Jiang Yichen came back secretly and did not contact anyone after coming back, which made his life still quiet.

For this reason, he did not even tell Pan Yun.

Jiang Yichen got up at six o'clock in the morning and took Jiang Yixin to practice bodybuilding on the balcony.

Jiang Yixin has fully felt the magic of bodybuilding.

After practicing for more than half a year, her originally weak body has become healthy and her figure has become more well-proportioned.

Her appetite has increased a little, but her figure has not changed or gained weight, and she has grown to the right place.

It's just that her development has accelerated, which makes her a little shy.

Liu Yuanxiu, who was washing clothes, watched for a while,

"The morning exercises you guys did are quite interesting. It's about getting up early and exercising."

Jiang Yichen finished it very easily and said with a smile,"I'll teach you and dad later. Practicing regularly is good for your health.""

"Yes, yes, yes, I feel like I've gotten much better in the past six months, I haven't even caught a cold!" Jiang Yixin said with a smile. Liu Yuanxiu said with a smile

,"Forget it, your dad and I are so old, why should we practice this? We might as well go and dance square dance!""

""Mom, don't be embarrassed! This fitness technique is really useful!"

While Jiang Yixin was talking, she saw Liu Yuanxiu had finished drying the clothes, so she pulled her to learn together.

She became a little master, teaching from the first set of movements, watching Liu Yuanxiu's clumsy movements, Jiang Yixin helped her improve little by little.

Jiang Yichen had long wanted to teach the fitness technique to his parents, but they always thought it was a student's exercise and didn't take it seriously.

Now that Jiang Yixin was pestering to teach, it was naturally a good thing.

So she gave some pointers from the side.

After practicing, Jiang Yichen called Pan Yun.

"Damn, Jiang Yichen, you bastard, you haven't contacted me for 20 days? I've even passed my driver's license test!"

As soon as the call was connected, Pan Yun's voice came out.

"Now that you have just graduated and you don’t even contact me, when you go to Peking University, won’t you just ignore us, your ordinary undergraduate classmates?"

Jiang Yichen said unhappily,"Get lost, have you got the admission result?"

"It's out. I got into Changcheng University. How's that? Awesome, right? Haha!"

It can be heard that Pan Yun is very happy.

With his college score, he got into Changcheng University, which is a great honor for Pan Yun's parents.

"Sure! What major?"

"Chinese Language and Literature."Pan Yun replied,"You know, I just like Chinese. It just so happens that my parents taught Chinese, so it will be more convenient for me to take the civil service exam in the future."

"That's true, a versatile major!" Jiang Yichen thought about it and agreed with Pan Yun's choice."How are the other students in the class? I heard they all did well in the exam?"

"That's right, Zhou Xiaofeng didn't know how he got into a junior college, can you imagine?"Pan Yun was also very shocked when he talked about this. Jiang

Yichen smiled and said nothing.

Although Zhou Xiaofeng's grades were very poor, this kid was lucky because he was close to the school and was more or less affected.

Not to mention anything else, just looking at Leng Qingxue studying hard next to him, he was embarrassed to read pornographic novels, right?

"How is our study group going?"

"You don't log in to QQ? Zhang Ya also got into Changsong University. Hehe, she studied English.……"

"It looks like your relationship is heating up very quickly, do you want to thank me for taking you to get your driver's license and learn how to swim?" Jiang Yichen was full of pride when listening to Pan Yun's speech.

Pan Yun said"Pah","Go to hell, you took me to get my driver's license and left after 4 days, leaving me there in the sun for almost a month, I have become darker"

"But you got love!"

"What's the point of love? I don't think Zhang Ya has that kind of interest in me." Pan Yun was a little depressed."I have already lost a lot of weight."

"Don't worry, there are still four years of college, just try your best, I believe in you." Jiang Yichen encouraged.

After all, the two of them were together in their previous life, and Pan Yun was obviously better in this life.

His own excellence, coupled with his wealth, was the icing on the cake for Pan Yun.

"That's right." Pan Yun cheered up again and then talked about the other students.

The class leader Qin Xiaoxin also did well in the exam and chose Jinling Medical University.

Zhong Ling chose Qiancheng Normal University.

It was considered that everyone in the study group was admitted to a first-class university, which was a very good result.

"Didn't you and Leng Qingxue both get into Peking University? I think the school is going to put you on the list of top scorers, how the hell are you so awesome?" Pan Yun complained,"Can't you two do something about it?"

"Get lost"

"By the way, Achen, what major did you study?"


"This is good, isn't it very profitable? Take me to make money in the future! Otherwise, I think I will really become a civil servant in the future and die of poverty!"Pan Yun said hurriedly

"We'll talk about it when we have a chance." Jiang Yichen shrugged.

Even if he didn't do stocks or investments, with his reborn mind, Jiang Yichen felt that there would be many opportunities.

For example, Bitcoin.

If he just wanted to be a rich man, Jiang Yichen would have no problem taking Pan Yun down.

"Achen, are you back?"

"I'm back, resting at home. I'll have a graduation banquet in a while, and then go to Beijing early."Jiang Yichen said,"When can we get together at the Internet cafe?"


Pan Yun also slowly understood that with the end of the college entrance examination, the opportunities for everyone to get together are really getting fewer and fewer.

Especially him and Jiang Yichen, the two of them have a world of difference in their talent for studying. It is lucky to be able to sit in the same row with him during the last year of high school.

The future paths of life will be very different.


The summer vacation passed quickly.

When Jiang Yichen was at home, he would trade stocks and write novels.

By August 10, the funds in Jiang Yichen's account had reached 3 million yuan, and he was already a first-generation local tyrant.

As for the online novel"Eternal Life of Creation", it is now close to completion.

This book alone has earned Jiang Yichen 2 million yuan.

Of course, taking advantage of the summer vacation, Jiang Yichen has already finished writing this book and has already started writing the second novel.

He still borrowed some of the more popular designs in his previous life.

For the second novel, Jiang Yichen chose Fenghuo's"Han Dao Xing".

This is a mysterious novel about an era of power struggles in the temple and swords, a world of martial arts with dark tides.

Of course, Jiang Yichen's writing level is already very high now, and he doesn't need to copy at all, but just borrowed relevant ideas.

The name he wrote is"Qinglian Sword Song".

It currently has more than 300,000 words.

In his spare time, he practiced calligraphy and painted, which amused himself.

Writing with a brush is similar to writing with a hard pen. Jiang Yichen knows a lot about it and has written many works with the Hanzhen brush. He keeps the ones he is satisfied with and burns the ones he is not satisfied with.

On this day, Jiang Yichen felt that his writing was pretty good.

This is a sentence to encourage learning.

【The path to the mountain of books is made by diligence, and the boat to the boundless sea of learning is made by hard work. 】

Jiang Yichen bought some fine rice paper and prepared to frame it and hang it in the study.

When he goes out, this calligraphy work will help Jiang Yixin gain an extra buff of calmness, and her learning efficiency will be greatly improved.

Just as Jiang Yichen was stamping the Shoushan stone seal he had carved, Liu Yuanxiu's voice came from outside the door.

"Achen, your school principal is here!"

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