Legend Forever

Chapter 1011: The mind image in the world

The huge eyes of the sky are constantly shooting ~ mixed colors of light beams, or they cause an explosion, or a hissing corrosive sound, or quietly make the earth lose one piece.

   And those who are fragmented, in the rain of this beam are constantly broken, constantly reorganized, and finally look like they are made of powder piles, and they still have not stopped.

The green light in   's eyes is getting deeper.

   "What the **** is this?"

   Dream Tower frowned to increase the output of energy, but still could not kill these guys.

   "Don't waste energy first, mainly repel and control." Mu Tian reminded.

  Annie looked at this scene and shook her head: "Let me go."

   "You know what's going on?" Mengta asked sideways.

   "Know that the undesirable dead of Styx are also called Styx evil spirits."

  Anni instructed Mengta to stop the bombardment of the magic eye artillery first, and took out a black handkerchief from the space installation.

"As long as the consciousness does not dissipate, then these Stygian evil spirits are immortal. And this Shalai is indeed a genius, and he can think of connecting his consciousness with them. In this way, as long as Shalai is not dead, these Stygian evil The ghost will never stop biting the living."

   Moreover, the energy consumed by this resurrection comes from the Styx, not Shalai itself.

  If the situation is unclear, then it is likely that in the end, even Shalai’s face was not seen, and he died exhausted here.

   "Of course, this method is not without weaknesses."

   looked at the Stygian evil spirits who had broken through the blockade line and rushed towards this side, Annie wiped her hand with a handkerchief and said.

   "After all, Styx evil spirits are just evil spirits, and they cannot escape the shackles of Styx. That is, as long as they are isolated from Styx, they will die directly."

   said, Annie's hand stroked in the air.

   The black mist squeezed into a black line along Annie's fingertips, and then swept away.

   A black wave, across the silent level,

Wherever    has passed, those guys who will be resurrected no matter how the dream tower attacks, will instantly stand still on the spot.

   After a while, their bodies began to fall off like fragments of balloons, and then fell towards the surroundings.

   is empty inside.

"That's it."

Annie wiped her hand again with a handkerchief, but suddenly frowned: "This hand, although it seems simple, is the easiest to change from quantitative to qualitative change. If I remember correctly, this cake city is more and more The stronger the person on the right?"

   "Yes." Mu Tian didn't look back, his eyes didn't know where he was looking.

   "It doesn't matter if the Stygian evil spirits are made by thousands of ordinary people, but if thousands of Scourge-level supernatural beings are made into the Stygian evil spirits, I don't have much confidence."

  Annie did not transmit, but said generously.

   "Is that the case, then I will try to find a way to do it. Now, let's solve the barbarian **** first."

  Mutian finally withdrew his gaze, shook his head doubtfully, then looked at another battlefield and said.

   On the other side, Yi Xunyu was pulling his hands out of the rotten black meat with a black face, and then threw it on the ground in disgust.

   is miscalculated,

  Because the distance is too far, and the battle happened too suddenly, Ixunyu actually hasn't had time to observe this big scorpion.


   was originally a beautiful silver scorpion. After being exploded by ice, a large amount of Stygian power was poured directly from the body, and then the appearance changed.

   The carapace is tarnished, full of broken gaps and scratches. From those gaps, decaying flesh and blood are squeezed out of it, mutated, and become tentacles composed of nodules outside the exoskeleton, frantically lashing around.

   used to have many names,

  The emperor's car, the cloud hidden scorpion, the silver scorpion god, the sword of the sky...

  Now, it has faded those gorgeous names, left the blessing of Shalai's demigod realm, and once again restored its original appearance.

  A monster eroded by the Styx and transformed into a half-life and half-death.

   This is after the stone door that has been open for thousands of years,

   What it really looks like.

   "Semi-God Realm, huh, the understanding of this world's erosion is still not in place."

  Throwing a handkerchief with clean hands on the ground, Yi Xunyu looked at the body in front and suddenly sneered a few times.

   She discovered something gratifying, that is, Shalai's demigod domain is not perfect.

   Shalai is a traversal, the kind that has crossed over long ago.

  Although the specific time is not known, from the observations in his notes, it can be analyzed that a computer and mobile phone are not yet developed, and children's entertainment is still in the era of black and white comic books.

   In other words, he was trapped by the world view where he once was, without the transcendent world, and he still could not really understand the height of the transcendental material level, the law can bring.

This is good news.

   levitated out of the pothole, Yi Xunyu looked at the siege bull god.

"This guy…"

   "Hurry up and help, this guy is surprisingly resistant." Mu Tian shouted.


   Last time I met, everyone still lost a lot of power, and finally solved the violent wild cow god.

   But after that, everyone is still making progress and becoming stronger.

   See you again at this time, there is no longer the last embarrassment.

   With the addition of a rock, several people cooperated with each other to understand the other party's information, and soon put the barbarian **** down on the ground again.


   As Muse cut a red awn on the neck of the barbarian god, a huge bull head rose into the sky.

  The golden armor on the barbarian **** was broken, and his body stiffened and hit the ground.

  Yixun Yu specifically noticed that this time the barbarian **** did not become that disgusting look.

  Because there is no reality as a reference object, it is completely composed of the projection of Shalai’s mental image. Does it belong to the barbarian **** of the past? UU reading books www.uukanshu.com

   If so, then Shalai seems to have been pitted by himself.

  Because if there is no wreckage in the past, although the authenticity of the demigod domain will be much worse, it will not make Shalai’s cognition conflict, and everything will proceed smoothly.

   "It seems that we are lucky."

   On the other side, Mu Tian apparently thought of this too and said with a sigh of relief.

   "Well, why didn't the barbarian **** turn into a Stygian ghost?"

  Mengta looked at Annie and asked quietly.

  Annie smiled, and the voice returned to say: "Because the will of the barbarian **** is too strong, the rank is too strong. Styx, dare not accept."

   On the rank, the barbarian **** belongs to the false god.

   If Styx is capable of accommodating the will of the false gods, and assimilated into Styx evil spirits. Then Styx will not be named after Hell Celestial Realm, but will become the leader of Aidela, surpassing all the existence.

   But obviously, that is impossible.

   "This is good news." Mengta said with a sigh of relief.

  If these twelve patron saints will continue to be resurrected, then there is no need to fight.

   "I felt the rest of the gaze, but somehow they didn't show up."

  Panshi put away his shield and frowned.

   This sense of gaze is really unabashed. I'm afraid I don't know if others don't know that someone is watching him.

   "Who knows, is it all about preparing to give away people's heads in batches?" Mu Tian shook his head, which was also somewhat incomprehensible.

   Because of this, he waited in vain for a long time.


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