Learning Makes Me Rich

Chapter 166: 166

Xi Shaoyuan held his hung up phone in a daze, choking his explanation in his throat before he could say it.

He tentatively called Zhou Xiu's phone back, and immediately hung up with two beeps. Zhou Xiu... didn't block him.

Xi Shaoyuan raised his brows slightly, and the moles of tears on the corners of his eyes flickered slightly. But it didn't take long for him to be happy, and the corners of his curled mouth were flattened again.

Zhou Xiu refused Susan's guidance and did not need his help.

Indoors, Susan was packing her things with a sad face, and the high-paying job with a monthly salary of 120,000 for two hours a day was ruined. She had to find a way to apologize to her employer.

These high-achieving students are really hard to fool, and a little carelessness can make the other party detect something wrong. Do wise people always have two long heads? She probably didn't expect Zhou Xiu to check her account registration time.

So Susan still sent the test preparation materials and audio that she prepared to Zhou Xiu, and wrote the last message, "Xiu Xiu, I wish you success!"

Leaving aside high-paying jobs, Zhou Xiu is indeed the most worry-free and smart student she has ever seen. When the teacher encounters this kind of student, he can't help but feel more pity.

Zhou Xiu replied in the evening, "Thank you Teacher Susan."

Gu Mingxi sent a message to ask Zhou Xiu if he was free. Zhou Xiu just replied with a "?" and the other party's video invitation jumped out.

Zhou Xiu stared at Gu Mingxi’s video invitation. She was a little puzzled. She slid her hand and hung up. She typed a line of text and asked: "Sorry for the slip, what's the matter?"

Gu Mingxi guessed that it was the first time someone refused a video invitation and suffered a heart attack for a while. He replied with a smiling face, "I want to practice speaking with you for half an hour."

Zhou Xiu said, "Thank you, but no need. I plan to practice oral English with my classmates tomorrow."

During the day, Zhou Xiu wrote a few IELTS papers, thanks to the blessings of Yude's usual weekly and monthly tests. Her reading, writing and listening problems are not too big. But spoken language is really troublesome. She must pass the oral test this month.

Zhou Xiu logged onto the official website to register and found one good news and one bad news. The good news is that there are two exams every month, but the registration fee is 2,170 yuan. Zhou Xiu carefully chose a time near the end of the month.

It must be passed once.

The next day, Yude Middle School.

Zhou Xiu came to the classroom and asked her classmates about the IELTS test. Many students in the class have taken the IELTS test, and after inquiring, she learned that Du Feiyang turned out to have a score of 8.5.

Gu Mingxi scored 9 points in the test. Using him as a reference, Du Feiyang's 8.5 points appeared to be very impressive, and Zhou Xiu immediately respected him.

Lan Xin couldn't help laughing when he saw Xue Shen listen's stunned expression.

She explained: "Du Feiyang is incomparable. He likes to travel everywhere, but his language is uncomfortable. He is not the highest, I know there are three students with full marks."

Zhou Xiu's heart was shaken. It turns out that the full score is for some students to take the exam?

Yu Qingyan laughed and said, "I have only seen two or three in my life. It's not easy to get full marks. These two people, Xiuxiu, also know each other. Well, that Gu Mingxi **** is said to have full marks. The other is Shao Yuan. ."

Lan Xin said: "I don't understand Gu Mingxi's situation, but Xi Shaoyuan's second mother tongue is English. He is the school who organizes the exam and is bored to take the exam. Xiuxiu wants to take the IELTS?"

After listening to the students for a long time, they suddenly looked like "Blind students, you found Huadian".

IELTS TOEFL is reserved for those who are preparing to study abroad! Didn't Xiushen take the college entrance examination? Surprises appeared on everyone's faces, and they all looked at Zhou Xiu.

Although Zhou Xiu was encouraged by the system and Gu Mingxi to apply for harvard, she herself did not think there was any hope of success.

Zhou Xiu said conservatively: "Check the results, you may use them in the future."

The classmates let out a disappointed "Oh". It turned out that they weren't applying to study abroad. Xu Qing said with a smile: "IELTS is not easy, Xiuxiu wants to cheer."

He casually said, "Xiu Xiu, how to write the last question of your math test paper, please tell me in English."

The adolescent male voice has a slight graininess, clean and mellow with a smile, and it itches in people's ears. Du Feiyang, the straightforward steel man, shook unbearably and looked at Xu Qing exaggeratedly.

Tan Ming just came to the classroom to put down his schoolbag, he said contemptuously: "The math class representative...you have written the last question clearly, don't waste Xiuxiu's time, okay."

He turned his head to face Zhou Xiu, showing his white teeth, "Xiu Xiu, practice oral English to be integrated into the context. Starting today, we will cooperate with you in speaking English. Tell me where you don’t know, and I will translate for you. By the way, I will also IELTS score of 8.5."

The surrounding students couldn't help but hold their foreheads. They couldn't see such a scene. It was a bit hot. Since the Ming-senior blew himself up last time, he found that Zhou Xiu hadn't reacted. Now he seems to have no scruples?

The squad leader's temper is too good to say, and if he is replaced by another violent person, he will probably be ashamed to death.

Zhou Xiu didn't care about what she said, but took out the test papers and started to talk about the last question. Although Xu Qing finished this question, many students did not.

In the past, when Xiushen gave lectures to students, his thoughts were so fast that the scumbags listened very hard to death. Now she speaks poorly spoken fifty cents and repeats it several times. They have more time to think and react, and they can hear more clearly. Such Zhou Xiu seemed more cordial and down-to-earth.

