
A heavy slapping sound came over, like a Buddhist chant, suddenly hitting Jiang Yichen's eardrums, waking him up from the chaos.

His eyes narrowed involuntarily, and slowly opened a crack, and a light-colored light came into his eyes.

"Jiang Yichen, did you bring your brain to class?! I have taught you this common sense question countless times, and you still can't answer it?!"

"The Coriolis force in the northern hemisphere is to the right, and the silt is accumulating here, so it must be the north bank. Can't you even tell left from right?!"

"If you have this attitude towards study, I think you should go home early to practice brick-moving!"

A thin teacher with Mediterranean hair, wearing a pair of black glasses, was spitting and scolding him harshly.

Jiang Yichen looked at the teacher in front of him in a daze.

"I am, reborn?!"

In surprise, Jiang Yichen's eyes were shining, eager and excited. As a man who had been tested by online articles for a long time in the future, how could he not know that he had won the jackpot?

He still clearly remembered that on the night of May 1, Labor Day, 2023, when he delivered the last takeaway order, he ran a red light on his electric donkey because he was overworked.

Then in front of him was a big truck with high beams on.

There is no doubt that Jiang Yichen was sent to the west.

In his dying moments, Jiang Yichen seemed to see a huge light constantly spinning in the depths of his eyes. Unexpectedly, after what seemed like centuries, his consciousness returned.

And what came was... The time when the senior year of high school just started.

You know, Jiang Yichen was originally studying science, but because he couldn't continue studying, his parents simply transferred him to the liberal arts class.

This made his grades fall even lower in the class.

Not only that, because he was transferred to another class later, he was not familiar with many classmates and had basically no friends. He failed to get into university in the college entrance examination, so he had to go out to make a living early. He worked in Pengcheng for a few years, but didn't make much money. Finally, he returned to Anyuan and started a career as a delivery man. He was 34 years old and still hadn't married.

But what he didn't expect was that he would be reborn back to high school.

This year is the time when he just finished his senior year of high school.


This year is an unforgettable year.

Opportunities, crises and disasters together created this special year.

Now, it is the golden month of October.

The trauma of the earthquake is recovering, and the financial crisis is coming.

Of course, these are too far away from students like them.

For Jiang Yichen and others, it is to prepare for the college entrance examination wholeheartedly.

Hearing the reprimand from geography teacher Liu Ming, Jiang Yichen finally reacted, but he was still a little confused.

This stupid teacher is often arrogant, and he doesn't have a good face at all for students who get some simple questions wrong, as if getting such questions wrong is simply unforgivable.

Usually, he only knows how to look at those Students with good grades looked down on poor students, not to mention Jiang Yichen, a"freshman" who switched from science to liberal arts.

The classmates next to him seemed to be watching the joke.

But Jiang Yichen had been in society for many years, and he had become so thick-skinned that he didn't even feel embarrassed. He didn't even bother to pay attention to Liu Ming's words. He had just been reborn after 15 years, and he was so happy that he didn't care about anything else.

Liu Ming was even more angry when he saw that Jiang Yichen didn't seem to care, but didn't get angry at this moment, but continued with the next question.

Jiang Yichen opened the geography book out of boredom and frowned.

He hadn't read a book for more than ten years, and he was a little confused at the moment,"What should I do? Others who are reborn have god-level memory and super calculation, but when it comes to me, I have nothing. The most depressing thing is that I can't even remember the college entrance examination questions!"

【Ding! Learning critical hit system activated!】

【Dear host, due to special reasons, the system has been bound to you. Please check the system manual.】


Jiang Yichen shuddered violently. This was actually a system!

How could he, who had been reading Tomato for so long, not know that he had become rich?

"What features do you have?"

【Ding! As the name implies, as long as the host learns, he will be able to get a critical hit, and the critical hit multiple is random, with a minimum of 1x and a maximum of 100x!】

"What does it mean?"

"Does that mean I can become invincible if I just learn a little?"

【Host, you can think so.

Jiang Yichen clenched his fists. Damn! With this, I can finally be Versailles.

"I haven't even tried my best, why did you fall down?"

Before he could continue to explore, his deskmate interrupted him.

"I told you to stop shaking, okay? People who don't know would think you're masturbating.……"

The fat guy Pan Yun said with contempt.

This is his deskmate. The two knew each other in junior high school, but they were not familiar with each other.

After the division of liberal arts and science in high school, they contacted less and less. After coming to Class 9A of Senior 3, Jiang Yichen had no choice but to sit at his desk.

Who made this fat guy, with a height of 1.75 meters and a weight of 200 kilograms, no other students wanted to sit with him except himself.

Usually, he could occupy two tables by himself.

Jiang Yichen still had some impression of this deskmate.

Because after graduating from university, Pan Yun took the exam for a township civil servant in Anyuan, and occasionally he would meet him by chance when delivering takeout.

This also made Jiang Yichen joke every time he delivered food,"You are so fat, and you still ordered so much meat? This chicken leg belongs to me, ha……"

Seeing Pan Yun at this moment, Jiang Yichen chuckled,"Fatty, do you think I am you?"

"I have a big belly, I can't."

The two of them whispered to each other.

Jiang Yichen knew that this fat man looked like this, but he was very coquettish inside.

Jiang Yichen was young and ignorant in his early years, and a lot of knowledge was taught by Pan Yun. Speaking of it, it was not too much for Jiang Yichen to call him master.

It seemed that he heard a slight noise in the back row. Liu Ming in the Mediterranean coughed heavily and swept his sharp eyes to the 4th group and 7th row.

The trash can is the hometown of the king.

Jiang Yichen spread out the geography book and stood it up, out of sight, out of mind.

Now that he has a system, learning can be a critical hit, so what is there to be afraid of?

He wants to live a free and colorful life in his new life!

"Hey, system, do you think I can get a critical hit if I read a few books now?" Jiang Yichen asked in his heart.

【Sorry, the system counts the critical hit time, which needs to be at least 1 minute】

"Is that so?"

Jiang Yichen was a little disappointed, but soon he was eager to try again.

Concentrating his energy, Jiang Yichen looked at the page he had just opened.

"……The global regular atmospheric movement reflects the average state of atmospheric movement over a long period of time.……"

"Equatorial low pressure belt, prevailing updrafts…Subtropical high pressure belt, prevailing downdrafts, hot and dry……"



It gives me a headache after reading this.

However, in order to get a critical hit, Jiang Yichen endured the headache and continued to read word by word.

He didn't have a watch in his hand, nor did he count the time carefully. Instead, he took this opportunity to read the book seriously.

It's also a very strange thing. The book that I couldn't finish reading before, because I was reborn 15 years later, it turned out to be more interesting.

The knowledge that I couldn't understand when I was young, I suddenly understood it very quickly.


Yes, this is due to experience.

After a while, the bell for the end of class rang.

Jiang Yichen put down the geography textbook in his hand and took a quick look. Oh my god! He actually finished reading all 10 pages!

As soon as he put down the book, the pleasant voice of the system came in his mind.


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