Learning Makes Me Rich

Chapter 123: 123

Zhou Xiu and Xu Qing discussed a few sentences, then returned the magazine to Xu Qing, and turned to study English.

Tan Ming helped Zhou Xiu finish changing the test papers. He had never taught others the experience. After stumbling to comment on the test papers to Zhou Xiu, he was nervous and sweated behind his back. This is the first time that Xuezhu has taught Xueba a topic.

What Zhou Xiu didn't understand before was finally understood after repeated explanations several times. She noticed the sweat on Tan Ming's forehead and was very sorry.

"Thank you, it's a bit difficult for me to teach. They both struggle to speak English to me."

Zhou Xiu likes to get to the bottom of things where he doesn't understand. Yu Qingyan and Lanxin have been broken by Zhou Xiu. The only time that made Zhou Xiu clear was the one that explained to her before the exam of "Trying to Chong National Gold".

"Work hard to make the national gold" IELTS 9 points.

Tan Ming was embarrassed for a while, "No, it should be."

After talking about Tanming, the students in the classroom were almost scattered, and only Zhou Xiu was left alone.

Zhou Xiu took out all the past English test papers and laid them on the table one by one. The scores of English test papers have changed from more than 50 points to more than 70 points, more than 80 points...and 114 points at the end of the expiration date.

Every time period of the test can be seen to have improved, but after 110 points, Zhou Xiu's English did not go any further.

Zhou Xiu corrected the wrong question and fell into contemplation.

The language of last semester was too difficult, Zhou Xiu was an extraordinary performance before passing the exam. In addition, students in mathematics, physics and chemistry happened to get full marks. If English is delayed, it will be difficult to get a seven-percent mark next time.

Because the Fourth Middle School is in city c, the top ten in the city is approximately equal to the top ten in the province. Zhou Xiu took out her mobile phone and searched the results of the Unified Examination of Fourth Middle School last semester, but did not find it. She sent a message and asked for the tidbits.

The tidbits took out the phone and took a look, with a question mark on his face: "???"

Yu Qingyan, who was eating with the tidbits, glanced at it, and said excitedly: "Xiuxiu has ignited fighting spirit and is ready to go after her courageously? Sister Xu, go and ask."

Lan Xinru nodded his head, "Yes, it must be, Sister Xu, go and ask!"

Long press and forward the message to Du Heng. Du Heng didn't ask anything, and quickly sent the score sheet to his girlfriend.

The bright white light on the phone screen flashed, Zhou Xiu slid the screen and studied it carefully. The tenth place in the fourth is 700 points, the ninth place is Jiang Yuanyuan, 706. Zhou Xiu slides to the top, Du Heng 735 points.

Du Heng's subjects are average, with liberal arts close to full marks, and two science subjects with full marks. Zhou Xiu watched Du Heng's results for a while, then sighed deeply, feeling the pressure for an unprecedented time.

Du Heng only deducted two points for his science subjects, with full marks in English. This is about the gap between ordinary top students and genuine scholars.

During the summer vacation, Du Heng seldom touched homework, but Zhou Xiu was learning from scratch.

The system comforted and said: [Juvenile, you just have a poor English, just study English well, I believe you! 】

[English needs the nourishment of context, the watering of time, and the hard work of perseverance. Boy, come on! 】

【Ding—Turn on the English task mode and randomly drop English learning tasks. As a teenager, you don’t like to take the initiative to communicate English with others. This is wrong.

Three people must have my teacher, communication makes people progress. Please communicate with three students with perfect scores in English within one day. 100RMB will be rewarded for completion of the task, and 100RMB will be deducted for failure. 】

Zhou Xiu: [...]

It was the first time Zhou Xiu encountered the task of deducting money.

She recalled the final grade commendation meeting. Yude had 18 students who had perfect scores in the English test last time. Zhou Xiu only knew six. Among them, there were four in the list, and two of them had never spoken.

The four in the list are Xu Qing, Qi Yaguang, Xi Shaoyuan, and Du Heng.

