Shura Xiaodao jumped from Qidian to Zongheng Tianxia. He was originally just a minor god-level figure, and there was no big splash.

But this time, the announcement was not just about him, but a group of new and old authors.

And it was announced on the day when the Qidian Literature Network annual meeting ended.

Shura Xiaodao even published a single chapter, which detailed the reason for the job change.

In addition to speaking ill of Qidian, he also made a big fuss about Jiang Yichen.

"……A newcomer who relied on buying various water army reviews to get the first place in the overall list is simply unreasonable. I am very disappointed with Qidian. With such an atmosphere, I think Qidian will not last long."

In the end, Shura Xiaodao made such a judgment and called on his fans to go to Zongheng Tianxia to support his new book.

《"The Legend of the God Slayer".

It seems that he is going to fight the god to the end.

After hearing Tomato's reminder, Jiang Yichen chuckled on the phone and replied,"Let him do whatever he wants. Although Zongheng Tianxia is new, it is difficult to become popular. In today's society, without traffic, there is nothing." In the previous life, if it were not for Tomato, Qimao and other novel websites to obtain a large number of users for free, it would not have posed any threat to Qidian.

In the era of traffic, the winner takes all.

Tomato smiled on the other end of the phone,"You are worthy of being a god, you are confident enough."

Then he hung up the phone.

It seems that he wanted to explain to Jiang Yichen about the matter of Shura Yidao, indicating that he and Shura Yidao are not the same kind of people.

Otherwise, with Tomato's status in Qidian, there is no need to explain anything to him.

Of course, it is also one more friend and one more way.

Jiang Yixin was still very happy. She followed Jiang Yichen to the Magic City. She was satisfied with food, drinks, fun, clothes, gifts, etc., and was very obedient along the way.

Pan Yun treated her like her own sister and bought her a gift.

She had a good impression of this fat guy.

Taking a plane was much faster.

When she returned to Anyuan County, it was already the afternoon of January 15.

Seeing Jiang Yichen bringing back a lot of things, Liu Yuanxiu felt a little distressed.

"Why buy so many clothes for no reason?"

""They were all bought in Shanghai, they are of good quality, and they will be new clothes for you and dad for the New Year." Jiang Yichen explained.

Both are down jackets, more than 2,000 yuan each.

Apart from anything else, the style and quality are still very good.

Liu Yuanxiu said with a smile,"Okay, my Chenchen can make money by himself, so your parents don't have to buy new clothes for you."

"That's right." Jiang Yichen nodded seriously.

Jiang Yixin said with a smile,"Mom, look, my brother bought me two sets of clothes, one for winter and one for spring. Isn't it beautiful? And this, iPod3, for listening to music, looks good, isn't it? It costs more than 2,000 yuan!"

"You kid, you can't spend money like this!"

Liu Yuanxiu said with a distressed voice.

She had to work hard for a month to earn 2,000 yuan!

Jiang Yichen smiled and said,"You have to spend the money you earn. This is a gift for the annual meeting, and there is also a tea set prize."

"This is good, we will need it when we move to the new house." Liu Yuanxiu's eyes lit up and she happily put away the tea set.

""How's the decoration going?" Jiang Yichen asked.

Jiang Nanning looked happy,"It's already done. Now there are only some furniture and home appliances left to buy. Your mother said she would buy them tomorrow."

"So fast!"Jiang Yichen was a little shocked

"Of course not, we are renovating it all day long. Fortunately, the house has just been built and not many people live there. We are also a high-rise building, otherwise the neighbors will have complaints."Liu Yuanxiu was a little proud.

For a month and a half, the continuous construction made the house look different every day.

For things like floors and wall tiles, Jiang Nanning and several colleagues started at 6 o'clock in the morning and worked until 8 o'clock in the evening. Water, electricity, and carpentry were also carried out at full speed. Only then did they barely finish the renovation before the New Year.

There was no other way. Whether it was Jiang Yichen, Jiang Nanning, or Liu Yuanxiu, they didn't want to rent a house anymore.

As for the formaldehyde and other problems in the decoration, everyone didn't care too much, and they didn't use any glue or anything like that. After moving in, they just opened the windows for ventilation.


The next day, Jiang Nanning and his family of four headed to Binjiang No. 1.

The 12-story house offers a very free view of the scenery.

"Wow, this looks so beautiful." Jiang Yixin stood on the balcony, looking at the scenery of Yuanjiang River, feeling very comfortable.

Liu Yuanxiu kept smiling,"Of course, it cost more than 400,000 yuan!"

If Jiang Nanning and she were to work on the construction site alone, it would take seven or eight years without eating or drinking to earn that much.

Jiang Yichen was still quite satisfied with the low-key and simple decoration, which was classic and durable."It's okay now, but in a few years, if you want to buy this house, it will cost at least 700,000 or 800,000 yuan."

"You kid, you are talking nonsense, how can it be sold at such a high price."Liu Yuanxiu said with a smile. Jiang

Nanning also responded,"Now the housing prices are so high, who can afford a house even if it is more expensive!"

Jiang Yichen saw that the two did not believe it, so he did not say much.

The current house is a full 167 square meters, each room is very large, and the living room and dining room are even more spacious.

In later years, there were 110, 120 square meters of 3-bedroom and 4-bedroom houses all over the street.

The tiles are light gray, which looks very bright.

The kitchen, dining room and living room are all tiled, and the TV background wall is decorated with"flowers blooming and prosperous" according to Liu Yuanxiu's idea.

But the overall style is very coordinated and grand, but it still lacks some furniture and home appliances.

According to general customs, people do not move in the twelfth lunar month.

Therefore, Jiang Nanning's family only planned to move on January 21 (the 26th day of the twelfth lunar month), and did not move all the way there.

The current landlord also knew that Liu Yuanxiu and his family had bought a new house, and kept persuading them not to move in so quickly, and they could move in after the first lunar month..

Of course, it’s not just because the landlords are nice people, they are also worried about being talked about by others, like driving the tenants away during the Chinese New Year, which would ruin their reputation.

So after repeated consideration, Liu Yuanxiu agreed to move before the New Year, but the official move-in would be a little later.

It would also give himself more time to prepare various furniture and daily necessities.

Jiang Yichen planned to replace most of the things since he was moving to a new house. Many of the furniture in the house he rented originally were brought by Liu Yuanxiu from his hometown in the countryside. As time went by, they were no longer suitable for use and had to be discarded.

Jiang Yixin went to see his room soon.

He had lived in the same room with his brother since he was a child, and now he was going to have his own spacious room. The thought of it made him a little excited...

After discussing the furniture, Jiang Yichen's cell phone rang.

It was Zhou Xiaofeng

"Chenzi, do you have time? We're going to play basketball this afternoon. If you don't come, we're going to lose badly."

"What's wrong?"

"Anyuan No. 1 Middle School, damn, I had a fight with them yesterday and was humiliated by them, fuck!"

"Tell me the place, I will come." Jiang Yichen said very straightforwardly.

Although A-level basketball was not his original intention, after reaching this level, his desire to play basketball has been stirred!

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