Legend Forever

Chapter 1029: The breath of God, the cries of civilization

Those who have perished should accept their own destiny and disappear from the dust of history.

Yi Xunyu didn't know what he was doing was right or wrong, and he didn't know what he thought of this ability.

But this ability was actually discovered very early.

However, she really doesn't want to use it.

The final horn... If this is the name, it might be unexpectedly appropriate.

Taking the Anne mode with a strange connection to Casa as an opportunity, the end carried by the Anne mode is the main body, such as the destroyed Magic Witch, such as the countless killed Protoss.

Use them, use information to attract each other, and take the initiative to pull out the reverberations of those things that are already dead.

Then, give them a chance for revenge.

The change of Annie's mode is different from those of second gear and transformation.

It will not bring Yi Xunyu a little blessing of power, nor will she increase her energy activity much, nor will she actively give her strong power.

The Anne model brings a change and a channel.

Just like zombies and humans, the muscles of zombies have begun to dissolve compared to humans, but why can they explode more powerful than humans?

The answer is simple, because zombies are not afraid of pain, and there is no subliminal cap lock.

In this regard, the Anne model is almost the same.

The channel refers to ‘the channel that exists and communicates with those things that are destroyed and destroyed’

As long as you want, Anne Mode can actively establish this connection.

But the price is that after the event, Yi Xunyu needs to bear this final heavy.

It was like once, when she was fighting the old star-hunter, she used the power of the ruined protoss.

Afterwards, the negative emotions of the destruction of the Protoss, all kinds of miserable conditions, were all replayed in her mind.

The first perspective.

Later, when the Anne mode was unfolded, there were also countless wailing protagonists in the blood flame representing the final Yan.

After this, Yi Xunyu put this kind of ability to the forefront, did not develop any, and never regarded it as an optional skill.

Don't use it if you can.

Because this thing that needs to be carried is really too heavy.

Race, civilization, hope, birth and destruction...

These are not things one should bear.

Therefore, after the star hunter, Yi Xunyu has never used this ability again.

But now, she seems to have no other choice.

No choice, this is the most hated answer for Yi Xunyu.

Because it means a feeling of powerlessness from the heart.

Really... annoying.

At this time, Yi Xunyu had no emotion of anger.

I even want to laugh and laugh at myself.

In the deep buried earth, a certain concept has penetrated tens of thousands of years and climbed out of the abyss that should have disappeared again.

Countless consciousnesses rose from the earth, distorting the light, but did not show their own appearance.

Because, they shouldn't have appeared.

These concepts fluttered toward Yi Xunyu, and blood flames ignited around Yi Xunyu.

Blood Flame's color was even darker, and suddenly there were countless twisted and weeping faces.

As the concept further awakened, more reverberation squeezed into the blood flame, squeezing it like a balloon inflated.

Stygian also started to roll over, and the rotten ghosts flew out of it one after another, unable to piece together the soul fragments, and fell into the blood flame.

The wailing turned into dead bones, fell down with a flesh that was torn off in one bite, squashed by a giant tail that fell from the sky, suffocated by the black current, submerged in suffocation by the black current, frozen and broken by the cold black mist,

He was drunk and drunk. Let's sing a song and jump. A piece of rope left quietly. The two-character national martyrdom, long sigh.

Burned yourself in the flames and turned into fly ash. He looked up and roared, but only fell into the mouth of the snake like a moth. The mantis arm was a car, but it was crushed at will. Frowning, he died of vomiting blood.

All kinds of sentient beings are deduced again and again in the flames, as if the scars were uncovered again and again.

It seems like a personal death, but they are intertwined, but it represents a much larger concept.

The name of this concept, called the Golden Empire, once unified the name of the entire Bone Star civilization.

This is the destruction of a civilization.

at last,

With a deep breath, I recalled in the void,

A figure in gold armor, eyes on fire, holding a figure with a huge ruby ​​scepter, fell into the roaring blood flame after all.

It was a woman with a purple crown and a snowy skin wearing a gold crown.

It was the princess of the former golden empire, and the gods who used to guard the golden empire.

Today, the gods are no longer there, only a sigh left.

Her eyes seemed to see through the years and fell directly on Yi Xunyu's body.

Then she slowly raised her scepter.


"Kill!" *N

In the blood flame, it seems that there are thousands of troops and horses crying and roaring together.

"It's really difficult to be kind."

Xingyan could no longer hide the blood flame's light, and Yi Xunyu stood in the blood flame like this, feeling the strength of the condensation on her arm, but felt that this force was urging her, let her raise her hand and go quickly Give the Hydra a punch.

In the eyes, the ruins kept overlapping, Yi Xunyu's mouth was raised, her toes lightly touched the ground, and her figure disappeared suddenly.

In place, a huge pothole exploded.

Afterglow pieced together in the air, Yi Xunyu appeared on top of Hydra's head, his right hand was raised high, and then he punched down.

In the blood flame, another shouting and shouting sound rang out again. After UU reading www.uukanshu.com, the shout was no longer a byte, but a roar of endless anger.

Blood flames rushed down.


The wailing of the Hydra sounded, and the fierce look in his eyes turned back to Yi Xunyu.

After the punch, Yi Xunyu kept the movement quietly, even closing his eyes on the bumpy snake body.

The last revenge of a civilization, a civilization brought together a blow of all forces.

This is not as easy as it looks on the surface.


Without waiting for the snake head to bite Yi Xunyu, the blood flame suddenly exploded in its body.

The semi-god-level body just stopped Blood Flame for a moment, and then it exploded like a broken balloon fragment.

The black blood splattered in the air and disappeared in a flash of high temperature.

In the air, there was a smell of stench.


Yi Xunyu landed on the shoulders of the giant white bone, and took a long sigh of relief.

At the end of the bearing, her mental will was in a state of high tension, and now she can finally breathe for a moment.

"You are terrible." Annie said looking at Yi Xunyu.

"Fortunately, how about Shalai?" Yi Xunyu asked with shaking.

She hadn't noticed Chalai's traces long before, but she couldn't find it when she looked back.

"In the body of Hydra, shouldn't he die now?"

Annie scratched her head and answered.

"But it's all like that, should everything die?"


Yi Xunyu smiled bitterly: "How long can you stay in this state?"

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