[Ding! More than 500 people have been detected looking at you. Your influence has increased! The system is issuing rewards.】

【Congratulations! You have won the honorary title: Emerging】

【After wearing this honorary title, you will get the Convincing (D-level) Buff: Your words and deeds will convince people around you, and your convincing power will increase by 30%】


Jiang Yichen cursed in his heart as he was walking.

But he calmed down and solemnly completed the ceremony of presenting the flower basket under the guidance of the guide.

The protagonists of today's Zhongshan Journey are the senior high school students.

The representative of the senior high school students is Jiang Yichen.

Whether it is handsome or academic performance, he can represent them well.

Principal Liu Youxi did not give Jiang Yichen a chance to say anything. As a tool representative, he completed the ceremony of presenting the flower basket and left.

But Liu Youxi still said a few words.

"……Our Anyuan No.

2 Middle School has all-round development in moral, intellectual, physical, aesthetic and labor aspects, and is absolutely no worse than Anyuan No.

1 Middle School!

Today, you have come to Zhongshan on foot to remember the martyrs.

You are brave and resolute, and you have demonstrated fearlessness and fearlessness, and have been baptized with courage and confidence.

I believe that you will show your talents, demonstrate yourself, and achieve yourself in the upcoming college entrance examination!


"Tomorrow, No. 2 Middle School will be proud of you!"

Applause broke out.

It must be said that although Liu Youxi is not good-looking, he is good at using his voice to gather people's hearts.

At least Jiang Yichen felt a little excited after listening to it.

But the scorching sun soon dissipated the excitement, and he had to curse in his heart: Damn, you are still talking, why don't you finish it?

Fortunately, Liu Youxi did not speak for a long time. After speaking, he asked everyone to go to the shade of the trees for lunch.

The school specially transported some bread, milk and other snacks for everyone to sit on the ground and have a snack.

After the meal, they lined up in a long line to walk back.

Jiang Yichen has been studying this sudden honorary title.

It seems that the system is guiding and supporting Jiang Yichen to step forward and enjoy the spotlight.

But it can also be felt that the system is making appropriate corrections based on his life ideas.

Because Jiang Yichen intends to become an idea that influences and changes some societies, it appears Soon, the system encouraged and rewarded Jiang Yichen for his corresponding words and deeds when he stood on the stage.

The belief in Buff is more about showing one's own charm.

Of course, if one is not upright, this Buff may also bring different effects.

When we got back, everyone felt faster.

The pace was more vigorous.

Halfway through, at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, they arrived at the county town one after another.

Some parents have come to pick them up by bike. Seeing their children get a little tanned, but their eyes are more determined.

Even the fat man walked the whole way, and he looked like he was about to fall apart.

He still overestimated his ability.

Although he has been practicing physical fitness for a month, the tonnage is there after all. He has reached his limit after walking 20 kilometers under the sun.

But his father had been waiting for a long time.

He took him directly to the car. When he got in the car, the whole car was pressed down a few centimeters.

"Ah Chen, I can't do it anymore. I have to stay in bed and rest today. I'm leaving first."

After getting into the car, he waved to Jiang Yichen.

"You did very well today." Jiang Yichen gave a thumbs up.

Hearing Jiang Yichen's praise, Pan Yun became energetic and proud like a baby.

Watching people leave one by one, Jiang Yichen handed the flag in his hand to the staff, and then reported to Li Qiuxia and left.

As for Li Qiuxia, she was also very tired. Jiang Yichen estimated that she wanted to run back home and lie down for half a day.

Naturally, there were no twists and turns.

Leng Qingxue, who had been following Jiang Yichen, did not complain all the way and looked like a person who exercised regularly.

However, when she wanted to say something to Jiang Yichen, Jiang Yichen had already run away. After walking all day, Jiang Yichen's walking (fitness) skill had directly crit to A level, and his physical fitness had obviously improved. Growth.

Hiking is child's play for him.

Not to mention that he had to stop and go to accommodate the large group.

After the Zhongshan Journey was over, some publicity was limited to internal activities and did not cause any major impact.

But it made the people in Anyuan No. 1 Middle School feel jealous. No.

2 Middle School has organized practical activities, what is No. 1 Middle School doing? ?

Walking in Zhongshan again is just copying others, without any innovation.

Of course, there is no need to mention these trivial matters. However, judging from the situation in the next few days, the effect of the Zhongshan Journey organized by Principal Liu Youxi is still very obvious.

After the journey, many senior high school students have improved their perseverance in learning.

Although this effect may not last long, it is good to be able to change something.


In the first week of Chinese class, after the morning self-study, Li Qiuxia was nowhere to be seen.

Zhang Yunlong, the head teacher of the grade, walked into the classroom with his hands behind his back.


As soon as he entered the classroom, he coughed twice to express his dissatisfaction.

He really disliked the noisy class.

If it weren't for Jiang Yichen and Leng Qingxue, the two big Buddhas, he would not have come to Class 9 to supervise the study style.

""Everyone be quiet." Zhang Yunlong tapped the podium with his knuckles again,"Your teacher Li Qiuxia is not feeling well and can't come to the Chinese class this week. I will take over."

Everyone was a little surprised and didn't understand what was going on.

Zhou Xiaofeng spoke first,"What the hell? What happened to Teacher Li?"

"Your teacher Li is 54 years old and has walked with you all the way. He is exhausted and the doctor said he needs to rest for a week."Zhang Yunlong frowned and explained.

It was these few troublemakers, otherwise he would have���Too lazy to explain

"There is no need for you to lead the class. How can you, a politics major, teach Chinese?" Zhou Xiaofeng was not afraid at all and confronted him directly.

Zhang Yunlong was furious,"I am more than qualified to teach you people."

"Tsk, then it would be better to let Jiang Yichen teach!"

"That is, Jiang Yichen speaks very well, and I want to join their study group."

"Agree, let Jiang Yichen take charge of the class"


For a while, the class became noisy. These people were stubborn and didn't give Zhang Yunlong any face at all.

Li Qiuxia was okay. Although Zhou Xiaofeng would sometimes say a few words, he generally respected her.

After all, Li Qiuxia was old and had really spent a lot of time to take care of them.

He still understood this gratitude.

Zhang Yunlong was very angry at first, but the next moment he saw Jiang Yichen who had just been awakened by the noisy noise, and immediately changed his face to smile.

"Okay, since you want Jiang Yichen to teach, then this week's Chinese class will be taught by Jiang Yichen. I'm leaving!"

As he spoke, he didn't care whether Jiang Yichen agreed or not, and left immediately.

He had no interest in teaching Chinese, and he really couldn't do it.

Jiang Yichen was left a little confused.

Damn, I just woke up, what's going on?!

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