Learning Makes Me Rich

Chapter 155: 155

She said mockingly: "You are the first student in Class 24 who has never been persuaded to drop out, Zhou Xiu."

How can I get a good exam? Unless Zhou Xiu can get a perfect score, she will not be able to prove that she did not cheat. But is Zhou Xiu a person who can get a perfect score in the test?

She is not at all!

It was found that such a level does not need to rely on the relationship to come to Class 24. Miss Li has already begun to regret why he was willing to accept Zhou Xiu into his class.

There were a few students from Class 24 outside the office, and they couldn't help whispering:

"Tsk tusk, Zhou Xiu is too miserable."

"How long did it take to finish the exam? This incident has made it to the school board. Teacher Huang has a lot of energy!"

"I have said that Teacher Huang is not easy to provoke, otherwise you think he dares to insult us, with the courage he borrowed from Xiangtian?"

Du Feiyang heard the boss upset: "What does the head teacher mean? The cheating has been deducted on Zhou Xiu's head before the matter has been concluded?"

After hearing the class teacher's reprimand, Zhou Xiu took a deep look at her.

She clenched her fists and said coldly: "Miss Lee, you are insulting me. You can look down on me, but..."

"I will never apologize for what I haven't done."

The students outside the office heard it, and there was a moment of silence.

After a long time, someone slowly said: "How do you feel that Zhou Xiu has really been wronged."

The tidbit said: "Xiuxiu was wronged in the first place."

After Zhou Xiu came out of the office, the tidbit asked Zhou Xiu: "Xiu Xiu, please remember carefully, when might that test paper be put in your schoolbag?"

Zhou Xiu returned to the classroom to pack her schoolbags and drank two sips of water before she said: "You don't need to worry about this, the exam is important. Take the next two subjects well."

Zhou Xiu carefully calculated that she will receive a reward of at least RMB 1500 after this monthly exam, provided that she must take the exam well.

But any reward that Zhou Xiu could reach, she would not allow a penny to be missed.

Trivia haven't experienced this kind of wretchedness in this life, she rolled her eyes: "You take the exam, I'll go to the surveillance."

Zhou Xiu's eyes were warm, "Thank you."

"Cut, I'll wait for your grades to come out and slap them in the face."


On the second day, I will take a test of Li Zong and English.

Teacher Huang continued to invigorate the exam room for Class 25, and he didn't know if he asked for it on his own initiative.

Before the test started, he wrote "Cheating in the exam, zero score processing" on the blackboard, and also searched Zhou Xiu's schoolbag.

"Some classmates always have a fluke mentality, always thinking that they are cheating without knowing it... Is it interesting to get high scores by deceiving classmates and deceiving teachers? You are actually deceiving yourself!"

"Zhou Xiu, what do you look around, you are talking about."

The candidates in the same examination room have changed a lot, and there are many new faces. They have heard a little about the "Zhou Xiu cheating" incident.

For a time, dozens of strange eyes fell on Zhou Xiu.

Zhou Xiu pointed it back painlessly: "Teacher, don't talk so full before the results come out."

Teacher Huang ridiculed, "If you don't see the coffin, you won't cry."

The test paper was handed out, and Zhou Xiu received the English test paper and began to write seriously.

No distractions, dedicated.

The exam bell rang and the last subject was over.

The monthly exam of Yude High School also came to an end. The entire second grade of high school was paying attention to this "entrained test paper" matter.

This incident also caused fire to Zhou Xiu, the protagonist of the incident, and Teacher Huang from the math group.

No student has ever dared to argue with the teacher like her.

The Rocket class students who had witnessed the whole incident had nothing to do after the exam, and chatted:

"Does Zhou Xiu from Class 24 have delusions of persecution? The teacher framed a student for cheating?"

"What's this? She is still talking about Lingshan and framed her. Shanshan has a good heart and is not as knowledgeable as Zhou Xiu. But I heard that Teacher Huang has a bad temper. Zhou Xiu is miserable this time."

The girl looked at Lu Lingshan, "right?"

Lu Lingshan smiled and didn't talk to each other.

Every time someone cheated in an exam, it was found that they were all underclass students. These classes really make people feel uncomfortable. The top students in the Rockets class gradually looked down on the poor students and looked down on the low-ranking students.

