Legend Forever

Chapter 1302: And who can be crowned king?

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There is a little story in the fable...No, not only in the fable, but in many stories, there are quite similar settings.

Whether it is a fairy tale or reality.

If the fox who fell into the barrel of the well wants to go up, he has to trick an ignorant little animal into jumping into another barrel so that he can return to the ground with the help of a pulley.

If Snow White wanted not to be killed, she could only watch the hunter kill a deer and dig out a heart to replace her.

One of the ways for the villain Nils to get rid of the curse is to find another person to replace him by riding a goose.

There is a bear chasing after him, and if you want to survive, it will always be the most effective way to attract disaster.

It's ever-changing, inseparable from it.

of course,

Yixunyu knew that if Carliss really wanted to hurt herself, she wouldn't sit here and chatter a little bit, and then asked her if she would like it. But like Xuzhu, Zhou Botong and others were passed on, they cooked raw rice directly, and even put on the pants to light a cigarette afterwards, and said a few beautiful words to her when she woke up.

As for whether Kaza would stop it...If it was just the above, Yi Xunyu was skeptical and did not report hope.

Therefore, from a certain perspective, Yixunyu has been respected.


Yi Xunyu still didn't want to take up this broken burden.

No matter how many beautiful things Carliss promised, now that she chose to let go, it was enough.

And, did Carliss once have no family or friends, so why is the hall now empty?


These are too heavy.

"I think I should not be the'only choice'."

Looking at Carliss' face, Yi Xunyu asked cautiously, for fear that Carliss would backhand and return a ‘yes’.

"Of course not, but you are indeed the best choice."

After a moment of silence, Carries raised her finger to fill up the milk in Yixunyu's hand, then tapped the handrail with her finger and said:

"But, even if you put aside your strength and brains, you are the only person who has a relationship with the group of Primitives. The arrival of the Primitives has long been unstoppable, and your identity as you can speak will suddenly change. It's important. Oh, yes, what kind of saint that Liudu told you about, in fact, he didn't make a mistake."


The saint of grace?

Regarding this, Yi Xunyu smiled awkwardly, and clenched the straw, never mentioning that he had done everything possible to directly and indirectly bury the divine grace.

"As for the matter of taking over me, you can think about it when you look back. If you figure it out someday, you can come over and nod. But on this basis, I hope you can help me to advise me on other backup plans. ."

"Let me see your alternate candidate, is this really good?" Yi Xunyu asked strangely.

"I don't have so many strange rules here, you want to ask me to say, if you dare to look at me, dare to let it go."

Carliss waved his hand casually, and said indifferently: "What's more, you know these candidates in your heart, don't you?"

The light distorted, forming a total of six heads in the palace.


Looking sideways, Yi Xunyu's eyes flashed with a glimmer of surprise.

Among the six people, Yi Xunyu recognized Mu Tian, ​​recognized Mobella, and also recognized Ryudu...but the remaining three did not.

"Just look at these three, you don't know anyway, there is nothing to say."

Carliss waved his hand to erase the three phantoms behind, and then said casually: "You don't have to go to these people on purpose, because there is no point in finding them."

"I know."

"Then first talk about this Mu Tian, ​​the son of the world, who has struggled since the end of the reincarnation after the annihilation of the world. He possesses the luck of another world and the continent of Adra at the same time. In terms of character and ability, he can also be a big responsibility.

As he said, Carliss reached out and nodded, Mu Tian's head was distorted, and a picture appeared in the air.

As soon as the picture became solid, there was a deafening explosion.

"Mu Tian, ​​you bastard, you have the ability to admit that you have no ability to admit that you still dare to run, you run! Stop!"

A female voice gritted her teeth, rushing forward accompanied by a monstrous flame. And Mu Tian, ​​at this moment, was holding the hand of Dream Tower, running away with a wry smile.


Yi Xunyu blinked, silently picked up the cup and began to bite the straw.

As Muse said, your circle is really messy.

"Look, this guy is so energetic."

Carliss twisted her eyebrows, and finally spit out such a sentence.

Yi Xunyu nodded quickly.

"Forget it, anyway, you also know that this person is still my fellow from a certain angle. This is one of the many reasons I chose him."

Carries waved her hand, and said after waving the screen away.


The next one is Mobella,

The kind elder sister Yixun Yu once met when fighting Doudou and fighting Doudou, was still there for many times.

"Mobella, the descendants of the deceased, is also a rare born demigod in the world, and his talent is not weaker than his ancestors. The main reason why he majored in firearms is that he does not want to become the next **** of war."

At this time, Mobella was sitting quietly in the corner of the pub with no one, wearing a black gauze, in the darkness without lights, quietly wiping the gun in her hand... On her knees, she was lying quietly with a slap on her knees. Big little black cat.

If it weren't for the red eyes that opened from time to time, Yi Xunyu would almost never recognize that this was something she gave.

"Let me tell you, compared to the spear technique she has been practicing until now, when she puts the gun away and prepares to punch someone with her fist, that's the real horror."

Carliss said with emotion: "But other than that, it's the child's character. After taking over my position, he might be able to hold on longer than me."

As he spoke, it seemed that he sensed that he was being watched, and Mobella raised his head with some doubts and looked up.

With a ‘pop’, Carliss actively waved away the projection.

"Do you think which of these two people is more suitable to take my place?"

Without mentioning the third one, Carliss turned her head and asked.

However, Yi Xunyu pondered for a moment and replied: "Mu Tian is not bad, but because he is a traverser, he is more of a game of life as a'earned', and there is still a lack of stability in doing things. Mobila is talented, but it seems that he is not good at expressing and conveying information?"

No one is perfect, and there are more or less shortcomings between these two people.

"So, Lord Carliss, must there be only one person to take over your position?" Isunyu asked.

"The two will lead to confrontation, the three will lead to factions, and the four will be united. I haven't tried similar attempts by UU reading www.uukanshu.com, but as the number of people increases, it will be due to power. The distribution of benefits will eventually deteriorate."

"But if there is only one person, there is also a tyranny that moves toward dictatorship because of the concentration of power?" Yi Xunyu raised an eyebrow.

"At least at that time, if you go the wrong way, other people still have the hope of joining together to overthrow him. A person will not become a force after all."

"But... Lord Carliss, suppose, suppose you went the wrong way, do you think anyone has the power to overthrow you?"

Yi Xunyu put the cup aside, hesitated for a moment, and then asked carefully.

The supreme **** Carliss, behind it, represents the myth of invincible battle.

Carliss was not angry, but nodded calmly: "Yes. If I really went the wrong way without repentance, then someone would show up to overthrow me. I can guarantee that."

The implication is that if she has not been overthrown, then she is not wrong.

"I have no problems."

Yi Xun Yu clenched the straw again.

She guessed many possibilities, but this time she didn't want to know the truth.

Carliss hesitated, and finally said: "In fact, the supreme power can only be placed in the hands of a single individual. Just like the principle of the existence of gods-it is destined to be a minority. The supreme power, once it is If the plural people master it, then it is no longer the supreme. But for this world, if you don't want everything to return to nothingness, the supreme power must exist."

"Is that so...Then, Ryukyu, why did the lord choose him?"


Upon hearing this, Carliss raised her eyebrows, and said with a slight disdain: "He is not worthy to be my heir."

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