After lunch, Jiang Yichen and his friends did not rest, but went out of the hotel to go shopping.

After all, it is a big city, and you can buy anything you want.

Jiang Yichen chose a gift for his sister, an Apple iPod 3, which is indeed expensive, but the sound quality is very good.

Jiang Yixin smiled immediately after receiving the gift.

While they were shopping, someone on Qidian Literature website hyped up Jiang Yichen's negative information.

【Ye Luosha: According to inside information, during the annual meeting of"Look at the kingdom I have built", he boasted that he did not know what Tomato and Shenji were? Are all newcomers and great writers so awesome?

135343431: Just look at the name he chose, he really thinks he is the protagonist of the novel, and he is the only one in the world!

February's Ten Thousand Yuan: I think his"Eternal Life of Creation" is quite good, he is decisive in killing, but also humane. I didn't expect the author to be such a person.

Luo Sheng Circle: Boycott such low-quality authors.

One Day Three Autumns: I heard from a little god who attended the annual meeting that Tomato saw the newcomer and wanted to get to know him, but he didn't expect that"Jiangshan" would ignore him. Not only did he beat up an author, but he also asked Tomato to apologize to him! Bige Ni

Sun Family: Damn, so arrogant!

13523511211: From now on, I will turn from a passerby to a black.


In the QQ group of Shura Xiaodao's fans, many die-hard fans were filled with righteous indignation after hearing Shura Xiaodao's revelations, and were ready to go to the book review section of"The Eternal Life of Creation" to blast him.

Some even said that they would buy some black fans to throw dirty water on"The Eternal Life of Creation" and"Jiang Shan".

Originally, many book fans were not so broad-minded, and they were more or less uncomfortable after being surpassed by"The Eternal Life of Creation".

Hearing what Shura Xiaodao said, they were full of malice towards the author"Jiang Shan".

This made Shura Xiaodao's mouth slightly raised.

""Xiaodao, is this really okay?" the long-haired man at the side asked leisurely.

He sat on a chair and watched Shura Xiaodao take the lead in making such a scene, bringing the conflict to Fanqie and Jiang Yichen.

Shura Xiaodao snorted,"What is this? This bastard actually made me lose face. I will never let him go!"

He was already gritting his teeth as he spoke later.

The long-haired man was his roommate, and his online name was Chang Jiutian. He also followed Shura Xiaodao to write novels on Qidian. With the help of Shura Xiaodao, his grades improved rapidly, and he was invited to come along this time.

It was precisely because of this that he sometimes could not understand Shura Xiaodao's actions.

Perhaps, the person who really substituted the character of the protagonist of the novel was himself!

In order to become stronger, he would do anything and did not go offline.

As long as he could kill people, seize treasures, and snatch opportunities, he would be powerful.

Others would naturally be in awe of him.

This change in character became more and more obvious in Shura Xiaodao's"Xiu Xian Ji".

Bloodthirsty killing, seemingly standing on the moral high ground, but in fact the means were dirty!

Chang Jiutian had a blank expression,"Aren't you worried that Tomato will cause trouble for you?"

Tomato was one of the three supreme gods of Qidian. If he knew that Shura Xiaodao was making trouble here, all he had to do was post a single chapter to say it, and Shura Xiaodao's entire person and work would decline significantly.

Because in addition to the huge number of book fans, he also had Qidian to support him.

"I'm not afraid of anything. Zongheng Tianxia has already contacted me and is planning to recruit me. By then, I will be the supreme god of the new station."Xura Xiaodao snorted,"Then I'll talk to Zongheng and recruit you as well."

"……I have just made some progress on this book, let's talk about it later." Chang Jiutian shook his head.

"It's up to you."Xura Xiaodao looked through the book reviews and saw many that slandered Jiangshan. He sneered.


At this time,"inside information" was circulating everywhere in Longkong and Qidian book reviews, and it soon spread from person to person.

Many people sought confirmation under the books of Fanqie and Jiangshan, and of course many were frantically posting negative reviews.

The moderator of the book review area was Pan Yun, who was shopping with them at the moment.

Although he didn't see it at the first time, the QQ on his mobile phone kept flashing.

Pan Yun picked it up and saw that many people were frantically sending messages, and many people even sent him private messages.

After a quick look, Pan Yun's face changed.

"Damn, Achen, many people are bashing you online!"

Jiang Yichen frowned slightly,"What's wrong?"

"Let me see... Damn, those people are saying that you despise tomatoes?" Pan Yun looked at it for a while, a little confused,"Where did this come from?"

Jiang Yichen ignored him, took out his phone and took a look.

Someone just asked this,

"Mr. Jiangshan, I heard that you went to the Qidian annual meeting?"

"Mr. Jiangshan, some people said you beat someone at the annual meeting?"

"Mr. Jiangshan, are you a descendant of ancient martial arts?"


Jiang Yichen was a little speechless. Who were these people? He replied directly,"It's just that I met a villain."

"666! Mr. Jiangshan, is Tomato also a villain?"

"Jiangshan is awesome!"

"We, the Imperial Guards, will follow Jiangshan and blow up Tomato's book review section right now.……"

Pan Yun hurriedly sent a long paragraph to explain

"It was like this. During lunch, a guy named Shura Xiaodao came over to pick a fight and said something rude. Jiangshan used Wing Chun to beat him in one move. It has nothing to do with Tomato. Please don't mess around."

"What! Wing Chun!"

"Is it the Wing Chun by Ip Man?"

"666, I knew that Jiangshan was a descendant of ancient martial arts, otherwise how could he write such a realistic novel?"

"I have been practicing according to the method in the book for two and a half months, and I feel that my stomach is bloated and seems to have gas."

"You may have bloating and indigestion. Take a Jiangzhong brand stomach-strengthening and digestion-promoting tablet immediately."


"Speaking of Shura Xiaodao, isn’t he the one who wrote"Xiu Xian Ji"? Is he so shameless?"

"It seems like this is inside information leaked by their book fans. I know they have bad intentions. Damn, where are the Royal Guards?"



"Me too!"


"Let's fight back against them!"

For a moment, the group was so lively that even Jiang Yichen, a slow-tempered man, felt a little excited.

Pan Yun smiled and put away his phone,"See, you are a pretty good book fan, very loyal!"

"Yeah, I didn't expect that I have so many fans." Jiang Yichen nodded.

Unconsciously, he was actually a god-level figure, and he had a group of book fans, known as the"Royal Guards".

Jiang Yixin was eating Haagen-Dazs, and seeing that the two of them stayed, he hurried back and asked,"Brother, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, let's go to the Oriental Pearl Tower." Jiang Yichen smiled, touched his sister's hair, and continued to move forward.

With the help of book fans, Jiang Yichen was not afraid of the things on the Internet, even if there was a melee. The quality of the book was the power that determined everything.

As for Shura Xiaodao, such a villain would not be able to jump for long.

"We will go to the revolving restaurant at 267 meters on the Oriental Pearl Tower to eat. I made a reservation long ago."Pan Yun said proudly.

"Wow, are you eating at such a high place?" Jiang Yixin was also a little surprised.

"That's right, you can overlook the Magic City from there, it's very cool!"Pan Yun looked at the tall tower in front of him and felt a little pain,"It's just that the food is a bit expensive, 280 yuan per person……"

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