Cheating on exams has always been deeply spurned by top students.

"Why is Xu Qing willing to stay in this trash class."

"Xi Shaoyuan would rather stay in Winnaban. Rich people generally like to get together with the rich. Wait-Pharaoh is here. Go and ask Pharaoh if he has finished changing the test papers!"


After the monthly exam, Zhou Xiu gave herself an afternoon off.

After memorizing the Chinese language, the chemical formula, and the vocabulary, Zhou Xiu ran slowly on the golf course outside the Xi’s villa.

The housekeeper and aunt also returned from their hometown after the funeral.

Zhou Xiu had a meal in a good mood.

At dinner, Xi Shaoyuan glanced at Zhou Xiu and asked, "Will you drop out of school because of the math test?"

Zhou Xiu stopped the chopsticks in her hand and asked strangely, "Why would I drop out of school?"

Xi Shaoyuan leaned a little, leaned back on the chair, and said silently: "In fact, it is totally nonsense that I like girls with good grades about what is said in school."

Zhou Xiu watched in surprise as Xi Shaoyuan finished speaking.

He said: "The cheating thing-if you are willing to beg me, I can't help you talk to the school director."

Zhou Xiu looked directly at the boy in front of him and said coldly:

"You shut up, you are not qualified to say this. You have to remember that I can be humiliated like this, all thanks to you."

Xi Shaoyuan was surprised for a moment, "What do you mean Zhou Xiu?"

Zhou Xiu didn't answer him, and went to the kitchen to prepare for the breakfast and lunch to be taken to school the next day.

She was wearing a light blue apron, and her hands were familiarly pinching the dough, because the angry girl's cheeks were still covered with a thin layer of anger.

Xi Shaoyuan remembered that she was the same on the day of the exam, calm and angry, with anger fluttering in a pair of dark eyes.

The next day, early morning.

The efficiency of Yude High School is extremely fast. On the second day after the monthly exam is over, the mathematics results of the whole grade will come out.

Class 24 students saw Zhou Xiu sitting in the seat silently, with no sadness or joy on her face, as usual, she focused on the written questions.

They didn't dare to poke her sadness.

Log in to the school's score management system and find out his own score. She asked, "Xiuxiu, why don't you speak,"

"I'm so worried about you."

The tidbits secretly watched Zhou Xiu, replenishing his brain for a long time.

She seemed to see Zhou Xiu's silent face, full of parting sadness.

The tidbit hesitated, and said, "I went to check it, but the monitoring on the day of the math test missed your paragraph."

"You won't drop out, trust me..."

"What if you fail the exam, the score is dead, and it doesn't mean anything!"

Some students finally broke the topic after hearing the tidbits, and thought lightly: The score really doesn't mean anything.

But if Zhou Xiu didn't do well in the exam, wouldn't it be true that she cheated?

This is a bet she herself is willing to make with the math teacher and drop out of school if she fails the exam. Ruthless words are neat and tidy, and I am not afraid that the wind will flash my tongue.

They felt that their faces would be swollen by Lao Huang this time.

A classmate rolled his eyes and said, "Hey, there are two years left. I don't know how long it will be for Lao Huang to recite the rubbish."

"It's enough for you to admit that you are rubbish, but don't bring us, I'm not rubbish." The tidbit said.

Du Feiyang hahas as a peacemaker and said, "I haven't done anything yet! You can't look down on Xiuxiu."

"We've all achieved results, can Zhou Xiu still not come out?"

Zhou Xiu finally said: "I really can't find my own score, maybe the test paper was changed by another teacher——"

The math class finally came. Teacher Huang took a pile of test papers and walked into the classroom of Class 24. Reading the results one by one, the test papers were sent out.

This time the monthly exam results were not satisfactory. He cursed people as he handed out the test papers:

"I feel embarrassed to take this score after learning this."

"Your class is at the bottom again. You don't compare to Class 25, you can't even compare to Class 23. Are you embarrassed to play against me?"

"Hey—what about Zhou Xiu, did Teacher Wang give you the test papers? Come up, Zhou Xiu, I will give you a chance this time, let alone the teacher bullying you as a student. If you are here to honestly admit to cheating and serve tea I apologize, I won’t let you drop out."

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