.

Glass shards and plastic pieces were everywhere.

While talking, Jiang Yichen had already made the call and explained what happened very directly and simply, and emphasized the location twice.

Then Jiang Yichen got out of the car,"Dad, call the traffic police"

"I gonna go see"

"Don't go, it's too dangerous!" Liu Yuanxiu said hurriedly.

Jiang Yichen waved his hand. He looked at the upturned car just now. Through his"Eagle Eyes", he could see that someone seemed to be injured inside.

"It's okay."

Jiang Yichen walked forward quickly.

Liu Yuanxiu wanted to grab someone, but he pulled in vain.

At this time, the loud noise had startled many people, and many people who came to pay New Year's greetings began to watch.

Jiang Yichen walked to the front of the car and took a look at the vehicle.

There was no smoke or fire, and the possibility of an explosion was very low.

He lowered his head and looked at the driver's seat.

There was a man in the driver's seat, who had been stunned by the exploded airbag.

The back row was covered with privacy glass, which was very difficult to see.

But due to the impact, the glass of the rear door on one side had shattered, and with Jiang Yichen's eagle eye skill, he quickly saw it clearly.

A woman with a little boy.

The woman's head hit the back of the front seat, and the car overturned and her whole body was in a weird posture in the overturned back seat.

But her hand was still subconsciously protecting the child.

It's just that the incident happened too quickly, and she couldn't react at all. The back of her hand only blocked it, but didn't protect it.

A little boy about 6 years old hit the hard

At this time, two people got out of the SUV that had just crashed into another car.

They were so frightened by the sudden car accident that their legs and feet went weak. They tremblingly called the police.

Jiang Yichen looked back and ignored them. Instead, he stretched out his hand and tried to open the dented door.

But the door was pressed too hard, and Jiang Yichen couldn't open it after trying.

At this time, there were bursts of groans from the broken glass.

It was the woman who was awakened by the pain and kept screaming in pain. Then she looked at her child weakly,"Xiaohang!" She heard the sound from the side again and saw Jiang Yichen with difficulty,"Help, save us!"……"

Just when Jiang Yichen wanted to continue to exert force, several kind-hearted people came over.

Jiang Nanning also followed closely.

"This requires turning the car over, right?"

"Don't, it will cause secondary damage." Jiang Yichen shook his head and then gestured,"Everyone, move aside a little."

Everyone didn't know what he was going to do, so they subconsciously listened to Jiang Yichen's words and stepped back a little.

Jiang Yichen then swung his fist and hit

"With a"bang"

, the broken glass was cracked by his punch.

Jiang Yichen reached out to unlock the door, then grabbed the door handle and pulled it hard.

"With a clang, the recessed door was forcibly opened by Jiang Yichen.

"Come on, give me a hand." Jiang Yichen used his eagle eyes to take a closer look.

The woman was wearing a white sweater and her coat was left aside. Jiang Yichen saw that her injuries were not serious, so he said,"I'll rescue you first, cooperate with me."

Then he reached out and carefully pulled the person out.

Since he learned the bodybuilding technique, his strength has increased a lot.

The woman in front of him, who weighed less than 100 pounds, seemed to have no weight in his hands.

Soon, Jiang Yichen rescued the person. The woman was hit on the forehead, and her arms and other parts of the body had minor injuries.

Jiang Yichen saw that the other party was just enduring the pain and was conscious, so he asked Jiang Nanning and the kind people nearby to help bandage her.

But looking at the little boy.

Jiang Yichen felt something was not good.

I don’t know what touched the other party’s neck, and it was bleeding.

Jiang Yichen, who has the level of C-level Chinese medicine, immediately felt it was very difficult.

But time waits for no one. Jiang Yichen hesitated for a moment, and then immediately reached in and carefully carried the person out.

As for the man in the driver's seat, he has woken up.

He was wearing a seat belt, but he was knocked unconscious and had minor injuries.

With the help of several other people, he successfully escaped from the car.

Seeing this situation, he immediately became excited,"Xiao Hang! Xiao Hang!"

Jiang Yichen ignored him, put the boy gently on the ground, leaned his head against his legs, and stretched out his hand to stop the bleeding with the help of a Chinese doctor!

"No, this skill level is a bit low!"

But the next moment, he felt that his TCM level was obviously insufficient.

He was only a C-level TCM doctor, so it was okay for him to look at ordinary symptoms, but TCM emergency treatment was too strenuous.

Not only that, Jiang Yichen found that although he was strong, his bleeding effect was not good.

"System, upgrade my Chinese medicine to A level."

Jiang Yichen didn't think much about it and immediately used the reward skill he just received.

【Ding! Your TCM skill level has been upgraded to A level, and the current progress is 0.01%】

Along with the sound of the system, a large amount of Chinese medicine knowledge and experience quickly poured into Jiang Yichen's brain.

In an instant, Jiang Yichen felt that he had a clearer and more effective way to deal with the current emergency.

Find acupuncture points and press.

The precise hand-held hemostasis immediately stopped the bleeding on the boy's neck.

The effect was simply amazing!

Is this A-level Chinese medicine?

Jiang Yichen himself was a little shocked.

Although it is Chinese medicine, at this moment, Jiang Yichen realized that the Chinese medicine he mastered was far from what he imagined, but it was a fusion of ancient and modern, comprehensive and omnipotent!

If he had some herbs in his hands, Jiang Yichen could even quickly bandage the wounded.

"Xiaohang, please don't scare your mother!"

The woman looked at the child and was about to collapse. She burst into tears and forgot about the pain in her body.

Jiang Yichen said loudly,"The person is still alive, don't come over."

"Who has the silver needle?!"

Everyone was a little confused and shook their heads.

""Where's the gauze?"

Everyone still shook their heads.

Fortunately, at this time, the ambulance sounded.

"The ambulance is here!"

"call……"Jiang Yichen was relieved when he heard the voice.

Then, Jiang Yichen raised his hand and quickly pressed several acupuncture points on the boy's Zhiyang and Tanzhong acupuncture points with his finger force. He performed the eighth method of the legendary unarmed hemostasis technique.

When the ambulance arrived, the crowd immediately made way.

The doctor in the ambulance came down quickly,"Everyone, don't crowd around, get out of the way!"

"How are people?"

"Doctor, I'm fine, please save my son!"

The man only had a small bleeding on his head, which had already clotted. He hurriedly asked the doctor to save his child.

"Send them to the hospital first."

A stretcher was pulled down.

With the help of the doctor, Jiang Yichen gently lifted the little boy up.

"This is a huge amount of bleeding!"

"Oh, but why is there no bleeding?……"

The doctor was a little surprised, but this was not the time to ask questions. The ambulance took the patient to the hospital quickly.


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