With a laptop, Jiang Yichen's life rhythm is slightly different.

During the day, he did not bring his laptop with him. He was more focused on learning PS and its derivative software, such as CorelDRAW and 3DMax. In addition, he learned to draw and color.

【Life skills: C level (somewhat)

--Cycling: Class C

--Cooking skills: D-level

--Writing: Grade B

--Video Games (Dota): D-level

--Keyboard typing (Wubi): Grade A

--Graphic design (PS, CorelDRAW): C level

--Modeling and rendering (3DMax): D level

--Others: Omitted

Art skills: E level (weak)

--Singing: E-level

--Calligraphy (Hard Pen): Grade B

--Drawing (sketching, painting): D-level

--Others: Omitted

These skills are all design software. You can take a book from the library and read it during the day to increase your learning progress. If the critical hit multiplier is high, it will feel like **, which makes people feel refreshed. For the evening self-study, Jiang Yichen took advantage of his first place and asked Li Qiuxia for leave. He did not have to go to the evening self-study and could review at home.

Of course, it was actually writing novels.

Jiang Yichen wrote from 7 o'clock in the evening to 12 o'clock, a total of 6 hours. Including the time for rest and thinking, he can code as many as 40,000 to 50,000 words.

After Jiang Yichen went online, only 3 chapters were updated every day, which made him have a lot of drafts in stock all of a sudden. So, based on Pan Yun's suggestion, Jiang Yichen pinned the book review.

"Each leader will add one chapter, no upper limit."

After this comment was pinned, it became popular all of a sudden, with more than 10,000 likes and thousands of comments.

【Izumito Mashiro (League Leader): Brothers, come and see, there is an author who brags a lot. Come on, let's satisfy this ignorant braggart together. Let's go first to show our respect.

Feng, Xinchen (Protectors): I envy the strong strength of the above. I have no money, but I hope to see the grand event of the Hundred Alliances, so that we poor people can also feel the pleasure of adding a hundred chapters a day.

134156774: Why is the data of this book so good, it is ranked third in the overall list, a new author? Has anyone read it? Tell us if it is good or not?

Qianshan Feijue Wuniao: I have seen the paid chapters, and I feel it is very good. It is really fucking wonderful. I originally wanted to find a pirated version to read, but now I think I should support Jiangshan!


Third place in the overall ranking!

Just one week after being put on the shelves, Jiang Yichen's"Eternal Life of Creation" rushed to the third place in the overall ranking of Qidian Literature Network with an extremely strong attitude.

The two before this were all well-known masters.

How could Jiang Yichen, an ordinary newcomer, have such ability and level?

As for the fans who like the book"Eternal Life of Creation", they don't care about these. With their efforts, they have lifted Jiang Yichen to a higher position.

Jiangshan Master.

Other websites exclaimed that Qidian has reappeared a master.

However, Jiang Yichen didn't pay attention to these. He still wrote with all his heart.

Nowadays, even if Baimeng suddenly came, Jiang Yichen could barely cope with adding 100 chapters.

The only thing that is a little worrying is that Jiang Yichen doesn't know how long the keyboard of this Shenzhou notebook can last.

With his current A-level hand speed, he has almost reached the limit in typing. As long as his thinking can be faster, Jiang Yichen can code as fast as he wants.

But it is impossible in reality.

Although Jiang Yichen's writing skills are at a very high level, he still needs to think about the plot, structure, and even different people's personalities, tones of speech, etc. while writing. It is impossible for him to type according to a ready-made book.

Therefore, he is considered fast if he can reach 180 words per minute.

The average typing speed is between 140-160 if the thinking and inspiration are very smooth.

In the evening.

Jiang Yichen pulled up the curtain and was typing.

The TV on the side was turned down very low. Jiang Nanning and Liu Yuanxiu were watching TV.

The QQ message in the lower right corner rang.

It was Jiang Yichen's editor, Canglang.

Canglang: Your performance is very good. I have reported it to the editor-in-chief. The previous contract can be modified. We have obtained the platinum author contract terms for you. Do you have any questions?

Canglang: Contract Agreement (Platinum).doc (whether to download)

Jiang Yichen didn't reply directly, but opened it and took a look.

The profit sharing ratio became 70% for Jiang Yichen and 30% for Qidian. Not only that, the autonomy of copyright was improved.

Although it was still a priority, at least it was not sold to the website.

The strong strength came from the quality of the books, and also from the millions of readers and the average subscription of more than 30,000.

《"Eternal Life of Creation" is so popular, the new design upgrade ideas, the imaginative settings and the magnificent growth are very popular.

Jiangshan: OK.

Canglang: After this contract is signed, the original contract will be invalidated. The payment of manuscript fees next month will be executed according to the new contract.

Jiangshan: OK

Although the book is on the shelves, the royalties will have to wait until next month to be settled.

Jiang Yichen made a preliminary estimate that the monthly royalties should be around 150,000 before tax.

It can be said that he has become a master in one fell swoop!

By then, he can buy a house in Anyuan County, and his parents don’t have to work so hard on the construction site.

【Canglang: By the way, you said in the comments section that one chapter will be added for each leader, and now there are more than 30 leaders. You have to update 30 chapters today. Can you keep your promise?

Canglang: You still have a lot of fans now, so you should pay more attention to some promises.

Jiangshan: Oh? So many?

Jiang Yichen was a little surprised.

He immediately opened the webpage and saw a series of leaders hanging on the right side of the book, which could not be displayed on the list!

"So many rich people?"

You know, the leader here gets 10,000 yuan each!

With 30 new leaders, Jiang Yichen received more than 300,000 yuan in rewards in one day.

According to the latest contract, Jiang Yichen can get 210,000 yuan.

How can these rich people be so cute?

How can these book fans be so handsome?

Jiang Yichen said that he would fulfill his promise with action, and he updated 30 chapters directly.

And in the last chapter, he added a PS

"You guys are really ruthless. I saved up half a month's worth of manuscripts and gave them all to you. Now I really only have a few hundred million manuscripts left.……"

Those fans who followed this book were quickly shocked by this sudden"explosive" update.

"Awesome! This author said he would update more chapters, and he really did update more chapters, and he didn't even owe any credit.……"

"Didn’t you see it? I read the last chapter first. Jiangshan said he still has a few hundred million manuscripts in stock!"

"Wrong number, a little bit"

"No, we have to squeeze him dry!"

Not to mention the joy and shock of these readers, the thick-browed Canglang was drinking coffee and leisurely watching Jiang Yichen's explosive update.

This"Mr. Jiang" is really hard, saying explosive update, really explosive update.

It's also because I reminded him well.


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