Legend Forever

Chapter 1069: Metal Terminator



   suspended in mid-air, Yi Xun Yu was taken aback.


   The complex array behind him was already open. I thought that when the crazy eye got rid of the shackles of the ice coffin, the last saturated bombardment would come immediately.


   But if she feels right, Crazy Eye seems...dead?


  The mechanical field disappeared,


   The Sun Furnace that was temporarily sealed had no further movement after it was unsealed.


   The broken ice floating in the air didn't feel a trace of mental power, and even the Forbidden Curse Ice Coffin connected to her mental power did not give back a trace of life fluctuations.


   was a little surprised,


   was taken aback, Yi Xunyu did not dissipate the power formation behind him, but slowly floated down vigilantly.


   I just fought Shalai some time ago, and she still seems to have not escaped from the state where the opponent has that kind of horrible survivability and defense.


   Yi Xun Yu subconsciously believes that all enemies are extremely immortal.


   It is difficult to kill no matter how you fight it. It requires a large amount of bombardment with saturation attacks. If necessary, some special methods may be used.


   Under the influence of this habit, a crispy enemy suddenly popped out, she was really not used to it.


   After a while, Yi Xunyu beckoned to pick up a space ring on the ground, and glanced over another space bracelet that had been damaged, with a trace of pity in his eyes.


   The space gem is broken, which means that the space bound to it also disappears. The contents inside will leak into the gaps in the space, and appear again, no one knows where it will go.


   In other words, the abandoned space device is useless.


   Except for the broken pieces of mechanical staff, Yi Xunyu did not find too many traces left by the crazy eye.


   Under the blessing of the solar furnace, the temperature of the volcanic magma is extremely high, and it is difficult for the biological protein not to be burned to ashes here.


   Without rushing to open the contents of the space ring, Ixun Yu closed his eyes and swept across the volcano with a spirit of power.


   After a while, Yi Xun Yu opened his eyes and looked in front of him.


   There, strands of black mist stuck together, accompanied by faint wailing and crying.


   Silvery white glitter, smell of kerosene, sound of steam, clash of parts...


  Various visions began to appear, and they plunged into the darkness at the center.


  Finally, a gear is the main body, the center is matched with weapons ranging from firecrackers to heavy artillery, from small to large, and the middle is a badge of emblem.


   whirled slowly in front of Ishim Yu.


   Ixun Yu squinted his eyes,


   The emblem in the middle of the badge she knows, an eye nailed to the cross, with three pupils in the eye, is the most glorious symbol of the metal nobility of the mechanical empire.


   Similarly, this also corresponds to the top of the power pyramid of the mechanical empire, the core ability of the mechanical tyrant, the metal magic eye.


   Raised his hand, holding the rotating badge in his hand, a lot of information began to flood into my mind.


   However, Yi Xunyu had seen this information with real eyes long ago, and then he raised his hand and chose to receive it.


  Metal Terminator\Mechanical Destroyer


   Something unexpected, this thing turned out to be a legendary mark.


   is still a legendary mark certified by the world.


   Because Ixunyu killed the last bloodline of the mechanical empire, the metal aristocratic bloodline was completely cut off in the history of the entire world, and it is no longer possible for a new metal aristocrat to be born in the future.


   In other words, extinction.


   Because the mechanical empire occupies a rather heavy weight in history, Ixunyu, as the end of this history, deserves a chance to stay.


   Besides, Yixun Yu also got a good message that she didn't know what to say.


   That is, according to Crazy Eye's plan, when he kills all the metal nobles in the world, a piece of luck should have come to him.


   That is the remnants of the mechanical empire, sheltering the remnants of the blood of every metal nobleman.


   And when there is only one person who is related to the mechanical empire in this world, Crazy Eye should become the ‘Hope of the whole village’, thus earning a legendary brand of the ‘last metal nobility’.


   may not be very strong, but it is also a legendary mark after all, which means brand new possibilities.


   The crazy eye that has never broken through the legend for thousands of years is not picky at all at this time.


   An unexpected thing happened,


   When I was combing his own power system in Chang Fangling, Yi Xunyu integrated his metal aristocratic ability into a pale new star for the clarity of the power system.


