Learning Makes Me Rich

Chapter 171: 171

All the 109w rewards that Zhou Xiu got were put into her live broadcast room in the form of rewards. "yh" started smashing luxury planes in the early hours of the morning, attracting a group of night owls.

In the middle of the night, netizens talked about this anchor, and took a look at the anchor's reward list. The top "yh" tipped several million. After dawn, almost the entire Internet was searching for the girl who wrote the test paper in the middle of the night.

Learning live broadcast is only a niche type, and it didn't have the conditions to be popular in the first place. However, under the background that the country is vigorously advocating science and technology this year, and promoting the improvement of minors' ideological and moral education and correct values, Zhou Xiu's video has become popular.

Her video was first liked and reposted by a well-known professor of mathematics postgraduate entrance examination. The big guy commented that "the friction of thinking produces brilliant sparks, which makes people forget the time".

Passers-by clicked on it and saw that the esoteric topic almost made people run away immediately. In the few test papers she wrote, there was no one choice to fill in the blanks, and she answered all the questions. The anchor who wrote the test paper answered the questions at a uniform speed, and the whole process was smooth and smooth, with almost no mistakes. One has to wonder if it was copied according to the answer.

How can someone like to write such obscure and profound test papers until four o'clock in the morning? Is this how the world of learning gods is like?

"Help, I can't understand what she's writing at all!"

"Why do you want me to witness the difference in this world, other people's seventeen years old and my seventeen years old..."

"I know this anchor. Every time I get a full score in math, I'm shivering in the same exam room as her."

After Zhou Xiu waited for his mobile phone to return to normal, he replied to the messages one by one to his relatives and friends. Xi Shaoyuan's text messages sank at the bottom of the unread messages. He asked, "Zhou Xiu, are you okay?"

Zhou Xiu's condition was not very good during that time, there was no time to read the news, and the unread information was put on hold for many days. She replied to Xi Shaoyuan, "Very good."

Just after replying, Lan Xin's excited voice came from Zhou Xiu's mobile phone: "Xiu Xiu, you don't know, you are on the hot search! My God 1"

Zhou Xiu held his forehead, feeling a little headache. When she woke up, she found that her account had increased by 1.09 million, which meant that the system rewarded 2.18 million in the live broadcast room. Usually, a reward of several hundred thousand is enough to be on the reward list. Such a large amount of reward may cause shock.

Zhou Xiu's trending searches went very fast, and after the tidbits found out, she immediately contacted Dad Hua to suppress the trending searches, so that her phone would not be blown up.

It’s not a good thing to be on the trending search. Tidbits knows that she must be very busy now. Zhou Xiu has been on the trending search several times before. In addition to her personal information being exposed, her agent invited her to become a celebrity, and her mobile phone number needs to be changed frequently No more benefits.

After Xu Qing received Zhou Xiu's reply, she quickly asked her when she would return to school to study. In the past few days, he glanced at the phone from time to time to see if there was a reply from Zhou Xiu. It was unprecedented for her to take such a long leave of absence. She loves studying more than anyone else, and she is already looking forward to the start of school before the summer vacation begins. He has already entered the third year of high school, and the national mathematics competition is just around the corner. Zhou Xiu will not disappear for no reason like this.

Xu Qing put down the phone, he was very worried about her...

Zhou Xiu replied, "I'll be back soon."

After checking her friend's messages, she received a call from an unfamiliar person. After the call was connected, the other party was silent for a long time, "Zhou Xiu, I'm your father."

Zhou Xiu glanced at Liu Mei, stood up and went outside to answer the phone.

After Zhou Xiu went out to answer the phone, Liu Mei handed over the mobile phone to the patient's family members, begging them to help retrieve "Xingda". This is the word she heard from the old lady's mouth yesterday.

The patient's family said, "You don't even know about Xingda? Is it Xingda that produces kettles and air-conditioning refrigerators?"

Liu Mei clicked on the b-degree voice and listened to it over and over again with her mobile phone. She was completely dumbfounded. It turns out that they are such powerful people.

The richest person she could imagine was Mrs. Xi, someone like Zhou Xiu. Such a family turned out to be Zhou Xiu's biological family. And they are just ordinary farmers in the valley... Maybe Xiu'er didn't have to work so hard after following them.

Liu Mei couldn't help recalling last night.

It was late at night, and when she came to the hospital, she found that Zhou Xiu was writing a test paper in the lounge. The nurse on duty was already yawning from sleepiness, and all the family members were soundly asleep. Zhou Xiu was still writing hard, using page after page of draft paper.

It wasn't until four o'clock in the morning that she put down the pen in her hand, with a tired but satisfied smile on her face.

She yawned, and fell asleep as soon as her head touched the table, a rut was made on her fair face by the table, but she slept so soundly.

Liu Mei remembered that Zhou Xiu had coped like this for several nights. She thought it was a waste of time to go home, and she was afraid that it would be too late to see Zhou Cheng for the last time, so she often stayed in the hospital, and she couldn't persuade her to leave no matter how hard she tried.

Now she wants to use the competition scholarship to treat her father's illness, so she studies desperately until late at night.

