At the end of the second quarter, Chen Shou's face was as black as a black man.

He glanced at the referee Leng Qingxue, and his eyes were full of anger.

It was just a wild game among high school students, but Leng Qingxue was so strict and even blew her own whistle. It was simply unreasonable!

"Are you from No. 1 Middle School? Are you so partial to No. 2 Middle School?"

"I am the referee. I will call the foul on whoever commits it."

Leng Qingxue glanced at the other party and ignored his anger.

The strong comeback in the second quarter made the cheerleaders from No. 2 Middle School very happy. Zhang Ya even ran down with snacks and water to comfort them,"Jiang Yichen, you are awesome!"

Then she looked at the depressed eyes of Lin Jun and Li Lei.

""Ahahaha, Lin Jun, you guys are also good." Zhang Ya laughed.

"Okay, go ahead, let's take a break and discuss tactics."Lin Jun waved his hand and let her leave.

"Jiang Yichen, are you still physically fit?"

"The consumption is a bit high."

Jiang Yichen said truthfully.

His basketball skills have only reached A-level, but it does not mean that his physical strength has reached that level.

Zhou Xiaofeng has rested for a quarter,"Achen, you take a rest, I will go first, and then I will replace you early depending on the situation."

"That's good."

Zhou Xiaofeng's skills were the worst among them, and he realized it now.

Chen Shou and Lu Jia were also discussing tactics closely.

"Lu Jia, you continue to play. In the fourth quarter, Liu Bin, who is in the best physical condition, will play."


Lu Jia naturally agreed,"I'll continue to keep an eye on Jiang Yichen."

"Forget it, his level is too high, I will defend him myself later."Chen Shou narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Damn, I don't know where this guy learned basketball"

"Yes, every attack and defense was flawless. If it weren't for the other guys holding us back, we would have been in a much worse situation."

"Let's see if Jiang Yichen will play in the third quarter. I think he won't have the energy to play later."

"Well, looking at his skills, it's enough for him to be on the basketball team."

"If there is a chance, I will recruit him to the county basketball team."

"Pull him? He's from No. 2 Middle School!" Lu Jia was completely puzzled.

Chen Shou shook his head,"Talent is hard to come by."

The third quarter started soon.

As expected, Jiang Yichen did not play as they had guessed.

After only a few minutes of the game, the court was slowly suppressed again.

He couldn't steal the ball, couldn't attack, and couldn't shoot accurately.

Zhou Xiaofeng was wondering if he didn't bring his hands.

In 3 minutes, No. 1 Middle School scored 2 goals and scored 5 points. No.

2 Middle School didn't score a single goal.

But as the whistle sounded, Chen Shou decisively substituted himself.

He had played for more than two quarters and was ready to take a break and practice with Jiang Yichen.

Although Chen Shou went down, the other players of No. 1 Middle School on the field were still strong. Although they were interacting with each other, the situation was not optimistic.

The score was being caught up little by little.

The cheerleaders on both sides started to compete. The excitement of everyone also attracted more and more people to watch the game. In the third quarter, there were more than 200 people sitting in the stands.

It was incredible that so many people came to watch an ordinary outdoor game.

Whichever side scored a goal, they would roar wildly, and when the other side made a mistake or missed the shot, there would be a round of boos and cheers.

Amid the excitement, Chen Shou walked to Jiang Yichen.

"Jiang Yichen, you are very good at playing basketball"

"Not bad, should be the best."

Jiang Yichen was not modest. If he had better physical strength, he could have completely blown them up!

Chen Shou choked and suppressed the words that wanted to mock his arrogance.

"Are you interested in joining the county team? Play basketball"

"Not interested in"

"With your level, you only need to train for a few months when you come to the county team, and you will definitely be able to play in provincial and municipal level games, and maybe even go to the CBA in the future!" Chen

Shou painted a rosy picture for Jiang Yichen.

Jiang Yichen glanced at him,"Do you think my grades require me to go the basketball route?""


That's right!"

Chen Shou exclaimed secretly.

Jiang Yichen in front of him, his mock exam scores and final exam scores were all the best in the county.

No, it should be said that he was the best in the city.

Too strong.

He is good at studying and he is also good at playing basketball!

How can there be such a perfect person?

If he were a girl, he would probably fall in love with such an excellent Jiang Yichen!

"What a shame about your skills!"

"Oh, what's the pity, I can do other things." Jiang Yichen chuckled,"You are superficial."


Damn, no way to chat today.

""I'll guard you when you come on the court later."

After saying this, Chen Shou left and went to his rest area.

The game became more intense, and the end of the quarter was approaching.


A sharp whistle sounded.

Lin Jun, Zhou Xiaofeng and others left the court dejectedly.

The score was 59:63.

They almost made up for the huge advantage in the second quarter in one go.

This was the result of the strongest force of No. 1 Middle School and Chen Shou not playing.

It has to be said that there is indeed a gap in the basketball strength of the two sides.

Otherwise, they would not have been abused last time.

Jiang Yichen smiled confidently and high-fived every teammate who came down,"Don't worry, we can win."

Yes, Jiang Yichen's level is the strongest now.

He rested for a full quarter.

In the last quarter of the game, No. 2 Middle School will definitely win.

Zhou Xiaofeng lightly hit Jiang Yichen's arm,"It's up to you, Achen!"

Lin Jun prepared to take a break and go into the last section.

The only ones who could fight were Li Lei and a few others.

The others were either exhausted or of average level.

After watching one section, Jiang Yichen had a very good understanding of their advantages and strengths. Their basketball learning progress had also improved a little under the critical hit of learning. Although not much, it was at the A-level level after all.

Next, taking advantage of this time, Jiang Yichen and Lin Jun discussed tactics and then joined hands to start the battle.

The last section.

The victory or defeat depends on this!

Chen Shou's eyes were burning, and he felt a little embarrassed staring at Jiang Yichen

"Next, I won't let you get the ball."Chen Shou, who was 1.9 meters tall and strong, stood in front of Jiang Yichen.

Jiang Yichen smiled bitterly.

No matter how strong his skills were, he would not be able to defeat such a huge player.���In a mediocre situation, the pressure to break through is relatively high.

However, it is not impossible.

The A-level basketball level means that Jiang Yichen has the technical strength of a world-class basketball player.

At the beginning, Jiang Yichen was still getting used to the powerful A-level ability.

But now, he feels that all the touch and technology are in his hands.


Grabbing the ball, stealing the ball, all in one go, the rhythm of the attack is unstoppable!

The cold and upright Leng Qingxue stared closely.

Even if there was a little problem with his defense, the foul whistle would sound, forcing him to pay attention to his movement and arm posture.

But for Jiang Yichen, unless you hold me, you can't stop me!

"With a"clang", the basketball went into the basket!

Chen Shou clenched his fists tightly and continued to follow.

Li Lei and others followed the established tactics and gave Jiang Yichen all the balls they could, allowing Jiang Yichen to break through or directly shoot three-pointers.

The accuracy was almost 100%!

This level, this touch!

If everyone was not on the court, they would have suspected that Jiang Yichen cheated and put a magnet on the basket?

Why did he score every time?

The score was still widening!

The cheerleaders on the court were all excited and stood up.

Pan Yun didn't even know where he got a small drum from, and he beat it hard when a goal was scored!

"Boom boom boom!"

""Bang, bang, bang!"

The final moment finally arrived, but there was no suspense at all.

Lin Jun's appearance accelerated the end of the game.


Anyuan No. 2 Middle School wins!

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