"Jiang Yichen, can you teach us how to practice calligraphy?"

Zhong Ling asked.

Jiang Yichen didn't even think about it and said,"It depends on talent. Some people can't even be taught."

"Then look at me, do I have talent?" Zhong Ling asked with a wink.

"Write a few words." Jiang Yichen handed her a piece of white paper.

Zhong Ling and Zhang Ya both wrote a few words, and Zhong Ling even wrote"Jiang Yichen, I like you".

Jiang Yichen raised his eyebrows and said,"Your handwriting is pretty good, you don't need to practice."

Zhong Ling's handwriting is the kind of round and small, a bit like(>^ω^<)The cat font is cute.

Zhang Ya's handwriting is not very pretty, but it is written very carefully, with heavy strokes, so it is acceptable.

"In the past, scholars needed to be able to write well, otherwise they would not dare to tell others that they were scholars."

Jiang Yichen smiled and said,"Now we are different. We have more things to learn, but we don't pay enough attention to these basic skills."

Zhang Ya curled her lips,"Do you expect elementary school teachers to teach you how to write? It's good enough to be able to write the strokes correctly.���"

"If you really want to practice calligraphy, you can buy a copybook, practice, and then come back to show me and correct me.

Jiang Yichen saw that the two were very eager to learn calligraphy, so he said

""Yes, yes, when I become a master, I will teach you step by step." Pan Yun laughed beside him. Zhang Ya spitted

,"Who wants you to teach? Your handwriting is not as good as mine!"

Zhong Ling was very happy. She took Zhang Ya back to discuss buying copybooks.

Jiang Yichen finally had some free time.

With some spare money in his hands, Jiang Yichen finally experienced that the skills he learned can be monetized.

Although the novel"Eternal Life of Creation" can also make a lot of money, after all, there is no royalties. This bonus is his first income.

Not only did he pay off the laptop money at once, but he also had 2,000 yuan left in his hands.

Jiang Yichen planned to buy an external keyboard after class in the afternoon.

The Shenzhou laptop was pressed by Jiang Yichen for 5-6 hours of high-intensity typing, and some keys were not as sensitive as before. Jiang Yichen planned to buy an external keyboard to facilitate typing.

If the royalties come later, Jiang Yichen also plans to change the computer.

Because the PS he taught himself is good now, he can barely It can run, but other softwares are struggling, and 3DMax is even worse.

He has also read some computer knowledge now. After the critical learning, Jiang Yichen has a deeper understanding of the computer field. At least he is no longer the novice who bought the laptop in the beginning.

If he were to choose again, he would definitely not choose a laptop, but assemble a whole desktop computer by himself.

As the exam was approaching, Jiang Yichen temporarily put down his reading of miscellaneous books, picked up the textbooks again, and prepared to"cram".

He saw that after the learning progress increased, Jiang Yichen's memory also improved greatly, and the consolidation of knowledge points was still very strong, but if he kept putting it down and not studying, the learning progress would slowly decline.

But for now, the decline is very small.

In just one day, Jiang Yichen went through 6 textbooks briefly.

"Achen, you're just flipping through the book like this?"

Pan Yun, who had been paying attention, was a little stunned.

Jiang Yichen nodded,"I'm just consolidating the knowledge points, just taking a quick look."

"You are awesome!" Pan Yun gave a thumbs up

"Here, take a look at my calligraphy today. Have you improved?"

Pan Yun did not choose the Jianghu style calligraphy book that Jiang Yichen bought. Instead, he bought a 7,000-character regular script calligraphy book according to Jiang Yichen's reminder. He has just practiced a dozen characters.

But each character must be approved by Jiang Yichen before he can continue to practice the next character, so his basic skills in strokes have gradually improved.

As long as he writes carefully, Pan Yun's characters are still worth seeing.

Chen Hao still wants to compete with Pan Yun in calligraphy, but he really thinks too much.

"This vertical hook is not well written, you see."

Jiang Yichen took his pen and wrote a few as a demonstration. Compared with Pan Yun's, it was completely beaten.

Whether it was the pen strength or the structure, there was a big difference.

Sometimes, Pan Yun would wonder, everyone has the same hand, writes the same strokes, and uses the same pen, why is it that Jiang Yichen can write well, while his own does not look good enough?

"The strokes of a character, each font has its own particularities, how long it should be written, how many degrees it should be offset, it is not that simple to write, if you are not strict, you will not be able to write the beauty of the character."Jiang Yichen reminded

"Okay, I understand. After I practice for two and a half years, I will be able to write beautiful characters!"

Pan Yun encouraged himself with his bare hands.

Jiang Yichen said with a smile,"How much weight have you lost?"

"It's only two or three pounds."

Pan Yun was a little depressed when talking about his weight."I only eat one bowl of rice every night now, and I can't eat snacks. I always wake up hungry at night.……"

Jiang Yichen shook his head and led the way out of the classroom.

These days, Jiang Yichen would take him for walks and jogging, and even asked him to replace his motorcycle with a very solid bicycle, just to let him exercise.

There was some effect, at least he lost some weight.

The two rode side by side, first went to Zhongcheng Digital, and bought a wired keyboard

"Are you going to return the money to your uncle, or spend it on yourself?" Jiang Yichen asked.

"Of course I can spend it on my own. I have already agreed with my father that it is an advance of the college entrance examination reward for me."Pan Yun said,"However, I plan to buy it after the college entrance examination. I will buy a game to play Dota."

"Photography can make three generations poor, and DOTA can ruin a lifetime."You'd better not be too addicted."

Jiang Yichen reminded.

DOTA is still a very attractive game. Jiang Yichen played it until about 2020 in his previous life, but it has changed too much after many updates.

In addition, the performance of the Chinese team was getting worse and worse, so he quit.

Now that he has been reborn, he has no desire to play.

But Pan Yun is different. He is very addicted now. He is constantly practicing heroes and playing the C position.

Pan Yun smiled and said,"I only play for a while on weekends."

Jiang Yichen stopped persuading him. After all, Class 9 is just an extremely ordinary class.

For Pan Yun, he should be thankful to be admitted to a second-tier university. A third-tier university is also acceptable, and a junior college is not unacceptable.

"Don't blame me. I heard that this time, Anyuan No. 1 High School will be the invigilator. Your last score was higher than Leng Qingxue, the first in the liberal arts department of Anyuan No. 1 High School. Their teachers were very dissatisfied and thought that there was something wrong with the invigilation and marking. They said they would come to cross-examine."

""Let them be, how can I be scared by them?" Jiang Yichen sneered.

What is the first in liberal arts? In the first mock exam, several of Jiang Yichen's courses had not been promoted to D level. Now all his courses are at the middle and high level of D level. Not to mention full marks, even 700 points is not a problem.

"Hey, by the way, is there any money reward for the top scorer in the college entrance examination?" Jiang Yichen suddenly asked in a money-grubber manner.

"……Of course there is, but it's not the top scholar in our county, at least the top scholar in the whole city." Pan Yun thought for a while and said,"There are also financial awards for getting into Tsinghua University and Peking University.""

"Well, although I don’t like Tsinghua University and Peking University very much, I am still quite interested in getting the first place in the exam."

Jiang Yichen held the keyboard with a slight smile on his face.

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