The time of the Chinese New Year is still short. After the Lantern Festival, a new semester begins.

For Jiang Yixin, these days of study are very fulfilling.

So fulfilling that she doesn't even have time to watch TV.

In the morning, under the supervision of Jiang Yichen, she got up at 6 o'clock and then started to practice physical fitness.

Although Liu Yuanxiu saw it, she also thought that they went to bed early and got up early to exercise, which was the best.

During the day, most of the time is reading tutorial books and doing questions. In addition to typing, Jiang Yichen will correct her homework and explain the wrong questions.

After getting used to it, Jiang Yixin has enough interest in learning and has clearly felt the improvement of her grades.

The winter vacation homework did not take much time and was completed very well.

Not only that, in his spare time, Jiang Yichen also taught her to practice calligraphy.

In more than ten days, although there was no very qualitative improvement, it was much better overall.

It will no longer be like before, with words squeezed together, which is very uncomfortable to read.

The all-round improvement has also made Jiang Yixin more confident.

Although Jiang Yichen is more powerful, he is her brother!

And he also knows such a magical thing as physical fitness. He is omnipotent.


When the teacher was lecturing, she found that she could not only keep up, but also mastered it very well.

Jiang Yixin was able to respond immediately to some of the teacher's questions and raised her hand to answer the questions.

Wearing the new clothes bought in Shanghai, Jiang Yixin's beautiful girl temperament has been slowly revealed.

Coupled with her current academic performance, she immediately became the focus of the class

"Xinxin, how come you are so amazing?"

It's just a winter vacation, why do I feel that my deskmate has been reborn!

Jiang Yixin's deskmate Wei Wei asked in surprise

"Hehe, my brother cooked for me."


"My brother bought me more than ten tutorial books and asked me to study. I didn't have any rest or entertainment during the New Year. I was so exhausted."

Although she said so, Jiang Yixin's eyes were full of fulfillment.

Wei Wei widened her eyes,"You studied during the winter vacation?"


"No wonder, you work too hard, don’t you?"Wei Wei really couldn't understand. It was such a great winter vacation, why didn't you take a rest and relax?

Everyone was obviously at the same level, so why did you secretly work hard while everyone was having fun?

Jiang Yixin curled her lips,"What can I do? My brother is so awesome. If I don't work hard, I won't even see his back."

"Didn't your brother take the college entrance exam this year? Is he very good?"

"It's really amazing!" Jiang Yixin said proudly,"He scored 700 points, the first in the county."

"Wow! Your brother is awesome!"

"Well, I also think he is amazing."Jiang Yixin laughed,"No more, I'll practice calligraphy."

After the chat, Jiang Yixin took out her notebook and started practicing calligraphy.

The sample characters on it were all written by Jiang Yichen. The fonts chosen were more suitable for Jiang Yixin to practice, and Jiang Yixin herself liked them, so she practiced very seriously.

"This is really beautifully written." Wei Wei took a look and was a little surprised.

"Yeah, it was written by my brother."


Well, he always talks about his brother.

Wei Wei discovered that this semester, Jiang Yixin's brother seemed to be showing off his callus every day.


The new semester has arrived.

A countdown has been written on the blackboard in front of Class 9 of Senior 3.

There are 117 days left until the college entrance examination.

This means that the time to graduation is visibly approaching.

Jiang Yichen, who was about to enter the classroom, saw the geography teacher Liu Ming.

This was the first teacher he saw after his rebirth.

Liu Ming's dislike and disgust for him had long disappeared. When he saw Jiang Yichen, his face was wrinkled with a smile.

"Jiang Yichen, did you have a good winter vacation?"

""Very good."

Jiang Yichen didn't like this teacher very much.

Now that his grades are good, Liu Ming pays more attention to him and likes him, but he still dislikes other students with poor grades.

"This semester, I want you to be the geography class representative.……"

"Teacher, I don’t have time, I still have to write a novel." Jiang Yichen shook his head and refused.

Liu Ming was stunned,"It won’t affect your writing of the novel, right?"

"I really don't have time."

Jiang Yichen shook his head and went straight into the classroom from the back door.

In front of him was the fat man in thick clothes.

He could feel that Pan Yun's body shape had changed slightly, and he seemed to have lost some weight.

"How many pounds did you weigh today?"

"197, hehe, I have lost more than 10 pounds."

The effect is quite good.

Jiang Yichen praised,"Not bad, try to lose another 10 to 20 pounds this semester, and your weight will be stable at around 170, which is enough. Losing more is not good for your health."

With Pan Yun's height, 170 pounds is considered strong, very strong. Strong and secure.

Pan Yun was also very happy,"I have been practicing recently, and the effect is very good. I sweat a lot every time."

"I will teach you the second set of movements in a few days."

""Okay! I can't wait."

Pan Yun rubbed his hands, very excited.

Since learning the physical fitness technique, Pan Yun has forced himself to practice. Although some movements are not very proficient, the effect is remarkable after practicing for more than ten days.

Jiang Yichen has mastered the high school knowledge very well. Now that he doesn't have to write novels, he is a little bored.

During class, he occasionally listens and looks at the low-multiplier critical hits prompted by the system, which feels very boring.

Often, one class can only increase forty or fifty learning points.

Faced with the current D-level level, it is too difficult to advance these professional knowledge.

So Jiang Yichen started painting.

However, there are always people who don't want him to be quiet.

"You guys, this type of questions has been explained countless times, how can you still get it wrong?"

"You should learn more from Jiang Yichen, you know? How many points did he get in the final geography test? 97 points, with only one small mistake."

"This is an open question, many people can't get any points here"

"For my country's oil transportation, what are the advantages of the China-Myanmar Oil Pipeline and the Kra Canal route compared with the Malacca Strait route?"

"In our class, Jiang Yichen gave the best and most accurate answers. Now, please let Jiang Yichen explain it to everyone. Welcome everyone."

Jiang Yichen:???

What the hell, I'm drawing?

Why do you want me to do this?

Jiang Yichen was a little speechless, but at this time many classmates had already looked at him and applauded.

Only then did he stand up reluctantly.

When he got to the podium, Jiang Yichen said lightly,"Everyone, this is a schematic diagram of China and Southeast Asia."

While speaking, Jiang Yichen took the white chalk and started to sketch quickly.

With just a few strokes, he drew a map of the southeastern region of China.

Then came Southeast Asia and even South Asia.

This time, not only the group of students in the audience, but even Liu Ming, the geography teacher, was stunned.

Jiang Yichen, drawing a map with your bare hands, you are going to heaven!

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