As long as the embarrassing person is a god, the scumbag will not feel embarrassed.

The tidbit rubbed Zhou Xiu's face, "You are a real life treasure. After Xiu Xiu, please give me a lecture like this hahaha."

Missli was a little surprised to hear that Zhou Xiu signed up for the IELTS test. The national competition of the Mathematics League is at the end of November, and the nine schools in the province are not far away.

But she changed her mind to think that top students are like this, like not doing their jobs properly. Does Zhou Xiu need to worry about it?

Her shortcoming is English, she is willing to study English hard, Missli is just ecstatic. It's just that this little secret has to be guarded, don't pass it to the ears of the old king of the Rockets class, otherwise his blood vessels may burst.


After school, Zhou Xiu watched English videos on the tablet with the highlights. The tidbits just took her mobile phone to play. She glanced at Zhou Xiu's and found that her private had a new friend application, and the other party noted Jiang Dongxue.

Zhou Xiu used to add 999 strangers every day, she applied for a trumpet, only close friends knew. Who is this x?

The tidbits did not impress her at all, and habitually ignored her. After pressing down, the other party applied again, this time the other party remarked: Jiang Dongxue, Jiang Jiajun sister.

The tidbits finally have an impression. Jiang Jiajun is a contestant in r, his sister... isn't this the girl who robbed them of the hotel in city b? Want to show up just with this kind of plastic friendship?

Dreaming, beautiful women also have tempers. The tidbits simply refused, and refreshedly played the 1024 mini game on Zhou Xiu's phone.

b city.

Jiang Dongxue looked at the phone in front of her in astonishment. She didn't expect Zhou Xiu to reject her friend's application. This is the first time in her life that she has been rejected as a friend!

Jiang Dongxue knew that her brother went to C City to find Zhou Xiu, but she did not expect him to ask Gu Mingxi for help for Zhou Xiu, and begged him to apply for harvard for Zhou Xiu.

Harvard's acceptance rate is extremely low, and even students with full sat scores may not be admitted. Gu Mingxi's parents are harvard honorary alumni, and there is a relative who teaches there. The students recommended by them are highly likely to be admitted.

Jiang Dongxue has known Gu Mingxi for more than ten years, and he hasn't introduced her to him, so why can Zhou Xiu do it? Jiang Dongxue intends to let Zhou Xiu know how much favor Jiang Jiajun has spent to apply for her.

Jiang Dongxue's impression of Zhou Xiu still stays at home. She Baidu about Zhou Xiu's information.

Unexpectedly, hitting the Enter key, Zhou Xiu's information contained dozens of pages. Zhou Xiu doesn't have too much information. She has participated in intellectual variety shows. She has been on the big screen and performed very brightly on the court. In addition, she is elegant and pure and smart.

Had it not been for Xi Shaoyuan and the tidbits to spend money to withdraw several hot searches, I am afraid they would become an internet celebrity.

Jiang Dongxue stared at him. Zhou Xiu won the national gold medal in the biology competition and ranked first in the national gold medal, as well as the provincial first prize in the mathematical league. A beautiful girl generally doesn't study very well, but she is actually quite capable?

Jiang Dongxue instantly understood why Gu Mingxi wanted to help Zhou Xiu. He is an intellectual type and has a good impression of girls with high IQ. But none of the girls around Gu Mingxi are smarter than him. Since childhood, he has seen everyone extremely arrogant, except for the girl from the same team who participated in imo with him last year.

She threw away the phone upset.

The phone fell on the floor and made a sound. Jiang Dongxue's uncle walked in and asked concerned: "What's the matter?"

Jiang Dongxue's uncle was called Shu Yang. Shu Yang picked up the phone and glanced at it casually. The screen of the phone just showed a photo of Zhou Xiu's speech, and his calm gaze instantly froze. Then he clicked on the picture on the phone and zoomed in.

Shu Yang's pupils shrank slightly, "Is this the girl Jiajun wants to help? Very good and beautiful."


After school.

Zhou Xiu ran out of the slate of the tidbits and returned it to the tidbits. The tidbits were handed to Xu Qing, "Squad leader, by the way, help me copy a copy of the college entrance examination review materials."

"By the way, Xiuxiu, the girl who robbed us of the room in city b added you last time, and I refused to you."

Zhou Xiu heard this without raising her head and said, "Well, it's okay."

She didn't have a very specific impression of this person, the only impression was that she might be Jiang Jiajun's sister.

Xu Qing readily agreed to the tidbits request, and he copied a copy from his computer and sent it to tidbits using Bluetooth. When Xu Qing was looking for the storage folder, she found the file "xiuxiu".

With this name, it looks more attractive than other folders.

Xu Qing's mouse subconsciously clicked into this file, and the moment he clicked into it, he reflected on it and cast aside himself, but thought that it was what Zhou Xiu saved the learning video.

Unexpectedly, I didn't expect it to be a file containing learning materials! It's the files used to save Zhou Xiu's photos!

At this moment, Xu Qing was unexpectedly stunned and coughed violently. There are a few hidden photos of Zhou Xiu in the classroom in the file, as well as the swimsuit photos that Yu Qingyan sent to Xu Qing by mistake last time.

"No, squad leader, you can be choked with a drink of water? How old! Are you still playing basketball tonight? Come here, everyone is waiting for you." Du Feiyang shouted while holding the basketball.

Xu Qing closed the computer and smiled for a long time and said, "Well, I'm coming."

The author has something to say:

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2021050622:30:562021050818:16:38

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 55 bottles of Little Moon; 10 bottles of little matches for girls;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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