Mu Qingshu, who was 1.65 meters tall and wearing a floral dress, was pulling the suitcase with some difficulty.

What a coincidence.

Jiang Yichen walked forward quickly,"Classmate, do you need help?"

Mu Qingshu paused, raised his head, and looked at the handsome and tough boy with a slight smile on his face.

"No, thank you, I can do it myself."

Mu Qingshu shook his head, looked at the surrounding instructions again, and prepared to go forward.

But the next moment, the luggage was taken by Jiang Yichen.

"Let's go."

Jiang Yichen pulled the box forward without giving in to objection, and then he found that because the box was too heavy, one of the wheels seemed to be broken. It was very laborious to drag it.

Mu Qingshu hurriedly followed him,"Thank you, senior! I am a freshman in the School of Physics."

""Yeah." Jiang Yichen nodded and walked ahead, occasionally observing the girl with his peripheral vision.

Compared to the previous encounter in Pengcheng, meeting in Peking University today is completely different. In the previous life, Mu Qingshu showed that she was self-reliant and self-reliant, a bit carefree like a man, and had a bit of a hot temper.

But here, she has a bit more of a good bookish air.

It is true that the environment changes people!

"Physics is good. I can develop high technology for the country and break through those bottleneck technologies."Jiang Yichen said with a smile.

"I just like physics a little bit."

Mu Qingshu replied briefly.

Among the comprehensive science subjects, Mu Qingshu's physics was the best.

Afterwards, Jiang Yichen didn't ask any more questions, helped her deliver the things to the reception office, and said to Mu Qingshu,

"Let me introduce myself, my name is Jiang Yichen."

Looking at Jiang Yichen's outstretched right hand, Mu Qingshu thought for a moment, and shook hands with him quickly,"Hello, senior, my name is Mu Qingshu."

Jiang Yichen raised his mouth slightly and nodded,"Happy college life."

Then he waved and left.

For Mu Qingshu, some regrets of the previous life were basically resolved.

Through him, Mu Qingshu's life trajectory has completely changed, and the two of them will be reacquainted from now on.

Jiang Yichen would not specifically find her to pursue each other, on the contrary, everything depends on fate.

If the two people who have changed their life trajectories are not destined to be together, Jiang Yichen will not force it.

However, what Jiang Yichen didn't know was that at the moment he helped Mu Qingshu, a figure in the distance looked at him in a trance.

"What's wrong, Qingxue?"

Leng Qingxue, who was wearing a white T-shirt, was simply dressed, but her proud figure was very eye-catching.

Next to her was a middle-aged man wearing a dark business T-shirt and shiny black leather shoes.

This was her father, Leng Feng.

He started from scratch and created his own business in Guangzhou.

At present, he claims to have tens of millions of assets, but in reality, his life is somewhat difficult due to the financial crisis.

However, since the economy began to recover, the performance of his company has gradually improved. As long as there are no special circumstances, the overall development will be stable.

Leng Qingxue shook her head,"Nothing, it seems that I saw a friend I know."

""The number one student in liberal arts from your Anyuan?" Leng Feng reacted immediately.

In Kyoto, the only person Leng Qingxue could know was Jiang Yichen, who chose Peking University with her.

Leng Qingxue did not deny it, but said lightly,"Let's go."

In the small Anyuan County, Leng Qingxue broke through her own limits through her own efforts, coupled with the guidance of Jiang Yichen. She was admitted to the university of her choice.

In this regard, although Leng Feng did not agree with the practice of choosing educational resources in a small place, he praised his daughter's self-discipline and self-study ability.

Even in normal communication, Leng Qingxue rarely talked about high school.

It was only through her class teacher Qiu Ping that Leng Feng learned some of it.

But for him, Leng Qingxue, who went to college, he would not interfere too much.

She has always been independent, so just let her go.

The only thing that was a little unsatisfactory was that Leng Qingxue studied journalism.

"I still suggest that you change your major to economics or business management. Your father is not good enough and has been working hard for so many years. He is no longer able to cope with the situation and is still thinking about you coming back to take over."

Leng Feng persuaded again.

Leng Qingxue shook her head and said,"I don't want to repeat your monotonous life. I want to be a reporter and expose those dark and dirty things."

"That's too dangerous. Don't be impulsive. If you really want to go down this path, you can become a host or something in the future, and we can see you more on TV."

Leng Qingxue didn't say anything and went to report.

Seeing a beautiful woman with a perfect figure, the seniors of the School of Journalism were also very excited, and they came forward one by one to help enthusiastically.

They taught all the little life skills they had mastered in the past year.

However, Peking University is the highest institution of learning after all, and the learning atmosphere is very strong.

People will not specifically study beauties and handsome men, or select campus beauties and campus idols.

It's just that which majors have beauties, and this will still be circulated in a small range.

---૮ ºﻌºა---

Jiang Yichen left the bustling school and went to the company to check the speed of the website construction.

Jiang Yichen was generally satisfied with these programmers.

Perhaps because of his own conviction buff, Lian Suo and Xiao Yating were both very dedicated. Lian Suo even lived in the company after working overtime at night.

A simple and clear website prototype is taking shape.

Jiang Yichen, who became the boss, did not specifically code, but only put forward requirements and modification suggestions and asked them to study and solve them.

When Jiang Yichen returned to the dormitory, everyone in the dormitory was already there.

"Hey, everyone is here. Let's go have a meal together."

A 1.85 meter strong man standing at the door saw Jiang Yichen and spoke in a thick northeastern dialect.

In addition to him, there was another slightly fat guy wearing a pink shirt and a round face.

"OK, let's split the bill."

The Northeastern man chuckled and said,"I'll pay for the drinks. Let's test everyone's alcohol tolerance today.""

"Let me introduce myself, my name is Meng Deqiang! You must be Jiang Yichen, right?"

"Jiang Yichen." Jiang Yichen bowed.

Meng Deqiang's eyes lit up,"Sure, a martial artist?""

"He is Zhang Ping, a native of Kyoto."

Meng Deqiang pointed at the round-faced fat man and said.

Zhang Ping smiled in a somewhat sultry way.

"Qin Tian."

The other one was a short guy of 1.65 meters, Qin Tian from Shancheng.

Meng Deqiang put his arm around Jiang Yichen's shoulder and said,"Hey, I've heard of you. You scored 737 points in the college entrance examination, breaking history. How did you do that?"

"Isn't it enough to just have hands?"

"Damn, awesome! He is indeed a freshman from Peking University, so arrogant."

Everyone was not too envious. It was normal for different provinces to have different scores. Moreover, everyone was the best in the province.

Although Jiang Yichen's score was difficult to achieve.

Several people agreed to go to a small shop outside the school.

However, Qin Tian and Zhang Ping soon conceded defeat to Meng Deqiang's drinking capacity.

It was Jiang Yichen's performance that surprised Meng Deqiang.

"Sure, you can drink a lot. Come on, let's have another round. I don't believe I can't drink more than you."

"Let's make it clear first, whoever wins will be the dormitory leader."

The next moment, Jiang Yichen's ruddy face flushed again, and he lay down on the table.

His hands were still stretched out and he was mumbling something.

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