Qidian's annual meeting was held in the hotel banquet hall. Everyone ate, talked, and watched the annual meeting program, which was very relaxing.

It was not like some formal meetings where you had to sit in the stands and watch people"say a few words" one after another.

The host even made some surprise attacks and some fancy moves to liven up the atmosphere, so that the participants could feel the warmth of the party.

Shen Ji proposed to compete with Jiang Yichen, which was an attractive program, so the host was naturally very happy.

"As everyone knows, 'Look at the Kingdom I Conquered' is a dark horse that emerged on Qidian.com this year. His book"Eternal Life of Creation" has reached the top of the overall rankings only three months after its release, and is currently stable in the top three. He can be said to be a new star."

The host watched Jiang Yichen walk to the front of the stage and introduced him to everyone."But your nickname is so long, can we call you 'Jiangshan'?"

"Of course." Jiang Yichen took the microphone handed over by the host and responded

"Can I ask, Jiangshan, how old are you this year and what is your occupation?"

"I am 18 years old this year and I am studying."

As for whether he is in high school or college, Jiang Yichen did not publicly say.

The host said exaggeratedly,"Oh my God, it's unbelievable. We saw that your writing of"Eternal Life of Creation" was sophisticated. To be honest, I always thought that the author was about 30 years old."

"I just like writing."

Shen Ji, who was standing by, had no expression on his face, but he could see some surprise in Jiang Yichen's eyes.

"Shenji, we all know that you know martial arts, but what kind of punch are you best at?"

"Bajiquan." Shen Ji immediately struck a starting pose.

The host then looked at Jiang Yichen,"Jiang Shan, what about you?"

"Wing Chun." Jiang Yichen responded,"But I just started learning it, so I can only say that I know the basics. It's OK for performances, but it's a bit difficult for actual combat."

"The popular"Ip Man" has also made Wing Chun popular, otherwise I wouldn't have known about this boxing style! But watching the movie is still very exciting, and I hope to see the exciting duel between the two later."

"However, let's make it clear first, this is our annual meeting, we are making friends through martial arts, we should stop when we are done, and not hurt the harmony."

Jiang Yichen felt a little pressured, so he naturally agreed.

His Wing Chun skills were not very high, and it was better for him to deal with people like Shura Xiaodao who had never practiced martial arts. If he really met a master of Chinese martial arts, it would be a difficult end.

Soon, the stage was cleared.

Only Shen Ji and Jiang Yichen were left.

The writers in the audience stretched their necks to watch, and both men and women showed great interest in this duel.

What's more, some even made bets.

"I bet the God Machine will win."

"Tsk, didn't you hear that Jiangshan killed Shura Xiaodao in one move yesterday?"

"Shen Ji's Kung Fu is just a show, he learned it by himself, do you think he really knows how to do it? Haha……"


Some people are optimistic about Shen Ji, and some are optimistic about Jiang Yichen.

Of course, the most handsome one among the two people on the stage is Jiang Yichen.

So his female support rate is very high.

On the stage.

The atmosphere became more subtle.

Seeing that Shen Ji had already set up the formation, Jiang Yichen immediately sank his qi into his dantian, stood with his feet inward, slightly bent his knees, and used his hands to attack and defend.


Shen Ji shouted, and his whole body quickly approached!

It was indeed Bajiquan, very fierce.

Jiang Yichen dodged sideways, blocked with his elbow, and just as he was about to stretch his foot, the opponent's fist continued and attacked again.

It was just a contact, and Jiang Yichen felt that the strength was very average, not particularly strong.

Jiang Yichen immediately understood that Shen Ji was not a professional, but practiced by himself.

Although he was only self-taught, he learned authentic ones, and he learned directly from Ye Wen, so it was naturally different.

Even if it was just some entry-level fur, it was compared to the Shen Ji in front of him. Compared to Shen Ji, he is still much stronger.

Shen Ji is considered to be a leader among Chinese martial arts enthusiasts.

Well, let's play with him.

Jiang Yichen thought to himself, and his fists did not stop. He defended with one hand and attacked with the other hand, fighting with the opponent.

Apart from anything else, it is very entertaining. Although there is no set of moves, it is very smooth.

After a while, warm applause rang out in the arena.

Just when Shen Ji's fist rushed over, Jiang Yichen turned his head to the side, blocked with his left hand, and made a finger-guessing with his right hand, which stopped under Shen Ji's cheek.


The two stopped.

They had been fighting for 3 minutes, and the series of attacks and defenses had consumed a lot of physical strength for both of them.

Especially Shen Ji felt that the young man in front of him seemed to be giving in to him.

The host took the microphone and said,"It's wonderful! The two of you are indeed masters of Chinese martial arts. You have opened our eyes."

Jiang Yichen looked helpless and could only smile in response.

However, Shen Ji was very excited. He looked at Jiang Yichen as if he saw an opponent of equal level.

But in fact, Jiang Yichen wanted to say, brother, if you want to learn kung fu, you still have to find a master!

The two stood on both sides of the host

"Jiangshan, your moves are very methodical. I wonder how you learned boxing?" the host asked.

"A friend taught me some skills a few years ago, and I gradually practiced by myself." Jiang Yichen said casually.

The host exclaimed,"The movie"Ip Man" made Wing Chun popular all of a sudden. I didn't expect to see a real Wing Chun master now."

"I'm just a beginner, I can't be a master." Jiang Yichen waved his hand

"Too modest. Shenji, your Bajiquan is also very powerful and amazing." The host then said to Shenji,"I heard that in addition to Bajiquan, you also know some other boxing styles?"

"I also know some Tai Chi." Shen Ji said,"But today I saw the magic of Wing Chun, I should learn it in the future."

The moves seemed to be continuous, but after Jiang Yichen used them, they turned out to be both offensive and defensive. Once he got the upper hand, he would attack quickly, making him unable to defend.

"Finally, thank you both for your wonderful duel performance. This is a small gift from Qidian, please accept it."The host said, taking out two boxes of gifts from the side and handed them to Shen Ji and Jiang Yichen.

Jiang Yichen took a look and saw that it was a tea set packaged in a boutique gift box.

On the way back to his seat, Jiang Yichen glanced at Shura Yidao.

Stared at by Jiang Yichen, he immediately wilted and lowered his head.

If he knew that Jiang Yichen was so powerful, how could he dare to get close to him, wouldn't that be courting death?

With the last move, Jiang Yichen's fist had already hit Shen Ji's face, and it can be said that the winner has been decided.

Although he also felt that Shen Ji's martial arts level was not high, that has to be compared!

Compared with people like himself, there is a world of difference.

When he returned to his seat, Jiang Yichen saw that the small and medium-sized divine writers around him were looking at him in admiration.

"God Jiangshan, you are awesome!"

"He is worthy of being the descendant of ancient martial arts!"

"I think he is better than Shen Ji, and he played beautifully."

Jiang Yichen paused and said,"Don't spread rumors, I just practiced casually."

"Too modest."A female author smiled at Jiang Yichen and handed him a small note,"Little brother, add me as a friend. I can ask you for advice next time I write a fighting plot!"

Jiang Yichen looked up and saw a woman in her thirties. She was heavily made up. Just looking at the powder on her face, Jiang Yichen suspected that if she blew it, the white powder would be all over the sky.

She had introduced herself before. She was a female author who wrote for men. She also wrote some urban novels. She wrote very delicate emotions and was also a successful writer.

But, an old cow eating young grass, isn't this too much to think about?

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