Legend Forever

Chapter 121: Who cares

"Ha, Xiaoxunyu, it's been a long time."

Ripple finally found Yi Xunyu on the opposite side and interrupted the secretary's nagging with great pleasure.

"Ah, dear Mr. Ripple, it looks like you are a bit busy, or should we wait for you to be busy before we start the conversation?"

I Xunyu looked at the secretary who had closed her mouth after looking at Bo tattoo, and some said badly, pretending not to notice that ripples were frantically glancing at herself.

"Hehe, Xiao Xunyu, you laughed, or the business matters."

The corner of the rippled mouth twitched and said quickly.

"Well, then let's continue." Yi Xunyu extended his right hand and made a gesture of invitation.


Ripple waved behind him, summoned a group of people, then walked through the portal and came to Chang Fangling under his direction, stood neatly and looked around curiously.

"These 20 people say that they are good to be mentors in the past. They all have good skills. By the way, let them go to your side for a vacation."

"Welcome to Chang Fangling, please take care of me in the next time."

Ixun Yu salutes salute, these people include blacksmiths, sommeliers, musicians, dancers ...

In short, they are professionals who have more research in some fields, the non-combat kind, and the materials obtained by Yi Xunyu are only guides after all, and someone must lead the way if they want to further.

They will stay in Chang Fang for a while, while meeting the adventurers who will come next, and by the way, teach those who are interested in these areas in the territory, just by the way, whether or not they want to see them.

As a price, their gains will all belong to themselves, of course, materials and props should also be prepared by themselves, Yi Xunyu is only responsible for providing a place.

"May the gods bless you, great lord. I am the person in charge of this exchange, you can call me Hayden, you can come to me for anything about this exchange."

A blue-haired middle-aged man salutes Yi Xunyu. Yi Xunyu can feel the large amount of water vapor accumulated on his body. This is a person who is favored by the water element. If he is right, he is a member of the small family affiliated to the water spirit family where ripples are located, serving as a member of the water spirit family.

"Then trouble you, Mr. Hayden." Yi Xunyu replied.

Then turned to the ripples on the side, Yi Xunyu thought for a while and said, "Well, it will take some time for people on my side to pass, okay?"

"No problem, those vacancies are optional. They were originally used to train new people, so it doesn't matter."

Ripple looked at the secretary next to him, and then the big man immediately pushed his eyes seriously to report, and then Ripple looked at Yi Xunyu with a serious nod.

"Then trouble first."

"It doesn't matter. It is also a good opportunity for us to get in touch with the owner of a place that has not been developed. Although it is difficult to say about future development, it is always good to have one more partner.

By the way, Miss Yixunyu, through the last communication, it seems that you have a good talent for doing business. Are you interested in ... um, sorry, rude. "

The secretary originally wanted to train Yi Xunyu to come as a proselyt, but after pulling the corner of her clothes in a hidden manner, Ripple quickly realized that there might be something wrong in it, and quickly apologized.

"Ha, nothing, I'll talk about it later." Yi Xunyu didn't care much.

By the way, pass the ripple to a beautifully-wrapped box with a big bow, which contains a slime. The most important thing about ripples in this cooperation. He is more concerned about strength than money.

Then Ripple's return to Yi Xunyu is the special product of Ripple Star-two ice magic snakes.

Stopped the power supply to the portal, and the image on the opposite side gradually dimmed. This is just a temporary portal, and does not need to waste too much energy to maintain it all the time.

"I think no matter what the history records about Lord Ripple, Miss Xi Ze's sum will always be no less."

Hayden shrugged and said that Xi Ze was referring to the lovely secretary of ripples.

"Ha, I think so."

Ixunyu responded with a smile, and then made a gesture of invitation: "Please come with me, I will take you to see the location arranged for you."

After discussing the number of people coming here, Yi Xunyu built 20 new houses outside the residential area, close to the tavern, with specifications similar to others. It didn't take much time. Under the condition of ready-made materials, for a group of extraordinary people, building a wooden house is similar to building blocks.

The reason why is still a wooden house is because the brick masonry building is really too much trouble. Anyway, if the runes are enchanted, the effect is almost even better.

"Well, is this the design here?"

