Jiang Yichen's excellence is unquestionable, not only in study, but also in other aspects.

Just like Zhou Xiaofeng knows about basketball, Jiang Yichen's skills are almost invincible.

So much so that every month in the rare physical education class, he would ask him to guide his basketball skills. He is much better than any teacher.

Now there is painting.

Alas, why are some excellent people excellent in everything they do?

Even girls are willing to stick to him.

And those of us who can't read are simply unpopular.

Leng Qingxue doesn't even want to sit side by side with him.


It's really a drought or a flood.

The blackboard newspaper drawn by Jiang Yichen has become a fine painting.

Many people come here specifically to take a look at this blackboard newspaper.

With a futuristic theme, it highlights all kinds of colorful life and scenes.

It inspires students to sprint and fight in the last time of senior high school.

The Hundred Days Oath-taking Ceremony is coming soon.

This day is also the day when Jiang Yichen's family officially moves into their new home.

Before that, it had already let���The company helped to move all the large items over.

Now it's just a matter of choosing a date and going through the process.

Liu Yuanxiu also specially helped to clean the rented house and return a clean home to the landlord.

Jiang Yichen didn't have much to do, and he even went to He Dong's room.

Under Jiang Yichen's enticement, He Dong tidied up the room a little.

Just because Jiang Yichen would occasionally take time to come and play games with him.

He Dongsi understood.

If you want to have a good experience, it's very simple.

That is to be in the same team with Jiang Yichen and be a teammate instead of an opponent.

There is no way, Jiang Yichen's level has been rising rapidly.

""Jiang Yichen, are you moving today?"

He Dong's introverted symptoms also improved significantly. Seeing Jiang Yichen, he asked

"Yes, the first month of the lunar year is over, it's time to move over"

"Can I still play games online in the future?"

"Of course." Jiang Yichen nodded,"The premise is that you have to find a job. When you have time in the evening, I will take you flying."

"Looking for a job?"

He Dong was stunned and reluctant.

"I don't want to go to work"


"My parents are rich, they don't need to work and won't starve to death, why do I have to look for trouble."He Dong explained.

Jiang Yichen rolled his eyes at him.

Damn, this rich second generation is so happy.

He is still trying to make money, while others can just sit at home and play games and have everything.

Of course, more importantly, He Weiguo only has him as his son, and he can't even take care of him. There is nothing he can do about his dependence on his parents.

After all, when he is old, it is not easy to practice a trumpet again.

"Work is not just for making money, it is also a part of life. If you really don't like the nine-to-five life, you can also go out and try some life you like, such as being a freelancer."Jiang Yichen suggested.

Although He Dong is older than him, Jiang Yichen doesn't know how much older he is in terms of mental age.

What's more, He Dong's personality is like a child who has not grown up yet.

Avoiding society and immersing himself in his own world

"Okay, if I have a chance, I will go and see what kind of career I like."He Dong nodded in agreement.

After all, if Jiang Yichen wanted to take him to play games, he probably couldn't not listen to him.

Then, Jiang Nanning's family and the landlord He Weiguo said goodbye and left.

Jiang Yichen's rental life ended here.

When he arrived at the new home at Binjiang No. 1, Jiang Yixin was very happy. He tossed around in his room for a long time, then ran to Jiang Yichen's room and watched him type.

"Brother, I’m still not used to sleeping alone suddenly."

In the past, the two of them slept in the same room. When Jiang Yixin was younger, Jiang Yichen slept in the same bed with her. When she was in the fifth grade, the two of them slept in separate beds with a curtain in between.

They could talk and chat at ordinary times, so she was not lonely.

Now that Jiang Yixin has to sleep in a room by herself, she feels lonely.

More importantly, when she is with Jiang Yichen, she can feel that her mind and thinking are more active. She feels very comfortable to be with him, as if she has no worries at all.

This is the effect of the comfortable jade pendant.

Just like in school, Leng Qingxue, Zhang Ya and others like to surround him.

Jiang Yichen is also a little helpless.

The range of the buff is only one meter.

If it could be a few meters more, the situation would probably be much better.

Jiang Yichen would not feel annoyed.

It felt like suddenly, a group of girls squeezed towards him.

In addition to them, there was also a fat man Pan Yun next to them. As soon as he approached, he felt like a wall was pressing down on him.

Jiang Yichen smiled and rubbed his sister's hair,"You've grown up, we can't sleep well in the same room anymore"


Jiang Yixin pouted and responded.

"How about I review here too? Brother, you stay by my side so I can ask you questions."

""Okay." Jiang Yichen shook his head and replied.

This is the master bedroom, which is very large.

After placing the 1.8-meter-high bed, there is still more than 2 meters of space. Jiang Yichen asked the carpenter to build a long desk.

It can be used to place a computer, or sit and do homework or read.

Jiang Yixin immediately jumped up with joy,"Brother, you are so nice!"

As he spoke, he went to get the homework.

Jiang Yichen is now almost at the end of"Eternal Life of Creation", and has more than 1.6 million words in stock.

At the rate of 10,000 words per day, it can be updated for nearly half a year.

Of course, he is now thinking about a new book.

With B-level writing skills, he can conceive the plot very quickly, and sort out the logic and ideas.

But there is no rush now, he can take his time.

There is no need to open two accounts at the same time. After finishing coding"Eternal Life of Creation", he can spend some time to conceive it.

""Brother, what major are you going to study in college?"

Jiang Yixin, who was doing homework, suddenly asked.

Jiang Yichen was stunned and stopped typing.

Because he only worked part-time in his previous life, he went back to Anyuan to be a courier. After his rebirth, although his studies were critical, he really neglected his life goals. He didn't even know what major he wanted to study.


With the critical learning system, it was very easy for Jiang Yichen to become an all-rounder.

But what is his life pursuit?

After switching to liberal arts, his liberal arts grades improved, but he didn't know what path he would take in the future..

If you study science, you can have lofty ideals, such as making chips for China, developing science and technology, and becoming a powerful scientist.

But what if you study liberal arts?

The majors you can choose are narrower.

For example, philosophy, economics, law, education, literature, history, management, art, and so on.

Needless to say, philosophy, Jiang Yichen does not have such a high level of thinking.

Other law, education, history, and even management are not what he wants.

Then there are only economics and literature.

Thinking of his previous life, Jiang Yichen's eyes suddenly lit up.

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