   In order to maintain the resonance with the pale new star, she still retained 10%.


   is this achievement, and was counted as 0.1 metal nobility in the judgment.


   There are 1.1 metal nobles, which does not meet the conditions of only one metal noble in the world.


   The crazy-eyed plan just fell through.


   At that time, he could already be said to have thrown a bet, seven in and seven out in the Guangming Empire, wasting almost all his hole cards to kill those metal nobles.


   For this, he was also wanted by the Holy Light Empire.


   When he found that the implementation of the plan was not smooth, and there was only a small amount of time left to achieve the conditions, his heart collapsed.


   Searching and searching all over the world, he didn't want to understand what was missing.


  Ixunyu’s metal nobles are integrated into the artifacts, and there are many similar items that do not affect his plan.


   This is the conclusion he reached when he analyzed the possibility of Yi Xun Yu afterwards.


  The distance is true, only a slight difference.


   In this regard, Yi Xun Yu can only say... Let's make good luck.


   And when Yi Xunyu killed Crazy Eye, although the only 0.1 metal noble bloodline left on her body also did not meet the requirements, nearly half of that national fortune fell on her.


   Then, because of the various coincidences on Yi Xun Yu's body, they melted into the brand in front of them.


   The remaining half dissipated directly and was absorbed by the Continent of Adra.


   Because this legendary brand belongs to ‘obtained by meeting or fulfilling certain conditions’, similar to the way to obtain the Clan Star Stalker’s brand. So the ability blessing it brings is not particularly good.


  Metal Terminator\Mechanical Destroyer


   Killed the last metal nobleman of the mechanical empire with his own hands. The inheritance of blood is cut off in your hands, the glorious memory is dissipated in your hands, and the last hope of ancient civilization is extinguished in your hands.


   The name of the Terminator deserves it.


   Metal fear: Metals that are judged to be hostile will be weakened and suppressed, and can only fight in the worst case.


   Metal Nemesis: Attacks cause extra damage to metal existence (including armor piercing), and durability consumption multiplier is increased. The damage from metal attacks is greatly weakened.


   Metal Dream Demon: Within the range, all metal and mechanical items are damaged, and the probability of failure is greatly improved (active pseudo-domain)


   Metal control (additional to the mechanical empire national transport): The mastery of metal and mechanical items has been greatly improved.


   Metal Resonance (Additional to the National Transport of the Mechanical Empire): The metal items you hold are kept in the best condition at all times, and the durability consumption multiple is reduced.


  Metal proficiency (additional mechanical empire national transport): The growth rate of mastery of metal and mechanical items has been greatly increased.


   seems to be pretty good, but in fact, these are only effective for metal objects, and the practicality is poor.


   For example, the weapon she often uses, the Blue Star Frost Stick.


   The main material is bone, and the secondary material is mainly crystal and high-energy polymer, with a small amount of metal.


   That small amount of metal is still raised by the ore that Ixunyu has been feeding, and rare metal materials.


   In the judgment of this legendary imprint, Cang Xing Ningshuang reluctantly belongs to the metal category, but the blessing he received can only be described by mosquito legs.


   In addition, UU reading www.uukanshu.com her usual star power, ice, and metal can not go together.


   Against the enemy,


   She is like that, there are really not many people who still insist on using metal.


   In this regard, Dragon Slayer Skill is probably the best description of this thing.


   So the greatest value of this imprint is probably the Pale Nova, and the effect will be better when used in the future.


   "Forget it, anyway, it was for nothing."


   shook his head, Yi Xunyu put away the legendary brand and said.


   Because the effect is very poor and it is ‘conditional acquisition’, this thing can choose to keep it after it is obtained, not as a breakthrough in the legend.


   is like a blue star stalker, which is almost like this.


The legendary power in    will be retained, and will be released together when Yi Xunyu truly proves himself and breaks through the legend to assist the legendary energy in his body.


   For the time being, it is a little accumulation to prepare for the future.


   This is an unexpected gain,


   is like picking up ten yuan on the side of the road, without complaining why it’s not a 100 yuan red ticket.


   In this regard, Yi Xun Yu has never forced it.




   "Kasar, can this be regarded as robbing business with the end of this world again?"



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