Hayden looked at the room prepared for himself and others, but he did n’t feel disgusted. It was clean and tidy. These two points are good here. It is enough to show that the host is very serious about his arrival. Ask for too much enjoyment.

But the style of this wooden house with runes still makes Hayden feel very fresh, and the design of the fluorescent plants in the room is very interesting.

"Any questions?"

"Nothing, just the first time I saw this design, I felt very fresh. This style seems to be a bit like the elf family?"

"Tree house? I think the elves would want to chase me after they saw it. After all, it's a waste of wood."

"Hah, maybe this too."

"Let ’s talk about the next thing tomorrow, you can turn around the territory now to get acquainted with the environment. Of course, I ’ll say sorry to the onlookers that may occur, after all, people here except me What kind of people haven't seen outside yet. "

"It doesn't matter, I believe we will be here soon."

"That would be great."


Briefly talked to the people outside, and Yi Xunyu returned to his lord's house. No way, she really is not used to this kind of communication, and it has been the limit to pretend to be so long.

"Huh, it's really exhausting to me. It's really tiring to think of honorific words than to fight."

Paralyzed on the chair, Yi Xunyu could not wait to melt so that the feeling of tiredness in his heart could be relieved. When I thought about it, I had to do it, and I had the urge to dump the pot and run away.

"I still think you are doing very well. I talked to my father's generation about business one by one. I didn't expect it to be pretended?"

Muse pushed the door and said, looking strangely at Ixunyu who was paralyzed on the chair.

"Ah, how many times have you said that you have to knock before entering the door, why is this always the case."

"Anyway, you have nothing to hide, are you afraid I should see something that I shouldn't see?"

"Trust me, if you really see something that you shouldn't see, you will definitely regret having two eyes." When I said this, Yi Xunyu was unexpectedly serious and scared Muse to shrink her neck.

"Well, I'll just knock on the door next time."

"This is good, help me bring the kitchen pot, I want to take these ingredients to taste the fresh."

The two ice demon snakes Ixunyu, who were put in the space installation, were very greedy.


Muse went to the kitchen to pick up the cauldron and returned to Yi Xunyu's bedroom, knocking on the door with his index finger.


"Don't know how it tastes, let's make a snake soup first." Two two-meter-long snakes are not particularly large, but they are also sufficient as snacks.

Skinning, bleeding, burning off the undesirable internal organs. Then wash off the blood stains with ice water, cut the white snake meat into pieces and throw it into cold water, and simmer it with a little spice.

Most of the snake's magic crystals are derived from snake gallbladder, and this seems to be the same. Yi Xunyu found two peanut-sized blue magic crystals in their bodies, exuding a icy breath.

Because I didn't expect anything useful ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ or because of mouth greed, Yi Xunyu threw them directly into his mouth, which tasted like frozen toffee. It is more delicious than the snake galls I have eaten before, even the green snake beads are a bit inferior.

"Ixunyu, you seem to like to eat snake meat?" Muse asked curiously. During the time of rubbing rice, Ixunyu exchanged rabbit meat and snake meat in most cases every day, only occasionally. If you find a Warcraft you haven't seen before, you will change patterns.

While eating snake meat, Ixunyu always leaves the galls of the snakes with higher levels to devour, which seems to be a favorite.

"Snake-like creatures seem to have certain ingredients that I need, which is of great benefit to me."

Ixunyu's aftertaste licked ~ I licked my lips, there were only two, too few, I didn't eat enough.

"Speaking of it, Muse, do you seem to belong to the Snake Clan?"

"Wait, wait, don't look at me with that kind of eyes, even if my family is called the Snake Tribe, but it has nothing to do with the snake!"

Muse stepped back nervously, ready to take the door at any time. Regarding the question of whether Yi Xunyu will suddenly open his mind and want to taste his own taste, Muse dare not put his hopes on trust in Yi Xunyu.

"Forget it, I checked, you don't have snake pill in your body." Yi Xunyu shook her head, with a tone of regret.


"Okay, okay, the meat is almost cooked, so be quiet."

Even if the meat of the ice devil is cooked, it won't feel the heat in the mouth. The ice cold is like it is placed on the ice cube. In fact, it was just removed from the bubbling hot soup.

The taste is smooth and the taste is unique. Unconsciously, a pot of snake meat was solved by Ixunyu and Muse. Ixunyu still has some meanings.

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