Legend Forever

Chapter 1333: Hold on

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In response, there was another roar from Thunder God's roar beside Yi Xun Yu.

It's just that this time it changed to a group attack mode... the target was the entire castle.

The reason for this is simple,

Since the opponent chose this castle as the battle location, before Yi Xunyu came, he must have arranged quite a lot of preparations here.

In this way, the best way to break the game is to destroy the castle and destroy the layout based on the castle pattern by lifting the table, even if it will consume a lot of energy.

Thor's Roar once again collided with some kind of extremely defensive object, but because it was an area attack this time, only a small part was blocked, and there was more thunder pouring, all bombarding the surrounding walls. .

Amid the roar, the entire castle trembled violently like an earthquake, and its walls shattered and disintegrated. Large blocks of rocks fell, accompanied by diffuse smoke...Blue-gold thunder and lightning surged in the air, slowly dissipating in the air.

Compared with other natural elements, the planet is very reluctant to absorb the power of God's punishment, as if facing something difficult to swallow.

"The effect after charging is good."

After running out of the castle, Yi Xunyu estimated the time in his mind. After hesitating for a while, he gave a standby command to the Black Demon, but with an order to make the main gun recharge in advance.

However, after waiting for a while, there was no response.

"You are on the opposite side of transmitting signals, but unfortunately, this is also in my expectation."

Hera's voice came from the intact part of the other side of the castle, leaning on the stone platform in a lazy posture, and said: "Your Black Demon, and the Black Demon's main gun, are all out?"


Yi Xun Yu looked up and asked.

Outside the castle, a huge enchantment suddenly rose from a kilometer underground, blocking the transmission of internal and external signals...Because it perfectly avoided the enveloped range of her real realm, she had not found it before. But if this is the case,

"More than that, I know that with your caution, a delayed attack order will be given, and all the pilots on the spacecraft will be solved." Hera said with a light smile, interrupting Yi Xunyu's thinking.

"Impossible." Yi Xun Yu said calmly.

But this is not something that can't be determined. At this time, there is only one minute left before the safe time signal. One minute later, just see if there is an attack on the Black Devil.

"It's possible."

Hera smiled and stretched out a finger, and explained: "Although the Dark Devil has strong defensive capabilities in all aspects, if it is to invade from the inside, there is no problem at all. And in the piloting of that spacecraft In order to prevent boredom, one of the staff deliberately bought a pack of special Kunke brand from the street before coming to pass the time."

Yi Xunyu frowned suddenly.

Not only because of Hera's explanation, but also because of the time Hera was speaking, a minute has passed, but the Black Demon above her head still did not move.

This means that although you don't know what the other party said is true or false, something must have gone wrong on the Black Devil.

"It seems that you have already thought of it." Hera admired Yi Xunyu's expression and stretched out her hand in a pleased gesture: "Then, please continue to struggle until you are unable to act and can only be slaughtered by me."


Suspended above the planet's Dark Devil, the master control room,

The silver-white wall has become extremely filthy at this time, and it is full of swimming darkness and twisted and glued flesh and blood. Figures with torn skin and green muscles are wandering in the room, long tongues shaking in their mouths, viscous saliva is flowing. Down.

These almost impossible humanoid monsters ignored the bright red warnings that popped up on the big screen. Like walking dead, they instinctively performed various prayers and sacrifices in the main control room, just like offering faith and worship to someone in the dark. soul.

The filthy ground was splashed with Kunke cards scattered on the ground, the patterns on them were distorted and incomprehensible, just staring at it was like a strong mental shock.

In the darkness, the bleak green light on these cards flickered.


I don’t know what the situation is, Yi Xunyu was silent for a moment, and gave up the plan to communicate with the Black Demon. She waved Cang Xing Ningshuang in his hand and looked at Hera and said, “Then I’ll assume they are all dead for now... , Use them all."

As he said, Yi Xunyu's figure was instantly blurred, but the next moment he quickly reconsolidated in place.

Slowly lowered his head, I saw that Yixunyu's left foot boot suddenly became tattered, as if thrown into a meat grinder, only a few fragments and connecting ropes were left hanging on his feet in the blink of an eye.

Socks with a slightly poorer material, as well as the trousers of the ankles, are completely gone.

Teleport ban,

The space was blocked. Moreover, it is not a simple spatial anchoring, but a disorderly turbulence that forcibly disrupts the space within the scope, and rash intruders will be torn to pieces in an instant.

"Is only one shoe broken? You are really cautious."

Hera sighed slightly with disappointment in her tone, and then explained unhurriedly:

"For the teleporting ability you often use, I will naturally find a way to target it. I have more than a hundred corpses as a medium, and I have arranged a stand to isolate the space covered by the entire planet, and I still use random numbers to calculate the encryption method. If it is that A person who comes in person is naturally unable to stop, but for someone like you who relies on machinery to use the power of the gods, it is absolutely impossible to break through this blockade."

Hera in front of her even knew the secret that Yi Xunyu relied on the power of divine punishment to achieve infinite teleport.

"You are so confident to stop Carries's power?" Yi Xunyu asked suddenly.

"Well... whoever praises the name must know, this is also within my consideration."

Hera did not answer Yi Xunyu's question head-on, but continued with a chuckle: "The aura of grievances condensed by hundreds of corpses is enough to isolate the message resonance that may arise from your chanting of your real name. U U看书www.uukanshu .Com is here, you just call the throat broken, and that person won’t give it a glance."


Yi Xunyu slapped his tongue uncomfortably, and the light of the black iron flashed between his hands, but it quickly disappeared.

On a planet where elemental power cannot be used, pure power can be said to be an optimal solution. If the opponent is Hera, then activating the Mark of the Twelve Trials that originated from Hercules is not a good choice.


"A wise choice, Hercules' divine power originated from me. It is true that his power has far surpassed me now, but the power of this divine power branch can never hurt me." Hera raised her eyebrows.


Hearing this answer, Yi Xunyu was already affirmed in his heart that this guy is absolutely ready to countermeasures against the mark of the twelve trials.

The usual attack methods were all targeted, and for a while, Yi Xunyu didn't even know what ability to use to meet the enemy.

And, how much did this guy prepare for countermeasures against his own ability system?

This feeling of being constrained everywhere is really uncomfortable.

Between gritted teeth, Yi Xunyu fell silent suddenly.

"Why, this won't attack anymore?"

Hera slowly lowered her hand on her chest, and slowly raised her right hand and said, "In this case, I will attack."

As soon as the voice fell, the ground in front of Yi Xun Yu suddenly trembled. A big metal hand stretched out from the gap, and then the other hand... the two hands pressed hard, and the ground was like paper. It was torn in half.

A first-born giant with two horns crawled out of the ground, his body was covered with magma-like lines, his eyes were red, his crack-toothed mouth opened as if he was about to swallow the sun, and he made a deafening roar.

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