Legend Forever

Chapter 1054: Dehumanization

"The signal is broken?"


   Night Butterfly Chamber of Commerce, Yu Zhuzi stood up and looked at the snowflake screen in front of him, subconsciously wanting to take a shot.


   It's like the TV is broken, and you have to go up and knock twice.


   But soon, Yu Zhuzi reacted, and the projection vortex in front of her was made by Xinglian. She just wanted to knock and there was nowhere to knock.


   After thinking for a while, she simply picked up the shower on the side and sprinkled some water on the vines beside her.


   "Hey, is this really useful?" Athena on the side looked at this scene and asked in amazement.


   This seems to be different from what she has learned recently.


   "I don't know, it's always right to try."


   said, the blue light dots of the vortex were distorted, and the picture returned to normal.


   Sabo confronted Baisha Chiyu, Chiyu sneered and said the word deep sea prison.


   "Oh... alright?"


   When she said this, Yu Zhuzi was a little bit unconfident.


   Is this too casual?


   On the second floor of the Night Butterfly Chamber of Commerce, Yi Xunyu once again refused Mu Tian’s invitation to the mission, and yawned and hung up on Skynet communications.


   has only rested for a few days, and Mu Tian couldn't help but want to run around.


   This kind of feeling is not good, it makes Yi Xun Yu feel as if he has entered old age early.


   As for another thing,


   Isn't Panshi dead? This is good news.


   sent this news to the Muse, mentioning that I can take care of the Pan Song and make it more comfortable in the City of Freedom, and Yi Xun Yu again turned his gaze on the star lotus projection in front of him.


   Deep sea prison?


   Although she is not proud to believe that Xinglian is omnipotent, there are really not many things that can isolate the connection between Xinglian.


   You must know that long before the star lotus is basically formed, they can achieve ultra-low-latency spiritual communication with each other over a distance of tens of light years.


   Right now, although the signal was quickly repaired, the small place still surprised Yi Xun Yu.


   Through the seeds parasitic on the small animals, she probably explored the environment inside.


   Remove those piled up old bones, there is nothing.


   Even if there was one, it is probably dead or left long ago.


   But it is true that it is absolutely sealed,


   can only use the key to open the space permissions, and then use the portal to enter and exit is also true.


   I don't know what it was once closed here, the layout of all aspects will be so tight.


   In the end, the family ran away.


   What a shame.


   "Oh, are you fighting again."




   After a simple test,


   Baisha and Red Phosphorus finally stopped trying to provoke Sabo, because they found that the effect did not seem to be ideal.


   Sabo didn't seem to be angry at all, or he was already full of anger, but became calm.


   But no matter which one it is, it is unwise to try to provoke.


   Even if they have money, even if they have a lot of high-power scrolls in their space installations,


   But it was thrown away like this, except that it could be more bright than the sound of firecrackers, it was unable to cause any substantial damage to Sabo.






   So, hit and hit,


   Under the intentional actions of Baisha and Red Phosphorus, the distance between Sabo and them has changed from very far to medium.


   Although Sabo’s chances of attacking them have increased, the probability of these scrolls hitting them has also increased.


  The dark afterimages in the sky almost formed a line, and the red phosphorus and white sand were in the center of those clues. They tore the scrolls in their hands one by one and smashed them out, adding one or two skills from time to time.


   "Hey, do you think these two people are stupid."


   Watching the battle continue for several minutes, Yu Zhuzi said to Athena beside him.




   "Doesn't that place say that only keys can get in and out? You said that if these two people turn around and leave now, Sabo will be trapped inside and can't get out."


   Yu Zhuzi said strangely: "There is no need to fight like this. Are those two people naive."


   "Hey, wait until you break through the lord."


   Athena sighed, raised her forehead and explained:


"The opening of the portal takes longer than you think, especially this kind of locked space. If the two of them dare to do this, either Saab will take the opportunity to go out, or they will pull the two men behind and pull them off halfway on the spot. . Or if it’s more serious, if you want to die together, then you can smash the space door behind, so that the two people will be completely lost in the space storm."


   Lord level expansion domain can survive in the space storm in the world, but there is a premise,


   The time cannot be too long.


  After a long time, the Lord Class will also become non-recyclable garbage in Space Storm.


   "Is it so serious?"


   "Nonsense, I don't think you dare to go back to the castle during the battle when you play the game."




   This is really easy to understand.


   "Oh, Sabo is getting bigger." Yu Zhuzi diverted his embarrassment with an exclamation.


   Regardless of whether Baisha Chilin was thinking about cutting the meat with a dull knife, or exhausting him alive.


  Sabo is indeed impatient.


   The dark flame exploded, covering all the nearby space.


   In the black flames, twisted vines are looming, just waiting for the two to use domain resistance to come over.


   The demon eagle's sharp and piercing cry,


   A black shadow quickly passed, bypassing the layers of defense, and instantly tore off a large piece of flesh from the arm of Red Phosphorus.


   Red Phosphorus Mist~ He snorted and couldn't help kneeling on the ground.


   Looking at the black fire burning above, Chi Pho gritted his teeth, waved his hand and shaved off all the remaining meat.


   The flesh and blood fell to the ground and was burnt to ashes by the black fire in a short while.


   After a few bottles of recovery medicine, the granulation spread and soon became a new arm around the bone.


   "Are you all right?" Bai Sha asked, turning his head.


  Red Phosphorus was injured, and his pressure was much greater for a while.


   "There is something, it is not a way to go on like this."


   Chi Pho gritted his teeth, waved his itchy arm from growing skin, and threw several bombs.


   Amid the uninterrupted roar, Chi Pho whispered.


   "Don't use these store-suppressing things, replace them with advanced ones."


   "Can you bear it here?"




"it is good."


   Baisha agreed, and took out a few slender scrolls with his backhand.


   The color is transparent, like a delicate crystal, with a strand of gold slowly rotating inside.


   glanced roughly at Sabo's position, and Bai Sha directly activated the scroll in his hand and threw it out.


   forbidden curse, ode to the holy archangel,


   The ethereal hymn only appeared for a moment, and then there were all feathers and arrows shot down.


   No matter what it touches, the feather explodes, UU reading www.uukahnshu. com then the rich holy light spread around.


   Only for a moment, Hei Yan was completely bombed.


   The golden flames became a sea of ​​flames, which burned for a while before gradually fading.


   is just a scroll after all, if it is manipulated manually, it can last as long as you want.


   "Damn it."


   Chi Pho, who was hiding behind Bai Sha, stood up, stretched out his hand and touched his face and said, "You stuff, you are strong!"


   almost blew him up.


   "I deliberately chose to restrain the other's scroll, and I don't know how effective it is." Bai Sha explained.


   "You can't die, don't forget that that guy is also a lord level. Are there any more, hurry up," Chi Pho urged.


"it is good."




   A slow, even and powerful wind rolled up, blowing away the fluttering smoke.


  Sabo stood quietly, without opening his eyes, just like this with his arms open,


   Feeling the blood flowing in his body, and his heart beating vigorously, every pore in his body has been opened, and he breathed out the surrounding air to his heart, and rolled up the breeze.


  Sabo only felt that his body was lighter than ever before.


   Sen white pointed teeth, gold vertical pupils, black wings, scaled body, black iron hooks.



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