Mu Qingshu was in the ward, with tears in his eyes, and asked,"Teacher, do you know who he is?"

"I don't know." Deng Jianguo shook his head.

He really didn't know Jiang Yichen's real name, he only knew his surname was Jiang.

He didn't even know how much money was in the bank card.

"Qingshu, did your friend lend you money?"

"The letter is a little strange, I can't tell what he means," Mu Qingshu looked at the letter and bank card in his hand, and raised his head again,"but it seems that he left this card to help me through the difficulties."

"How much money do you still owe and how much will the treatment cost?"

"I have owed more than 300,000 yuan in total. My dad's medical expenses are not bad, because the insurance pays for the perpetrator." Mu Qingshu thought about it and told him all the burdens on her.

Originally, the burden was on her father alone.

But now her father is injured and still unconscious, so she has to bear these burdens that originally existed in the concept of numbers.

Now that she has graduated, she feels that it is not so easy to earn a penny.

Deng Jianguo sighed,"Let's go and see how much money your friend has left. If it's not enough, I'm going to report to the principal and see if I can organize donations."

"No, thank you, teacher." Mu Qingshu shook his head and said,"I will go to Pengcheng to work and pay off the remaining debt as soon as possible."

"Qingshu, your grades are so good, don't even think about going to work!"

Deng Jianguo was about to leave when he heard Mu Qingshu's idea and tried to persuade him anxiously,"How much can you make working now? 4,000 or 5,000 a month? You'll be exhausted and that's it."

"But if you repeat one more year, you will have more job options in the future. If you study well, a million-dollar annual salary is not a dream!"

Mu Qingshu was silent for a long time.

She naturally didn't want to go to the coastal areas to work right after graduating from high school.

But now, for her, missing one college entrance examination has no meaning.

Can she persist in repeating one more year?

"Teacher Deng, I will consider your suggestion."Mu Qingshu raised his head, his clear eyes were full of determination.

Deng Jianguo then said goodbye and left.

But as soon as he left, he saw Zhu Mingjie sitting on the ground with his feet raised, crying and screaming in pain at the entrance of the stairs.

A man wearing a mask was watching the fun from the side.

"What's going on?"

Deng Jianguo walked to Jiang Yichen and asked

"It seems like an internal conflict." Jiang Yichen sneered.

Just a minute ago, the two debt collectors had performed a drama for nothing, and they didn't even get any bribes. The tall and thin man slapped Zhu Mingjie in the face.

This time, they started arguing.

Jiang Yichen kicked a small stone with his foot, and the long���The strong and ugly man fell flat on his face. The kick also hit Zhu Mingjie's calf.

Zhu Mingjie cried out in pain.

After seeing people coming to watch, the two debt collectors ran away.

Deng Jianguo showed a look of"it serves him right", and when he saw the nurse from the hospital coming to check the situation, he ignored her and left.

Back at school, Jiang Yichen stopped and said,"Teacher Deng, let me add you on QQ. If there is anything in the future, please let me know.""


Deng Jianguo was worried that he didn't have Jiang Yichen's contact information, so he left his QQ number.

Jiang Yichen logged into a new QQ account he had just registered, and added the nickname"Jiangshan Wuxian" to the other party.

"Mr. Jiang, thank you very much for your help!"

Deng Jianguo stretched out his hand and shook hands with Jiang Yichen.

"It's just a piece of cake." Jiang Yichen said calmly,"I hope she can cheer up."

"Don't worry, I will persuade her here."


Jiang Yichen nodded, waved and got in the car.

The trip was very comfortable.

Jiang Yichen took a camera with him and took a lot of beautiful pictures.

After using the software to adjust the color slightly, Jiang Yichen selected 10 works that he was satisfied with and sent them to the mailbox of"National Geographic China".

This magazine is a favorite of natural photographers.

The level of photography works is generally high.

Looking at the beautiful photos he took, Jiang Yichen said he would show them to everyone.

After returning the rental car, Jiang Yichen began his journey home.

But this journey is destined to be not so peaceful


According to the general rules in the past, around June 23, the college entrance examination scores will be announced for query.

But before that, many universities have already obtained the rankings through various means.

The admissions offices of these famous universities in various provinces have been eager for a long time and have taken action quickly.

According to the general rules, as soon as the results come out, the schools will start a war to grab people.

Not only that, although they do not disclose each other's rankings and scores, everyone can roughly guess their own ranking through the rankings of the universities that are being grabbed.

For example, the top 10 are basically being competed for by Peking University and Tsinghua University.

If it is Fudan University, Wuhan University, Zhejiang University, Nanjing University and other famous universities competing, it means that it is also in the top 50.

Peking University Admissions Office

"……What? The top scorer in liberal arts in Anxi Province? 737 points?!"

"OK, OK, we’ll get in touch right away!"

"I understand. I will never let Tsinghua University get ahead of me."


Liu Xiyuan, the tall and busty deputy director of the Admissions Office of Peking University, who is in charge of Anxi and other provinces, put down the phone, thought for a moment, and immediately made arrangements.

"Xiao Zhang, arrange a car quickly and let’s go to Anyuan County!"

""Okay, Director. The car is ready and we can leave at any time." Zhang Yu, a graduate student doing internship nearby, immediately responded,"Is the top scholar in Anyuan County?"

"This year's science champion is in the Affiliated High School of Changcheng Normal University. Lao Qin has been arranged to go there."

"Ah, Director, aren’t you going to the place where the science champion is?"

"I won't go. The top scorer in science scored 689 points in the college entrance examination, but do you know how much the top scorer in liberal arts scored?"Liu Xiyuan, who was wearing a professional suit, said as she took her small bag and went straight out the door.

"According to past experience, more than 650"

"No, it’s 737 points!"

"How is this possible!?"Zhang Yu was completely confused,"He got extra points?"

"No, pure raw points!"

"This is impossible even if you copy the reference answer!"Zhang Yu felt like he was hallucinating and shook his head repeatedly.

"So, this is a true genius."

Liu Xiyuan nodded, and then said,"Contact the staff immediately and get the phone number of the principal of Anyuan County No. 2 Middle School. In addition, get the phone number of this liberal arts champion within 1 hour!"

"Okay, what’s the number one scholar’s name?"

"Jiang Yichen"

"Jiang Yichen?……"

Sitting in the car, Zhang Yu, a 24-year-old young man, was still very shocked.

Now he had a screenshot of Liu Xiyuan's QQ message to him.

Name: Jiang Yichen

Admission Ticket Number: 36072009XXXX

Chinese: 147;

Mathematics: 150;

English: 148;

Liberal Arts: 292;

Total score: 737;

Ranking: 1

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