The next day, under Liu Yuanxiu's unfriendly eyes, Jiang Yichen asked for 50 yuan again.

Jiang Yichen still didn't tell the truth.

Because Liu Yuanxiu didn't understand this at all. If she knew that Jiang Yichen was signing a novel contract, she would definitely stop him and tell him a lot of reasons.

She was afraid that Jiang Yichen would be deceived or even sold.

After printing two copies of the contract, Jiang Yichen carefully signed his name and attached a copy of his personal ID card and a copy of the ICBC bank card he had just opened.

Then he sent it out through the post.

Although the speed of the post office is not particularly fast, it is safe and stable.

Jiang Yichen, who specially took a class to mail the contract, took the delivery receipt, smiled faintly, rode his bicycle, and leisurely went to Anyuan No. 2 Middle School.

However, a big misunderstanding that Jiang Yichen didn't know was coming.


Liu Yuanxiu had already noticed that her child had been acting a little strange recently.

Although he still behaved very obediently at home and even learned to cook, this still made her doubt whether Jiang Yichen had turned bad.

The evening self-study session ended at 10 o'clock every night, but when Jiang Yichen came back, it was usually 12 o'clock; on Saturdays, he would go to Pan Yun's house, saying that they were reviewing together.

What kind of review?

Do two grown men need to sleep together at night to review?

Liu Yuanxiu used her imagination to speculate, from whether Jiang Yichen was in a relationship to whether he was obsessed with online games.

In the end, she felt that the more reliable one was that Jiang Yichen was addicted to the Internet.

Now is the critical moment of the third year of high school, it would be unbearable if he was harmed by online games.

After thinking about it, Liu Yuanxiu finally took time out this morning and walked to Anyuan No. 2 Middle School.

Liu Yuanxiu is a rural woman. Because she has been working as a laborer on the construction site for a long time, the clothes she wears are also very shabby. As soon as she was about to enter the school, she was stopped by the security guard.

"I, I'm looking for my son"

""Sister, which class is your son in? Why don't you contact the head teacher?"

The security guard was very polite and reminded.

Liu Yuanxiu said loudly,"My son is in Class 9 of Senior 3. I have something urgent to talk to him about."

"The head teacher's phone number. I don't have a cell phone. Please let me go in and look for it."

"How about this, I'll go with you to look for it."

Seeing Liu Yuanxiu's anxious look, the security guard agreed immediately and signaled to another security guard next to him to let Liu Yuanxiu in,"Come with me"

"Thank you!"

"What's your son's name?"On the way, the security guard asked

"Jiang Yichen."

The security guard was stunned for a moment,"Hey, this name sounds familiar."


She found the character"Chen" in Jiang Yichen's name from the dictionary. It looked good, so she gave him the name.

When Jiang Yichen's sister was born, she used the character"Yi" as usual, and gave him another character suitable for girls.

The security guard thought hard and said,"That's not the case. I think I heard someone mention it."

After a while, Liu Yuanxiu arrived at Class 9 of Grade 3.

The head teacher, Li Qiuxia, was teaching a class.

But Liu Yuanxiu didn't know her.

Jiang Yichen just transferred to this department this semester, and there has been no parent-teacher meeting yet. Liu Yuanxiu was not familiar with these teachers.

"This is Class 9, let me ask for you."

As he was talking, the security guard knocked on the door,"Teacher Li."

Li Qiuxia was a little surprised, stopped teaching, and walked over

"What's wrong?"

"This parent is looking for a student." The security guard explained.

Liu Yuanxiu felt a little nervous and wanted to look inside, but she didn't see Jiang Yichen.

"Hello teacher, I am Jiang Yichen’s mother……"

Hearing Jiang Yichen's name, Li Qiuxia's face immediately became serious, and her eyes brightened up a lot.

"Oh, you must be Jiang Yichen’s mother. I’m his class teacher Li Qiuxia. I was thinking of meeting you at the parent-teacher conference in a few days!"

Meet the parents?

What kind of trouble has this kid gotten into?!

Liu Yuanxiu’s heart skipped a beat and she hurriedly said,"Where is this kid!"

"He said he had something to do and asked for half a day off."

"Asking for leave?!"Liu Yuanxiu was stunned,"What's the matter with him? Why ask for leave?" At this moment, Liu Yuanxiu thought of the situation in the morning when he had to take out 50 pocket money.

"Has he been surfing the Internet every day recently?"

