Legend Forever

Chapter 1001: Things that can't be avoided

"Hello? Are you busy, ask something."

After a pause, the voice of 008 came across: "It's still rainy and busy, but if you can help take over some tasks, then I might not be so busy."

"is it."

Yi Xunyu didn't answer, but asked directly: "What happened to Ryudu?"

"Uh, do you already know?"

"Now this news has spread madness throughout the academy, saying that Ryukyu of the Alliance of Destiny's Children has returned to the mainland of Adra." Yi Xunyu said.

In the last conversation, Yi Xunyu already knew that Linna got the exemption qualification.

But somehow later, Linna would go to class.

It's just that I won't be full-time, but I play fishing for three days and two days for drying the net.

In this case, Linna could still hear the news.

So looking at the whole college, probably few people don't know.

"Huh, young people now, there are too many tricks to make up, and they can't hide anything."

008 sighed and said, "It's similar to what you said, this happened on the day before yesterday."

"Ryue took a big voter from his alliance of children of fate from the aliens to the outer periphery of the Adela continent without any resistance. He directly admitted that he was bewitched by God's grace, but he is now awake At the same time, in order to show that they truly admit their mistakes, they also handed over hundreds of taboo items in their hands."

It's a bit messy...

"So, how did the hospital handle it?" Yi Xunyu knocked on the table and asked.

"What else can we do. Regardless of whether it is true or false, people are so good at admitting mistakes, we can't just kill them with a stick."

008 shook his head and said: "It is tentatively concerned with thinking over the mountains and reflection, and there may be further arrangements afterwards, but I don't know yet."

Thinking over the mountains?

Yi Xunyu recalled that it seemed to be a place in Kyle College that was more unpleasant than the confinement room.

Quiet, desolate, a barren mountain without grass.

Stay away from people, where you can feel the feeling of isolation from the world.

Unfortunately, this thing also scares ordinary people.

People who are truly determined will prefer to rest and think quietly in this environment.

"There is no need for punishment." Yi Xunyu frowned.

As Daniel said, people like Ryudo will not do things without a planned purpose and preparation.

But for a time, Yi Xunyu couldn't think of anything that would allow him to abandon the temptation of alien forces to command a big force and choose to give up these and return to Edla.

Did the emperor take turns?

It may be possible in a few hundred years, but now, there is little hope for it.

"There is no way, whether it is Kyle College or the Adventurer's Guild, while implementing the rules, we must also consider the views of others." 008 said.

"What about the rest of you, have you been thinking about the mountain?" Yi Xunyu continued to ask.

"Yes, but after the final result, it will definitely not be judged heavier than Ryu, and the greater the possibility is that the punishment is lighter."

008 nodded slightly: "After all, there are also great pressures in other areas."

There are also considerations in this regard.

Most of the people in the League of Fate belong to merchants, nobles, clan and other forces.

If an irreparable mistake is really made, then the adventurer’s guild will kill, and they dare not say anything.

But if you are bewitched, you are now repenting and want to seek a chance to improve.

Then even if the Adventurer’s Guild does not want to give this opportunity, those forces will seek room for turnaround from all sides.

After all, it is the baby of his own family.

In this move, Ryukyu just chose the "Kyle College", which is nominally a college, as a window for the Adventurer's Guild to take over this matter.

Teach and educate people, cultivate a new generation,

Even if there is something wrong inside Kyle College, externally, this is a consistent statement.

In other words, as a college, there should be no excessive penalties.

Suddenly, the adventurer's guild was constrained.

However, in the League of Destiny's Children, there is really a large part of Kyle College students. There is no obvious loophole in the operation of Ryukyu.

Want to scold...

Yi Xunyu opened his mouth, and finally sighed, "Then so."

Although I had the intention to go over the mountain and look at it, I had a hundred liu.

But currently the most dominant is the Adventurer’s Guild. In order to avoid accidents, they will protect the Ryutyu and others to prevent them from falling into disregard.

Yi Xunyu went, instead he planted himself in it.

Even if the Adventurer's Guild doesn't care, Yi Xunyu doubts that many of the bodies that Ryukyu returned are the same, but the same avatar. And the body just waits for the fish to hook, and then sells miserably to continue to add play to itself.

In this play, it was sung that someone knew he was not right, but there was no evidence.

"By the way, recently, the Adventurer's Guild came down with a large number of difficult tasks. Let us find a way to digest it. Do you have time to take another one?" 008 looked at Yi Xunyu thinking and clapped a large stack of documents near his hand.

"Is it difficult again?"

"Yeah, there has been some surprises in the deep sea empire recently. The Adventurer Guild has not enough manpower and can only find a way to transfer the pressure." 008 spread his hand.

"Next time..."

Before the final word was spoken, Yi Xunyu suddenly noticed a line on the document at hand 008.

There is the word Bone Star in it.

"You take out the third document you have and show it to me." Yi Xunyu gestured.

"Rarely meet one you are interested in."

008 hadn't reported any hope. Seeing Yi Xunyu said, directly extract the document and open it.

In addition to some mission descriptions and ratings, Yi Xunyu mainly looked at the description of the Bone Star.

‘I don’t know where the dark fog is from all over the planet, the sun is blocked, the planet’s temperature starts to drop, the ground is condensed with black frost, and a large number of creatures die because they can’t withstand the low temperature...

… The dark mist seems to contain energy of the undead attribute, dead creatures do not rest, the stiff corpses become more aggressive, all living things that can be felt by crazy attacks... According to energy detection, this energy comes from a large probability Stygian, the specific reason is temporarily unknown, the source has not yet been found...

…After many attempts, the black mist cannot be dispelled by weather magic, elemental attacks, weather attacks, etc. After using the mental attack, we felt a cold, cold, twisted will. In other words, this disaster is a dominant one, not a natural disaster...

…The lord who guarded the Bone Star has gone to the dark fog to investigate, but he hasn’t returned yet. Although the life light hasn’t been turned off yet, there is a high probability that it has been encountered...

…According to the follow-up playback of the monitoring facility, we extracted a high-frequency sound wave from the crystal. During the comparison with the database, we estimated that it was a snake's hiss...’

After that is the requirement for this mission, I hope that the Adventurer Guild can dispatch an experienced lord-level squad, or it is better to call the demi-level to the town to solve these problems as soon as possible.

This is a problem in Edla's power system. The lord level is the backbone of Edla. There are many numbers, but the strength is sometimes unsupported.

But the legends and epics above all need time to continually hone their power system and prepare for the later demigods. They are completely unintentional and have no time to deal with the tasks of the Adventurer’s Guild~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Semi-god level, but idle.

Because the areas after the semi-god level, whether it is retreat, experience, accumulation, hard work, and other means, can not make further breakthroughs, at most only a small degree of polishing themselves.

So the demigods can be the anchors of the adventurer's guild to solve difficult tasks.

After all, maybe when you have the chance to smash your face, you made a breakthrough.

This is a fault in the adventurer's guild that can be assigned strength. Legends and epics will not appear until the necessary moment.

"This task..."

Yi Xunyu thought for a while and said, "Stay for the time being. I want to discuss with my team."

"Do you really want to take it? At first glance, this task is not right, but it still makes the semi-god level more reliable in the past." 008 reminded.

"Not sure yet."

Yi Xunyu shook his head and said: "But there are always things that cannot be avoided."

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