Legend Forever

Chapter 1005: Catch up time

????The overcast sky, a dark old castle stands on top of the dry ground with only a hint of sunlight.

In the old castle, Annie hung up Ixunyu's communication, got up from the table, and stretched lazily.

???? "Everything came together, my poor vacation plan."

???? Pulling the long sleepy sleeves up, Annie looked at the table, and the thick sheet of paper smiled with satisfaction.

????‘Ghost Sword and Annie’s Trip’

????The interest made me plan to write a book, and I spent a lot of hard work on the way, and even almost became a dog leash.

????But in any case, today she finally finished the last one.

????not easy.

???? "Want to publish..."

After biting her thumb nails, Annie looked at the neat manuscript in front of her and finally clapped her hands.

It's really a shame that ???? is written but not shared with others.

???? Hearing the ear, Annie moved the manuscript into the drawer quickly, then closed the pen cover, and put everything in the pen holder and ink pen back into place.

????Boom, boom, boom,

???? "Master, the airboat ticket to Biluo Lake has been booked."

???? "This way."

Annie heard it and waved her hand: "Then please trouble to find a glass frame, and then see where to hang it."


???? "There's something going on temporarily, can't go."

Anne turned her chair and turned, and said to the little one at the door, "Pity Lake Bilu, who misses me, do not know when it will be next time."

???? "Okay, adults, pay more attention to your body." Xiao Xiao sighed, helplessly said.

???? What is the purpose of the high-end airship VIP cabin lined up in advance to buy.

???? "Working hard, little."

???? "Nothing, I seem to be used to it."

???? "It's a sad speech."

???? When the door closed again, Annie turned back to her chair, her face gradually fading.

????It's not a bad mood, but a reaction when you think subconsciously.

???? Take off the mask.

????"Bone Bone Star...Is there a part of the mainstream of the Stygian hidden in the venue where the school tried. If I knew this news earlier, I would choose Bone Star directly."

Shrinking on the chair, Annie pondered for a moment and shook her head again: "No, it was not appropriate to go at that time. A hydra, I'm afraid it won't be swallowed in one bite."

After confirming that Annie agreed to go together, Yi Xunyu directly sent all the information she had to Annie.

???? This can save a lot of explanation steps, that is...

The most basic information sharing.

????Night Butterfly Chamber of Commerce,

????Ixunyu threw the bottle in his hand into the sink filled with slime, got up and opened the refrigerator and took out a bottle of orange juice and walked out.

????Sometimes, the troubles of many things are before making decisions and results, and when you make a choice, you don't have so many problems.

???? Just put some talcum powder on his head and shove his head forward.

???? Go to Bone Star, and Shalai come to a life-and-death battle, either win or play gg perfectly.

???? Voila, it's that simple.

Returning to the room, Yi Xunyu sat on the bed and looked out the window, and began to analyze carefully the available points for this operation.

????Mu Tian, ​​Dream Tower, Muse, Rock, Annie, plus one of her,

???? This lineup seems to have some shortcomings.

Unfortunately, there are no more suitable candidates.

????So, you can only work in places other than the personnel.


????Since I agreed to 008 to take over this task, it is a reasonable request to take the opportunity to request supplies.

???? Explosives or something, now Ixunyu just want as much as he can.

In addition, she has to do a little preparation.

???? Preparation for resurrection.

???? You can't put the eggs in a basket, or once you beat them, then there is really no way out.

???? The field is divided into a part, together with a part of soul and memory.

????In this way, even if he lost, Yi Xunyu could also go to the same place and explode, and then be resurrected from another place.

The survivability of the lord, as long as it is properly used, the effect can not be inferior to that of the lich.

As for the resurrection, it is not a problem to restore energy accumulation to the level of an ordinary lord under the support of mastering the law.

???? Even the body's white value, in the case of leaving a piece of blood in advance, can be perfectly restored.

???? There are also legendary marks and other things, these are bound to a person itself, unless the person is completely dead, you will not be there forever, so it can not be lost.

Of course, at that time, the sky and stars hanging in the field of Cangxing are definitely gone.

In general, the lord-level will always go through a few deaths as it continues to progress.

???? Then either voluntarily or forced to experience the beauty of the resurrection.

This kind of thing can be used as a commonplace meal after getting used to it, and there is no psychological burden at all.

After all, for the lord level, the line between life and death is already very vague.

???? But Yi Xunyu feels that the best experience is never better.


???After all, death or something is not a wonderful experience.

????Anyway, this method will not have an impact on strength and performance, and Yi Xunyu doesn't mind leaving a way for himself.

???? Even members of a large family like Muse may have the ability to die out of the flame of the life lamp.

????"Speaking of Casa, if Shalai's strength reaches a level that we can't beat at all, can you help save a game?"

Thinking about it, Yi Xunyu suddenly asked.

???? "Unfortunately, I'm just an ordinary kitten. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com"

???? Casa's voice rang aside.

???? "Do you think I believe?"

???? "That's the case. My current container has no strength at all."

???? Casa jumped to the chair and said: "Perhaps, I can try to experience what it feels like to catch a mouse. But if you want me to fight, it is too difficult for a strong man."

"Hey." Yi Xunyu frowned.

???? "Of course, if Shalai's strength reaches the true **** level, maybe I can help you find a way."

???? "Don't say it helped me think about how to die decently?" Yi Xunyu raised an eyebrow.

???? "Of course not, but when it reaches the true **** level, it is completely isolated from this world in the **** realm."

???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????But I don't mind coming out of this container, and breathe it well.?

???? Casa's container is to avoid the exploration of the will of the world...Once it is discovered, the consequences are not what Casa wants to see, especially before he can use this world strongly.

???? "Sounds beautiful, but Shalai can never break through the true **** level."

????Yixun Yu leaned back and lay on the bed and said, "So at the end, I have to rely on myself."

???? "Come on, don't you just finish a demigod today." Casa encouraged.

????"Shalai is not that kind of waste. What's more, it's just a competition in breath. If it's really fighting, I can't beat that guy at all."

Yi Xunyu smashed the bed and got up and returned to Ying Xinling.

Time is running out. Those harvests that haven't been dealt with before, now she intends to digest them all by swallowing dates.

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