"I'm not sure about this."

Li Qiuxia came to her senses. This parent seemed to be unaware of Jiang Yichen's situation at school. Was he here to catch a child who didn't study?

But Jiang Yichen's mock exam results were all ranked first in the liberal arts of Anyuan No. 2 Middle School. Would such a child also have family troubles?

Li Qiuxia was a little confused.

"Chen Zai has been coming back at 12 o'clock recently, saying that he is reviewing with his classmates. He doesn't come back on weekends, saying that he went to his classmates' houses.……"

"Um, we will turn off the lights after evening self-study."

Li Qiuxia was also a little stunned, not understanding what was going on with Jiang Yichen.

Then, Li Qiuxia returned to the classroom and said with a stern face,"Pan Yun, come out for a moment."

The confused fat man came out from the back door and approached with some suspicion.

"You and Jiang Yichen are desk mates. Do you know what's going on with him recently?"

Li Qiuxia asked gently.

Pan Yun blinked,"He, is just going to school. What happened?"

Li Qiuxia was about to speak, but Liu Yuanxiu spoke first,"Classmate, your name is Pan Yun, right? I'm Jiang Yichen's mother, and I heard him talk about you."


Pan Yun's body trembled, and his head was stunned for a moment.

He remembered what Jiang Yichen had asked him to do, to cover for him.

"Ah, hello, auntie"

"Jiang Yichen didn’t come back a while ago. Did he go to your house?"

"Ah, yes, yes."

Pan Yun nodded like a chick pecking at rice.

Liu Yuanxiu frowned and asked,"Did he come to your house to play?""

"Ah, yes, yes...ah, no, we are reviewing!"

Pan Yun waved his hands hurriedly.


Liu Yuanxiu wanted to ask something else, but Li Qiuxia interrupted her,"Well, Yichen's mother, do you know the results of Jiang Yichen's mock exam this time?"

"Mock exam, I don’t know, the kid refused to say, he just transferred to this department, maybe his grades are not very good, he didn’t want to talk about it, and we didn’t ask."

Liu Yuanxiu explained

"Bad grades?"

Li Qiuxia was a little speechless. If the grades were bad, then all the students in Anyuan No. 2 Middle School wouldn't know how to deal with themselves.

Pan Yun smiled and said,"Jiang Yichen got the first place in the school."


This time, it was Liu Yuanxiu's turn to be confused.

Then, by coincidence, in front of Liu Yuanxiu, a familiar figure just went upstairs and walked towards the classroom.

Obviously, Jiang Yichen in front of him was also stunned for a second by this sudden situation.

However, after all, he has more than ten years of life experience, and he will not be at a loss because of this matter.

""Mom, why are you here?"

Jiang Yichen asked.

Liu Yuanxiu opened her mouth, wanting to say something, but didn't know what to say.

Fortunately, Li Qiuxia came to the rescue,"Let's go to my office."

Then she gave some instructions to the students in the class and led the two to the teacher's office.

"Tell me, what's going on?"

Li Qiuxia asked Jiang Yichen with a smile.

The agreement had been sent out, so Jiang Yichen told the truth.

"I recently wrote a novel and have signed a contract. I took a leave in the morning to mail the contract."

""Novel?" Li Qiuxia was a little surprised,"What kind of novel, long or short, and what magazine will it be published in?"

"Uh, it's an online novel."

Jiang Yichen knew that his Chinese teacher only knew about those traditional literary magazines, and might not be familiar with online novels.

With the teacher beside him, Liu Yuanxiu did not ask any more questions.

After all, she didn't understand, and if the teacher thought it was okay, she would accept it.

This was the result of different identities.

In Liu Yuanxiu's eyes, Jiang Yichen was her child, who was just in the third year of high school and had insufficient life experience. She was afraid that he would be cheated.

But it was different with the Chinese teacher in front of her. She could enhance her confidence in approving him.

"Then you can also tell your mother the truth. You see, didn't you make her worried today?"

In Li Qiuxia's eyes, Jiang Yichen is already an excellent student representative. It is normal for him to have some other hobbies. As long as he does not fall behind in his studies, she will fully support him.

Liu Yuanxiu blamed herself,"Teacher, blame me, blame me"

"Is my kid really the first?"

"Of course not. He took the mock test and scored 631 points! He can choose any good school."


Liu Yuanxiu felt like she was going to faint from happiness.

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