Legend Forever

Chapter 1258:

"Legend Forever (

It is often easier than imagined to find a festival to celebrate from the history of the continent of Adra.

As I once said, if every festival is celebrated, then every day can be a festival.

The human era has a history of more than 100,000 years, coupled with the special festivals of elves, dwarves, dragons and other races, such as the Emerald Festival, the Drinking Festival, and the Food Festival, and other strange festivals. The final result is that there will often be a day and several festivals at the same time. .

And under this premise, except for the annual ‘Empire’s Anniversary’, there is almost no so-called statutory holiday on the Aedra continent, and the students have no extra rest time except weekends.

At the moment, it is not a problem to find a holiday as a reason to announce the event, but after a lot of searching, everyone unexpectedly found a holiday related to the next action.

‘The day the dawn rises’

This is a festival that was established to commemorate the complete end of the Dark Age. There is no visual information about how grand that day was, only one or two can be glimpsed from the memoir's text description.

'Starting with the goddess dropping the fragrant pine branches, we lighted a huge bonfire on the mountain where the beast **** fell, and the jubilant flames reached the sky, and it looked as if there was an extra sun in the sky... Amidst the cheers of the people, the flames burned for nine days and nine nights, until the surrounding trees and fuel were burned out...Until a month passed, the fragrance of fine wine remained in the air...'

In addition to the human race, the protagonists in this event are followed by the goddess of Qiming, and then the angels who follow the goddess of Qiming. After all, a contract of the goddess Qiming back then almost completely tied the angel race and the human race together.

After a brief discussion, everyone realized the opportunity that this coincidence could bring. Once caught, it’s not just double happiness.

However, if you want to steer things in the desired direction, you may need to spend a lot of work on publicity.

For this reason, in the recent period of time, everyone can be said to be very busy, and there are thick dark circles on their eyes.

But Yi Xun Yu was once again blocked in the lounge and forced to open.

"I know that the day of dawn, according to Ye Shi, this festival was mainly launched to please the goddess Qiming, and then I didn't know how it became a memorial day for the independence of the human race."

Some helplessly rubbing his head, Yi Xunyu had a headache looking at the group of people in front of him tightly surrounding him.

If the law does not blame the public, she can't take the opportunity to retaliate if everyone comes together?

These people are really getting skinny.

"I can understand what you said, but inviting Perochan to bring an angel band to sing, is this decision a bit out of consideration?"

After sighing, Yi Xunyu looked at the jade beads pretending to be small and asked:

"This is not a decision that can be made with a single stroke of the head. The holy light symbolized by the angel race has surpassed water and fire between the eternal night. There is still a possibility of coexistence of water and fire, but after a long time of accumulation, There is no compromise between the Holy Light and Yongye. This point, even for me, will not change a little, let alone the rest of Yongye. There is no information on the Rebel Tower. Before it spreads completely, let Perot sauce come here now, and whether it can go back completely in the end is a question."

"Look, I said it was impossible."

After Yi Xunyu finished speaking, Yu Zhuzi left and turned to look at Daniel and said seriously.

Daniel slowly raised his finger and pointed at himself. He glanced sideways at the others and patted his head helplessly.

Don't throw everything at him!

"Well, I think I can improve it a bit on the basis of what Yuzhuzi said before."

After finishing his thoughts, Daniel said:

"First of all, there is only one Perot sauce, which is a necessary prerequisite. She can't run it in every city, let alone use Yongye's public propaganda channel to broadcast live on the premise that people cannot accept it. Sexual performance. Otherwise, it will cause considerable confusion, and even make people suspect that the Eternal Night Empire has been completely mastered by the Light Empire... Therefore, Yexing City is still a quite suitable place. Where is it suitable, suitable It is suitable that there are more outsiders there. The locals of Yongye are influenced by the rest of the empire civilization, and their ability to accept new things from outside is generally strong. In addition, if you want to let Perot sauce lead the team' The angels have a higher acceptance of the Yongye exchange team' in Yongye, and Perot sauce will play a great role in it. If people can accept her, then the team she leads will naturally become More acceptable."

"Needless to say in detail."

Seeing Daniel, who paused to give himself time to ponder, he thought about the plan he had put forward before, which was obviously considered. Ixunyu shook his head slightly and said, "You mean, let Perot-chan be the pioneer. Yexingcheng expands its popularity, and it will be easier for people later to pave the way. UU Read www.uukanshu.com, right?"

"Yes, according to the information gathered during this period, the propaganda of the City Lord Yexing City alone is not enough, because he has privately sent bribes to many people, including me. I hope you can change the main city to toss. ."

Without any psychological pressure, Daniel sold the city lord of Yexing City who had just given away the money.

"Toss? It seems that he didn't try his best to push the order I gave him, but instead felt that this was a trick?"

Yi Xunyu touched his chin, thought for a moment, and said, "Then wait for what he does next time, and you will sell him a secret message after you collect the money. If he fails to do this in the end, then I Will consider changing to Yexing City for a city lord."

"Well, at least so that he can straighten his mind."

Daniel shrugged, and then said his own opinion: "But in my opinion, empty publicity is also difficult to produce real feelings, at most it gives people a feeling of listening to the story. So let the real The appearance of an angel is also an indispensable step."

"Well, first keep the propaganda of the Rebel Tower information. When it is held on the day of dawn, let Perot sauce go to Yexing City to sing under the unofficial name, and by the way, spread the news of laughter to the outside world. ~Into the Night Star City increases the number of concert attendees and reduces the possibility of accidents...Is that right?"

"My lord is wise."

"This is what you thought of, I just summarized it."

Yixunyu shook his head slightly, and didn't care about Daniel's indifference. Instead, after thinking for a while, he said: "This plan is feasible, but the safety of Perot sauce must be guaranteed, otherwise all subsequent plans will become Talking. So... you will also go there when the time comes, keep her safe, and bring me something by the way."

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