Her name is Mu Qingshu.

A hot girl from eastern Sichuan who is not very tall but very pretty.

The two of them appreciate each other and work in the same factory, from strangers to familiar people.

They have drunk together, sang together, eaten the spiciest hot pot, played the most exciting mahjong...

But Jiang Yichen in his previous life knew that he was much worse than her.

She didn't take a comprehensive science test, but she also got 400 points.

Jiang Yichen took all the tests, but he didn't get 300 points.

At first, Jiang Yichen didn't know about her shortcomings, but after knowing them after drinking, he strongly suggested that she take the exam again.

Later, Mu Qingshu returned to her hometown and never went out to work again.

Jiang Yichen also left Pengcheng and returned to his hometown to work as a courier.

This emotional experience that was between more than friends and less than lovers is an unforgettable regret for Jiang Yichen.

Now that he has a new life, Jiang Yichen wants to come and find her.

But Jiang Yichen knew Mu Qingshu's character very well. He had a very strong self-esteem and would never show any grievances or problems. He would just bear them silently.

Jiang Yichen drove the rented car to Tianfeng County Middle School.

Wearing sunglasses and a beard, Jiang Yichen passed through several people and finally found Mu Qingshu's head teacher, a 52-year-old middle-aged man with glasses, Deng Jianguo.

Then he got to know him as a friend of Mu Qingshu.

Having met all kinds of customers in his previous life, Jiang Yichen spoke very naturally and was not shy at all.

Coupled with his dress, he no longer looked like a young man, but a young man in his twenties.

"Alas! Qingshu is a miserable child!"

Speaking of Mu Qingshu, Teacher Deng Jianguo couldn't help sighing.

"Her mother was ill, and she spent a lot of money and borrowed a lot of money during her three years of high school."

"Life was very hard"

"Her grades were excellent in the class. If she had performed normally, she would have no problem getting into a key university. But unexpectedly, on the day of the comprehensive science exam, her father had a car accident on the way to work, so she didn't take the exam."

"After I knew the situation, I went to her immediately and persuaded her to take the last course, English."

"I don't know how many points I can get now, but after all, if I miss one subject, it will be difficult to go to university."

"I will advise her to repeat the year later."

Jiang Yichen listened to Deng Jianguo's story quietly. These situations were similar to what Jiang Yichen knew in his previous life.

But Deng Jianguo's story was more specific.

"How is her father doing?" Jiang Yichen suddenly asked

"He is still in the hospital, and I am not very clear about the specific situation."Deng Jianguo shook his head

"Can you take me to see it?"

Deng Jianguo glanced at Jiang Yichen, who was wearing sunglasses and had a beard under his nose. He looked a little old.

"OK, I also want to learn about her current family situation and encourage her to repeat her studies."

Deng Jianguo did not hesitate and took Jiang Yichen to the county hospital.

Sitting in the car rented by Jiang Yichen, Deng Jianguo began to probe,"Did you meet on the Internet?"

"No, I got to know her from a friend on the Internet."

"I just happened to have some spare money, so I wanted to help her."

"Oh, that's it." Deng Jianguo finally relaxed his doubts.

You know, Mu Qingshu has been studying all the time and should have few opportunities to go online. Therefore, when Jiang Yichen first said that they met online, he was skeptical.

But why did he agree? It was also because of a one-in-a-lifetime possibility.

If Jiang Yichen is really a kind person and is willing to help Mu Qingshu, it will undoubtedly be a great thing for Mu Qingshu.

Jiang Yichen drove while saying,"But I don't want her to know. High school students have strong self-esteem, so wait a minute, please go and visit her, Mr. Deng."

"Then, you can say that a friend on the Internet knows about this and wants to help her to the best of your ability."

While Jiang Yichen was speaking, he took out an envelope.

"This is a letter for her."

Deng Jianguo took it solemnly and said,"I want to thank you on behalf of Qingshu!"

"You're welcome."

Soon, the two arrived at the hospital.

Jiang Yichen put on sunglasses and a mask.

Deng Jianguo walked in front, and Jiang Yichen followed, heading to the inpatient department.

When Deng Jianguo walked into a room, Jiang Yichen stood by the door, tilted his head and looked up, and saw the woman who had left him with regrets in his previous life.

She looked thin, with messy hair tied up simply. She sat on a low stool, holding the hands of a man on the bed tightly with both hands.

The bright yellow top, simply matched with jeans, made her look fresh and natural.


""Teacher?" Mu Qingshu was stunned when he heard the voice, then he looked up and saw Deng Jianguo.

Jiang Yichen at the door immediately moved away, leaned against the door, and listened quietly.

In the ward.

Mu Qingshu wiped the tears from his eyes and stood up,"Teacher Deng, why are you here?"

"I came to see how your father is doing now."Deng Jianguo felt a little heavy in his heart.

"He just had surgery and hasn't woken up yet." Mu Qingshu looked at his father on the bed,"The doctor said the surgery was successful."

Deng Jianguo breathed a sigh of relief,"That's good."

"Teacher, do you want me to estimate my scores? There is no need for that. I will go to work in Pengcheng or Yangcheng in a while."

Mu Qingshu's voice was firm, but anyone could see the pressure she was under.

Deng Jianguo was about to say something when the door suddenly opened.

He thought it was Jiang Yichen, but it turned out to be two middle-aged men.

One was ugly with a scar on his face, and the other was tall and thin with shifty eyes.

When they saw Mu Qingshu and the person on the bed, they immediately shouted loudly.

"Mr. Mu, isn't it time for you to pay back the money?"

"Who are you?"

Mu Qingshu was stunned and took a step back.

Deng Jianguo frowned and stood in front of Mu Qingshu,"What are you doing? It's not right for you to ask for money in the hospital!"

"Hum, this is the bill your father asked us to borrow money from. Look, it’s written in black and white, clearly, 50,000 yuan, interest rate 1.5%"

"This is not usury."

Deng Jianguo took a closer look and saw that it was indeed an IOU.

"The repayment period is not here yet, why are you in such a hurry?"

"That won't do. Mu Tianshui was hit by a car. If he dies, what will happen to the money?" the tall man said coldly.

Mu Qingshu spoke up with courage,"My dad is fine now, but he hasn't woken up yet. When he wakes up, we will definitely pay him back. But now, please leave."

"How can you pay back the money like this? Don't think I don't know that you still owe a lot of debt! I won't lend you money anymore, you must pay it back now!"

"That's right, if you don't return it, don't blame me for being rude."

Just then, a voice came from outside the door.

"Oh? I don’t know how you’re going to be rude?!"

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