Liu Mei hugged her mobile phone to listen to the voice, and the picture of Zhou Xiu staying at the desk all night came to her mind, her nose was sore, and tears flowed down unexpectedly.

Zhou Xiu has suffered a lot with them since she was a child. She began to work with them in the fields when she was eight years old. When she was ten years old, she collected pine nuts in the mountains and plains and sold them for money. , the whole person is tanned.

Most of the children in the countryside were like this. Liu Mei didn't think her daughter was any different. It was only after she came to the city that she realized that Zhou Xiu had suffered a lot. When the girls Yingdi and Xidi were lazy and sleeping at home, Zhou Xiu was working and reading at the same time. Children of the same age are coquettish, lazy, and do not do their homework with their parents. She gets up at six every day to go to school. She has always been a very sensible child and never let her parents worry about her.

Liu Mei's eyes were blurred with tears, and she tried hard to think: If Zhou Xiu had not been born in such a poor family as theirs, would she have lived a life without worrying about food and clothing like her classmates, and would have gone to the best school? Could it be that they didn't pick her up back then, so she could live a more relaxed life and suffer less?

She carried Zhou Xiu to the bed and covered her with the quilt. Liu Mei stroked her soft hair and saw her thin body, tears streaming down the quilt.

Liu Mei covered her face, bit her lower lip tightly, and turned off her voice with trembling thumbs.


A week later, Zhou Cheng passed the dangerous period of the operation and was transferred from the intensive care unit to the general ward.

Good news also came from Liu Mei's side, the family house was finally sold, plus the money in Zhou Xiu's bank card totaled 1.1 million, this money gave Zhou Xiu a chance to breathe.

Zhou Xiu plans to go back to school and study hard.

She took out her small book and browsed through it. The National Mathematics Competition, the Nine-University Entrance Examination at the end of the semester, and the one-to-one model in the next semester all have generous bonuses. They are all part of Yude's "sky-high scholarship". If she can get these scholarships, Zhou Cheng's medical expenses will be covered. She can no longer stay in the hospital.

When Zhou Xiu left the hospital, Liu Mei stopped her.

As soon as she turned her head, she saw Liu Mei who was in tears. Zhou Xiu had never seen Liu Mei cry so hard, she was taken aback.

Liu Mei said tremblingly: "Xiuxiu, your father has already told you. Go back with them..."

Zhou Xiu stopped in astonishment, thought for a long time, and said seriously: "I won't go back with them. I'm almost an adult."

Zhou Xiu was used to being poor since she was a child, and she has received a lot of stares. She knows what it feels like to be looked down upon. No matter how difficult the day is, they have already carried it through, and there is no reason to bow their heads to others. Zhou Xiu could try to earn his father's medical expenses, but he would never use this method, because it would humiliate Zhou Cheng.

Zhou Xiu was no stranger to their condescending attitude, and the mother of the senior who confessed to her rashly last time also had such a natural sense of superiority. Zhou Xiu was unwilling to deal with this kind of person.

Liu Mei kept shaking her head, "No, no, you go back with them, they can make you live a better life."

Zhou Xiu sighed softly, "Is my mother willing to let me? I can't get involved in such a complicated family. They have no relationship with me. We don't steal or grab, and we live happily by earning money with our own hands. Parents also Would you like me?"

Liu Mei was shocked when she heard this, and at the same time she shed tears more fiercely. She nodded repeatedly, "Yes, yes! Xiu'er don't go back! Mom and Dad are working to support you..."

Zhou Xiu took out a tissue and wiped away Liu Mei's tears.

Yude Middle School.

Whether it is long or short, a week is just a blink of an eye for senior high school students who are preparing for the exam, but it seems as long as a year for Zhou Xiu. When she returned to school, she had the feeling of returning to the world.

Yude’s third year of senior high school just finished a monthly exam. This time without Zhou Xiu, Xu Qing took back the long-lost first place in the class. Trivia scored 600 points and ranked second in the class. Zhou Xiu just returned to the classroom. The first thing to do was to ask Tidbits to read her test paper.

Gadgets handed her exam papers to Xueshen like a stream, and narrowed her crescent-like eyes slightly, waiting for Zhou Xiu to speak.

Zhou Xiu carefully browsed through the test papers of the tidbits, with full marks in English, 121 points in mathematics, 123 points in Chinese, and 215 points in comprehensive science.

The corners of her mouth curled up, "Xuxu is great this time."

Tidbits glanced at Zhou Xiu, she was wearing a simple ponytail, her black hair made her face thinner, and her thin shoulders could hardly cover her loose school uniform. Those eyes are still clear, and the breath on his body is more calm and quiet.

Yu Qingyan and Lan Xin asked worriedly: "Is Xiuxiu okay?"

They only knew that Zhou Xiu's father was sick, and she took sick leave to take care of him, but they didn't know that Zhou Cheng had cancer. Zhou Xiu himself did not intend to add to their worries by mentioning this matter.

Zhou Xiu nodded, "My father's condition is stable, don't worry. But this disease is really a headache, I need to run to the hospital more."