Zhou Xiu sent her outstanding questions to Xu Qing and Qi Yaguang in turn. Between Du Heng and Xi Shaoyuan, Zhou Xiu hesitated for a while, and finally chose to send it to Xi Shaoyuan.

Qi Yaguang, who received Zhou Xiu's message, had a question mark on her face: "???"

For the first time, Zhou Xiu asked Qi Yaguang a question "humbly and studiously". For the sake of Zhou Xiu's dedication to entertain her during the summer vacation. Qi Yaguang violated her dining etiquette, she put down her chopsticks and clicked on the voice bar.

This is a very fast listening session.

After listening, Qi Yaguang sent a two-minute voice reply to Zhou Xiu. Considering the level of Zhou Xiu's English rubbish, she sent two more.

Zhou Xiu listened to Qi Yaguang's explanation, and he gave initiation, and copied Qi Yaguang's suggestion verbatim next to the listening questions. 78 Chinese whole network

The system smiles: [beautiful? 】

On the other side, Xu Qing was thinking about talking about counseling Zhou Xiu in English, and her eyes were a little depressed. At the moment when he received Zhou Xiu's news, Xu Qing curled her lips suddenly.

He thought for a while and replied to Zhou Xiu's own problem-solving ideas, "Is there anything else I don't understand in the future, welcome to communicate/smile."

Finally, at 2:30 in the afternoon, Xi Shaoyuan woke up for a nap, picked up the phone and saw the red dot on the head of the little green bud.

He replied: "What's the problem?"

The voice of the boy who had just woke up in the afternoon was a little hoarse and vague, as if whispering in his ear.

Near class time, the class 24 students in the classroom almost came, Zhou Xiu clicked on the voice note sent by Xi Shaoyuan.

The girl who was holding the exercise book next to asking questions heard this voice. She was surprised and asked Zhou Xiu: "Xiu Xiu, who are you talking to?"

She cupped her face, her cheeks were slightly red, "The voice is so nice, so Su Hao Su. Ah ah ah ah."

Zhou Xiu's ears were shocked by her. She put away her phone and said casually, "A friend."

There was one voice bar left, and Zhou Xiu turned it into text. Xi Shaoyuan explained the problem-solving skills to Zhou Xiu. At the end, he said: "Stay after the weekend math class, I will teach you."

Zhou Xiu typed on the keyboard with one hand, while holding a pen in the other hand to solve the problem for classmates. She quickly replied to Xi Shaoyuan: "No, thank you."

During the next class, Zhou Xiu's phone vibrated, and it was Xi Shaoyuan who sent the message.

Zhou Xiucai found out that he had made a hand slip in the reply to Xi Shaoyuan's previous sentence, and Zhou Xiu sent a sentence of "Come on, thank you" to Xi Shaoyuan.

Xi Shaoyuan sent a "good" word. Seven Eight Chinese^Computer:>

Zhou Xiu: "..."

At the same time, the system dropped a voice: [Ding—Achieved the task of learning and communicating with three students with perfect scores, and rewarded 100RMB. 】

Zhou Xiu was about to explain the wrong hand slip, but after thinking about it, it was unnecessary. She turned off the screen and continued to study.

[Ding—Please read an English article with emotion every day, and you will be rewarded with RMB 10,000 per month for daily tasks. Requirements: Standard pronunciation, fluency in continuous reading. 】

Sounds easy?

Zhou Xiu is very self-aware, and her pronunciation is very substandard. However, in the afternoon class, Zhou Xiu still tried to read the English text aloud and read the same article 50 times repeatedly, and none of them was qualified.

Zhou Xiu lay on the table and collapsed from the bottom of her heart. [Learning English is really difficult. 】

Zhou Xiu tried to correct her pronunciation as if she was whipped up during the lunch reading, and finally fell on the table wiltingly. The tidbit next to her seemed to be able to hear her voice, and she chuckled.

The tidbit shook Zhou Xiu's shoulder and said, "Xiu Xiu, get up and study, but you have to win honor for the school."

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