Legend Forever

Chapter 1079: Disorganized perception

"In fact, I didn't hold that much hostility to the Holy Light at the beginning. If it weren't for your subsequent assassinations, I might have never cared about this kind of thing."

On the way, Yi Xunyu said casually to Perot sauce.

Yong Ye... In the beginning, there was no sense of belonging, and it is still the same now.

Because, it seems that I have never found anything worthy of attention.

Those corridors, gardens, bedrooms, these are the places where she stayed most often.

Monotonous and restrained.

Even her relatives, except for her sister, she finally had a serious communication with Nuomi, a maid beside her.

Perhaps the shadow can be regarded as one.

And, until now, the Yi Shi, who has not seen her a few times in total, has sold the empire, and then still wants to kill her.

How stupid.

So she really didn't care about the camp or something at first.

It was nothing more than the people of the Holy Light, and the assassinations repeatedly pushed her to Yongye's camp.

"Assassination, time and time again? Your identity should be of a special kind, right?" Perot sauce was taken aback and asked strangely.

The descendants of noble officials, or what Yi Xunyu did to anger the Holy Light, otherwise assassinated such things...

Even if it is Perot sauce, it is only the idiots among the fans who have encountered the most.

"Well, sometimes, knowing too much is a good thing."

Yi Xun Yu thought for a while and said, "Quiet, you don't want this kind of thing to happen, do you?"

In case the sense of belonging of Perot sauce is overwhelming, and knowing that her cumbersome identity has never brought her any benefit, maybe she will sacrifice herself to sell her for the future of the light?

If this is the case, it is undoubtedly a very bad thing.

So, it's reasonable to take precautions before they happen?

Just thinking that Yi Xunyu's surname is Yi Perot sauce, he closed his mouth decisively.

She knows nothing.

Seeing that Perot sauce didn't intend to continue to ask, Yi Xunyu didn't ask, just waved and refined a piece of parchment.

"This is the route we took. Every time the jack distance and direction were recorded in detail."

"Let me see...huh?"

Mu Tian couldn't help but wonder.

"Did you make a mistake?"

"Yes, it's this one."

Yixun Yu simply laid the parchment flat and presented it to everyone.

The suppression here makes people unable to promote the idea of ​​distorting light, and it is not as practical as alchemy.


On the parchment, the route drawn with black paint was a rather irregular circle.

Circle after circle, repetitive and monotonous.

"You mean, are we actually going around?"

Pointing to the markings on the map, Perot sauce became uncertain.

"But, there are no...marks you left around?"

Wouldn't it be to wash away the marks left by others all the way and get retribution?

"No... you look at this map again."

Yi Xunyu gave everyone plenty of time to think before he raised his hand and took out another map.

"This is not drawn by me following the route, but by the marks I left along the way, the connection became the route."

It was twisted and twisted, but at least there was no repeated intersection.

"What do you mean?" Monta didn't want to think about this kind of decryption.

"It's very simple our perception has been deceived."

Yi Xunyu shook his head, and had no intention of selling it off.

"The reason is unknown, but the simplest explanation is... the direction we choose each time is not the same as the direction we actually go."

There are many ways to deceive perception,

Light, stripes, pouring, gravity, angle...

It's like the once-popular visual deception hut, or the magical color magic that was screamed on the Internet.

These things can make the original judgment lose accuracy.

For example, according to Perot, what she chose at the beginning was undoubtedly to go all the way forward, but in the end she was still confused and lost.

In other words, she subjectively chose to go all the way, but in fact, the road she really walked was actually in constant circles.

Going in the direction of the middle, but with a dazed face, he walked into the road turning left.

This leg, it has its own ideas.

"This is actually very easy to understand, but if you are in this way of thinking, turn everything upside down."

With that, Ixunyu waved the map in his hand.

"For example, change the direction in the map marked by the distance we are walking, maybe this is the route we are actually walking."

Perhaps Mu Tian's method of throwing wooden sticks is really useful, turning the direction that should have been reversed here.

In an easy-to-understand way,

A straight line like Perot sauce's choice is actually a normal way of going around in circles.

The method of throwing wooden sticks by Mu Tian and others is to walk out of a straight line while constantly choosing to go in circles.

Quite bizarre, but not unacceptable.

"Can you know the reason? Maybe this is the key to breaking the game."

Mu Tian asked after thinking.

"Does not."

Yi Xun Yu shook his head swiftly and said, "It is not a simple matter to solve the secret of the maze that no one of us can react to."

Immediately, she added: "Well, to be sure, this is not an illusion."

"I didn't find any trace of illusion here either." Dream Tower said.

"Could it be...light?"

Aside, Perot sauce asked suddenly.

Seeing everyone looking at her, UU Read www.uukahnshu.com Perot didn’t say anything embarrassingly:

"If it is the light that distorts every passage here and makes what we see and the real appearance are cheap, then it should be able to achieve the real goal? You know, the light here is actually quite...special."

"Is it the first generation of holy light, but this is also a type of illusion, so the possibility is not high." Yixunyu said.

The stocks that squeeze out in the land of Shengguangshen are definitely the most probable, but there is a problem.

When she uses the real eye, even light is not the object of observation. And her gaze does not need the assistance of a trace of light.

Therefore, she is more inclined to the perceptual confusion here, which is inclined to the physical aspect, which is the secret created directly in the material world.

"You know the first generation of holy light?" Perochan asked strangely.

"How many levels is the rebel tower?" Yi Xunyu replied.


"It seems so."

Seeing this, Yi Xun Yu nodded.

"It turns out that even the Bright Empire maintains a blocked attitude towards this part of information."

"No, not all."

Rarely, Perot sauce shook his head.

Then, she stretched out her hand, and a soft and elegant light rolled up.

There is no hot temperature, and there is no blinding brightness.


"In fact, the information on Skynet alone, and even the information in the Rebel Tower, has many incompleteness... Compared with an angel family who has an ancient accumulation as a party."

There was no denial, no confession, but another bigger secret.

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