"Qingxue, how do you feel about the college entrance examination?"

The college entrance examination had just ended, and Qiu Ping, wearing a plaid dress, came to Leng Qingxue's door in person and asked about this matter as soon as she opened her mouth.

Leng Qingxue saw that it was Qiu Ping, and her face remained cold,"Not bad"

"The school will organize a score estimation tomorrow. Can you come and calculate your scores?"Qiu Ping was obviously used to her personality and did not feel anything wrong.

Leng Qingxue shook her head and said,"There is no need to estimate the scores. I will leave Anyuan tomorrow."

"Are you going to travel somewhere?" Qiu Ping was stunned."There are still scores to check and applications to fill in, so wait another 20 days!""

"I'm going to Guangzhou."

Guangzhou is where her father is.

After her parents divorced, Leng Qingxue's father has been doing business in Guangzhou and has settled there.

He originally wanted Leng Qingxue to go out to study, but Leng Qingxue refused for various reasons.

Now she lives with her grandmother.

Her father was also very annoyed, thinking that in this small county, there would be no teaching staff and no university for her to enter.

But Leng Qingxue was very determined. She said that even if she was in Anyuan, she could be admitted to Tsinghua University and Peking University.

It was this anger that made Leng Qingxue try every possible way to improve her grades and level, just to get the desired results and prove herself to her father.

Now that the college entrance examination is over, it also means that her anger has dissipated.

Her father will arrive tonight and take her and her grandmother to Guangzhou to live.

"I will fill in the application online." Leng Qingxue said directly,"If there is any notice, Mr. Qiu, please call or QQ to inform me, thank you."

Qiu Ping sighed,"You have always been very opinionated, you say what you mean, I can't persuade you."

"Just like you going to Anyuan No. 2 Middle School, I can't persuade you."

Qiu Ping suddenly felt like a failure. Her most proud student, Leng Qingxue, had so decisively abandoned her teacher.

Leng Qingxue didn't say anything, but just lowered her head slightly.

"Is Jiang Yichen really that powerful? Qiu Ping suddenly asked again

"Well, he is a true genius. He has a deep understanding of every subject, and his handwriting is as beautiful as the calligraphy of famous masters."Speaking of Jiang Yichen, Leng Qingxue's face turned slightly red.

He seemed to have a kind of charm that attracted her to stick close to him.

When the distance was close, the whole person's thoughts were more active and the mind was clearer.

Seeing that Leng Qingxue seemed to be lost in memories, the experienced Qiu Ping knew what she was thinking,"Are you in love with him?"

"Yes. Who wouldn't like him, such an excellent person." Leng Qingxue chuckled.

"What about him to you?"

"He probably doesn't like me." Leng Qingxue thought about it and shook her head.

In the past six months of study and life, Leng Qingxue found that Jiang Yichen didn't seem to like women. Even though all the girls in the study group except Pan Yun were above average beauties, Jiang Yichen seemed to treat everyone as a business. He only treated everyone as classmates.

Although Zhong Ling was interested in him, Jiang Yichen didn't like her either.

But Leng Qingxue really didn't believe that Jiang Yichen's willpower was that strong.

Qiu Ping was silent for a while, then said,"I'll send you the reference answers tomorrow. Take some time to check them and tell me your estimated score."


"Have a good rest, you look tired too." Qiu Ping reached out and rubbed her hair, then waved and left.

This Jiang Yichen was the same. It would have been great if he had followed her to Anyuan No. 1 Middle School.

By then, maybe there would be two students from her class who could get into Tsinghua University or Peking University. After Leng Qingxue left, the classmates in the class were forced by her for half a year, but the highest score in the mock exam was only 630.

This was the result of unstable performance. She was thankful to get this score in the college entrance examination.

When she thought of this, she was still very fortunate.

If she hadn't kept him, Leng Qingxue would have transferred his student status to Anyuan No. 2 Middle School.


Anyuan County has begun to focus on creating night scenes in recent years.

It also supports the development of various night-time economies, which has led to the establishment of many night snack stalls in the area of Yuanjiang West Road.

After more than half a year, Jiang Yichen and his party came here to eat again.

But this time, Jiang Yichen became the protagonist.

A group of beautiful women surrounded him.

Pan Yun was eating roasted lamb there, looking very out of place.

"Come on, the college entrance examination has ended successfully, let's toast to it!" Zhang Ya held a bowl of beer, stood on a bench with one foot, and said cheers very cheerfully.

"Cheers! Happy graduation!"

Qin Xiaoxin also said.

Jiang Yichen didn't spoil the fun of the dinner party. He took the bottle and toasted,"I wish everyone can get into a satisfactory university."

After drinking a glass of wine, Zhang Ya asked directly,"Jiang Yichen, which university are you going to?"

Everyone suddenly became quieter, wanting to hear what Jiang Yichen had to say.

"Let’s look at the scores first."

"Tsk, why are you looking at the scores? Can’t you just choose whatever you want?"

"That is, Tsinghua or Peking University, you choose it yourself?"

Pan Yundu interrupted,"That's right, Chen, you can't be modest, no matter which one you go to, I will go to the same school in the same city with you later."

"I haven't decided yet. I'll see which school offers the highest price and go there."Jiang Yichen's mouth curled up slightly

"What's the high bid?"Pan Yun scratched his head, not understanding the situation.

Zhang Ya knew something, after all, her family was a teacher,"You don't understand this, with Jiang Yichen's scores, famous schools will fight for him. Do you think you can't get into any school you want?"

Pan Yun was hit, but he just laughed and didn't get angry.

"I didn't know there was such a thing. I've learned a lot." Zhong Ling felt that she had learned something new. Leng Qingxue was drinking by herself nearby. After thinking for a while, she took the bottle and said,"Jiang Yichen, although the score hasn't come out yet, I think it won't be a problem to get more than 660 points. Thank you!"

"You're welcome. Drink less and don't get drunk. Pan Yun and I are just two people. We can't care about so many things," Jiang Yichen clinked the bottle with her and then said.

"Jiang Yichen is right. You can't drink much. Just drink one bottle. You can drink Coke later. It goes well with the barbecue."Zhang Ya drank some wine. Her face flushed. She spoke loudly and like a big sister.

Leng Qingxue didn't listen and drank a bottle directly.

After drinking a bottle, she lay on the table, as if she was drunk.

Everyone thought she was drunk, but unexpectedly, she started to cry.

"What's wrong?" Jiang Yichen, who was standing next to her, frowned.

Zhang Ya also felt very strange and reached out to pat her,"Leng Qingxue, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, I just remembered that we'll be separated after graduation." Leng Qingxue wiped her tears and held back her sadness.

Jiang Yichen was a little puzzled.

She had only joined the group half a year ago, and they weren't particularly familiar with each other.

Especially when they were in the study group, Leng Qingxue and Zhang Ya, Zhong Ling and the others were incompatible!

This sisterhood was incomprehensible.

"Graduation is not a farewell, but a preparation for the next meeting. Jiang Yichen said loudly,"I have a song for you all."


"It's time for the phoenix flowers to bloom again.

I think of an old friend I haven't seen for a long time.

The memory slowly becomes vivid with the feeling.

The red hillside is the intersection of farewell.


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