Legend Forever

Chapter 1035: Another evolution of Nymphaea

Here is a chaotic and distorted time and space, time is fragmented here, the law is chaotic here. .dragonb.

It’s like chaos... but it’s also limited to chaos.

Yi Xunyu was suspended in this space, letting the fragments that didn't know what was flying through his body, but quietly set his sight on the front.

The dark green vines are interlaced to form a huge tree.

On this tree, there are all kinds of symbols.

Green leaves, blue eyes, dark green tentacles, golden feathers, dark red scales,...

These symbolic objects grow irregularly on the vines, and become more strange after forming the shape of the tree.

In the darkness without stars, in the darkness, there are countless double ghosts that constantly wriggle like snakes in the snake.

The roots of trees are much larger than trees.

The star lotus growing in a different world, with a large supply of nutrients, is now finally squeezed into the world beyond the material level, and I don’t know where the location has taken root.

Although the rules here are very confusing, thinking the other way around also means that there is a lack of restraint.

Xinglian has taken the initiative to move a part of the body here, and then uses this as a starting point, constantly piercing the space around, extending the roots of the vines to one place after another, and then absorbing more nutrients from that place.ァStarter, domain name, please remember

"In other words, what is this place?"

Yi Xunyu suddenly asked.

"This cosmic...garbage dump?" Casa sat on the side, thinking for a while and finally found a good adjective.

"Is the garbage dump." Yi Xunyu nodded slightly.

Xinglian likes it very much because there are enough nutrients.

Slightly down, Yi Xunyu looked down at the vines below which did not swing randomly.

In this world, Xinglian's development has so far been thanks to two conditions.

One, there is no existence similar to natural enemies or nemesis, so that the development of Xinglian can be carried out without any restrictions.

On the other hand, this world is very rich in resources, so various civilizations have developed. However, these civilizations are limited to infighting, so they have not reached the level of reaching their peak in technology.

That is, the upper limit here cannot pose a great threat to Xinglian.

Thanks to the times, the growth of the star lotus gradually became a scale, and even before those civilizations listed this matter as an emergency, they reached a height beyond civilization.

Under the blessing of ultra-dimensional crystallization, taking the energy of the annihilation era in the body as an opportunity, Xinglian can be said to have crossed the threshold of legend, epic, demigod, and **** level in one step, reaching the old master level of the annihilation era. Person.

In this way, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a step in the sky.

This can be said to be a good thing, but it is not absolute.

The stride was too big and it collapsed. Xinglian, however, can only continue walking without crossing, so there is no need to be concerned about this issue.

At that time, in order to stabilize the position, Xinglian actually needed a lot of energy.

Among them, even Casa has made a small contribution to guide how the star lotus should adapt to the power at this stage.

The plasticity and learning ability of Xinglian are indeed very exaggerated, and you can quickly use your abilities flexibly.

Filled with a lot of energy, Xinglian finally stabilized her personality completely, without the danger of falling.ァStarter, domain name, please remember

But there is also a side effect.

After absorbing a lot of the power of the planet and the intelligent soul, Xinglian's current state is as if it has experienced duck-feeding, and it looks very bloated.

At this time, the chaotic arrangement of those objects on his body is not his original intention, but it is actually a manifestation of energy out of control.

After all, the energy of the annihilation era can be beautiful with chaos, but if it can, Xinglian is more willing to make herself look more beautiful.

With Yi Xunyu's aesthetic.

It takes a little time to absorb, and wait until the star lotus has really digested those energies in order to get rid of the shackles of the age of oblivion and develop a form that conforms to your own aesthetics.

At this time, those vines representing roots and hairs seem to have a little problem at this time.

"This should be the part where I summon the past."

Looking for something in the black ocean, Yi Xunyu pointed to one place and said.

At the time when she fought against Shalai, she ventured to summon a small part of Xinglian to get the body.

The present lotus is actually more harmful than the evil god, and it is impossible to gain access to the universe where Edla is located.

Of course, she didn't think about doing that at the time, just let Xinglian pretend to take the opportunity to borrow a large amount of energy from the old Japanese.

And now, because of crossing two worlds, this part of Nymphaea seems to have a little unusual change.

Close, Yi Xunyu controlled this part of Xinglian to make a rubbing movement, and then looked at the sticky brushed for a while.

"What is this, lubricating fluid."

Those liquids have a strong spatial resonance. In short, if you wipe this layer on your body while walking through the transmission channel, the pressure on the space will be much smaller.

For Xinglian, the effect of this liquid is obviously more than that.

It is to prepare for the next hit on the world barrier,

With this liquid, as long as a small crack is made, Xinglian can squeeze more of her body through the gap through the lubrication of the slime.

"What a terrible evolutionary ability."

Yi Xunyu sighed with emotion.

This is even more terrifying than her star body's ability to evolve. Comparing people's data horizontally, Xinglian's state at this time is to wash her face and evolved gills, jumped high and evolved rabbit legs, and went out to bask in the sun to learn photosynthesis. effect.

Even the viruses that claim to be infinitely variable can't be said to be so outrageous.

If you can take it back, you can study it carefully, but it is another world after all. The magic planter that Yi Xunyu never forgets has been promoted again and again, but she just can’t get it over.

When striking the barrier of the world, Yi Xunyu didn't think about the breakthrough of the legendary level.

She tried the same way, but unfortunately failed.

This tricky approach simply won't work. The distance between the two worlds is there, but it can't be delivered.

"Continue to evolve, there is always no harm in being strong."

With a sigh, Yi Xunyu encouraged Xinglian.

Then, Xunyu looked to the side and asked: "In other words, there is a way to transfer things between the two worlds~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Is there really no one?"

"Even if you say that... I know one."


"You destroyed this world, and then let Xinglian run this distance with the world fragments. There should be a hint of possibility before the energy is exhausted."


Casa smiled and said to himself:

"So ah, Shalai said that the black hand lamb theory behind the scenes is still a bit smaller. The ability to freely view the two worlds' accurate quasi-transmission still retains the ability to master, which one does not have the ability to destroy the world. Such people, except the main **** That kind of dead house has a few more troubles for membership dues, just for herding lambs in the void."

With this strength, do it yourself, like picking an apple, and hold the world that you look at in your hand. Isn't that a hassle? divdiv

Legends forever


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