Everyone looked at Zhou Xiu worriedly, sighed heavily in their hearts, and thought about where they could comfort her. But she sat down and started studying as usual.

After the class bell rang, Zhou Xiu started to brush up the math competition questions, racing against time and not wasting any minute.

Zhou Cheng's illness caught her off guard. Zhou Xiu knew that she had no time to squander, and she was desperately acquiring knowledge every day.

When there was no class, she kept looking for information on Zhou Cheng's disease, and she finished a long list of books on medicine alone.

In a month, Zhou Xiu skimmed through the content of oncology. She has a foundation in biology competitions, and she has already dabbled in undergraduate content before, so it is not difficult to learn. When she encountered something she didn't understand, Zhou Xiu would muster up the courage to send an e-mail to ask the professor who had added contact information in the national competition before, and ask Dr. Liu.

Dr. Liu was shocked when he found out. Family members of patients often like to question doctors about things found on Baidu, which is very disturbing. But Zhou Xiu is different, she will study specially to understand Zhou Cheng's illness. This level of desperation made Dr. Liu amazed.

What surprised Dr. Liu was that Zhou Xiu's level of basic subjects was much better than the postgraduate students he brought. Now he has no doubt that she has won the gold medal in the biology competition. She is indeed very smart, and smart children can learn everything very quickly.

Dr. Liu shook his head, but... Zhou Cheng's brain cancer is in the advanced stage.

One month after Zhou Cheng's operation, the wound gradually healed, and Dr. Liu suggested chemotherapy. However, Zhou Cheng refused to go to G City to do bnct, no matter how much his family persuaded him, he refused to agree. He is very persistent.

Even Zhou Xiu couldn't resist him, Liu Mei said sadly: "Both of you father and daughter are people with ideas, as stubborn as a cow."

While Zhou Cheng was recuperating from his injuries, Zhou Xiu brought him meals to the hospital after school, and changed Liu Mei's shift by the way. People who have undergone chemotherapy are in low spirits and have poor appetite. Zhou Xiu made many of his favorite foods, such as shredded chicken porridge, steamed meat, scallop vermicelli, hibiscus egg custard... for breakfast, such as Xiaolongbao, soup dumplings, beef noodles in thick soup, eight-treasure porridge. There is no one among the patients who does not envy Zhou Cheng.

They praised Zhou Cheng for having a good wife and daughter who never left him and took good care of him. The oppressive and heavy ward is a little more relaxed because of such a devoted wife and filial and sensible children.

Every time Zhou Cheng eats after chemotherapy, he is very happy. He squints his eyes, the wrinkles at the corners of his eyes are deep, his tone is light, and he is as proud as a child. He praises Zhou Xiu's craftsmanship while eating.

Zhou Cheng chuckled, but sighed heavily when he thought of something, "Xiu'er, here is your mother, study hard, okay?"

He complained: "You always come, I always have to worry about you."

Zhou Cheng's worry was pure worry, he was very afraid of delaying Zhou Xiu's studies, the hospital would affect his mood too much, he was worried that Zhou Xiu's preoccupation would delay the college entrance examination. He did not allow Liu Mei to disclose her condition to her daughter again. Thinking about this matter all day long, he became visibly thinner and couldn't sleep all night.

Zhou Xiu didn't appear in front of Zhou Cheng after that incident, and every time he came to the hospital, he would watch him from a distance through the glass window, and when he had seen enough, he would go back to school for evening self-study. It's just that Zhou Cheng's food still tastes like it was cooked by Zhou Xiu.

Liu Mei likes to tell Zhou Cheng some trivial things in the store, and Zhou Cheng listens cheerfully and energetically. It was very difficult for him to eat after chemotherapy. Every time Liu Mei entered the ward with a smile, her tears couldn't stop falling down when she left the ward. She didn't dare to cry in front of Zhou Cheng.

After Zhou Cheng recovered from his illness, he couldn't rest at all. He sometimes goes to the store to see the business. The restaurant lost Zhou Cheng's seat, the food lacked taste, and the business was much deserted.

Liu Mei sold the family house. Once Zhou Cheng habitually went back to the new house and found that the door could not be opened with the key, and a strange face came out from inside.

Zhou Cheng stared and froze on the spot, and then glanced at the furnishings in the room, which had changed completely.

After the person left, he squatted on the ground and pulled his hair, smoking a cigarette in silence. He mocked lightly, hey, why didn't you listen to me when I told you to keep the house.

The ashes scattered sadly with the wind, and a row of water droplets wet the concrete floor.

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2021052423:18:522021070322:23:46

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: 1 miscellaneous family;

Thanks to the little angels who threw mines: 2 small kelp; Zajia Xiaoluo, 27338704, and 1 small bead;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate the nutrient solution: 37 bottles of Qingfeng; 26762029, Qingqing, Ruanruian, 20 bottles of gold coins, lydiah; 16 bottles of cute little bookworm; ,, 12 bottles; Fangfangfang, Shuangxue, selling girls Little Match, 4215079410 bottles; 9 bottles to be low-key; 4 bottles of Joyful Son; 2 bottles of Zhu Changge and Yezi; 410501441 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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