Legend Forever

Chapter 1344: Xue Han is evil

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"I had a nightmare..."

In the room already flooded by snow, Yi Xunyu slowly opened his eyes, looked around with a little blankness, wiped the corners of his eyes vigorously, and realized that Kasar was no longer around.

When she used to talk to herself, she knew she would have at least one audience, but now she is really the only one left. The self-talk now becomes the real self-talk.


Opening her mouth, Yi Xunyu found that the memory in her dream was full of weirdness. With her current sober state, she couldn't interpret anything from it.

The feeling of not getting used to it,

After a daze, Yi Xunyu wiped the corners of his eyes vigorously and began to recall what happened yesterday.

The weather is gloomy, but fortunately, the white snow reflects the faint light. Although there is no temperature, it can be illuminated. However, Yi Xunyu watched the broken snow continuously blowing in in the snow-white light, and fell into thought again.

In fact, she didn't listen to anything yesterday. She had just died once, and her dying memories always kept coming up in her mind. Opening her eyes and closing her eyes made her dazed to return to the time when she was weak.

Pain, unable to move, as if she was torn apart by a beast when she was alive... Although she didn't care at the time, it didn't mean she really didn't care about it. And being able to endure pain and not feeling pain have always been two different meanings.

Therefore, under the calm appearance of yesterday, Yi Xunyu has been fighting against the memories that keep coming to mind. It's like half asleep and half awake, becoming absent-minded about everything outside.

But in fact, I can still recall some, and it can even be said to be impressive.

"Three months of free time, but there is really nothing to do."

Thinking back to the end, Yi Xunyu sighed again, and then closed his eyes in the sudden dizziness.

If you inadvertently watch the snow for too long, snow blindness... Ordinary bodies will also have such troubles.

According to the current situation, she didn't even dare to establish contact with the Night Butterfly Chamber of Commerce. With Hera's means, most of them will closely monitor people related to him for a period of time. With his current state, the best choice is not to contact him for the time being, or simply let his death become a fact.

It's really unrealistic to become a **** in three months.

In short, stand up first.

Yi Xun Yu moved his body to get up, and fell to the ground in embarrassment before he could stand up.

The numbness caused by the non-circulation of the blood, the delayed response to the freezing and stiffness of the limbs and joints, and the stiffness of maintaining a movement not far from the stiff neck... After becoming an ordinary person, the original indifferent living habits have become at this time Quite terrible wrong behavior.

Zihuo does not have any healing power, and is even extremely destructive. Although she can passively keep her from freezing to death, she can't actively use this thing to warm up-it will directly destroy her current body.


Yi Xunyu quickly understood what was going on, smiling bitterly, holding his hands on the ground, and again sitting back into the corner with his knees. Breathing into his knees, rubbing his hands continuously, the numbness in his legs finally disappeared after a while.

Then, he stood up while leaning against the wall, turning around and using his back against the wall as support, massaging his hands and legs with small movements, wait until the blood circulation is smooth, and then repeatedly pat the back to make the bent waist straighten again.

After repeated rubbing, the skin finally regained consciousness, but the stiffness of the neck could not be completely restored by massage.


With a bone crunch, Yi Xunyu clutched his neck and slowly took a step forward, putting his head on the wall into silent silence.

It seems that some things can't be done with a grit of teeth. If such a thing is repeated, she will have to remove her neck and reassemble it.

That's it... Rubbing his neck vigorously, Ixun Yu stood up and sucked in the cold wind, and decided to ignore the neck problem for the time being. Anyway, he just couldn't move.

After completing the arduous challenge of "Stand Up", Yi Xunyu found that she had once again returned to the question that left her at a loss: What should she do?

She has always been working hard with cultivation and becoming strong as the main goal. But now that this goal suddenly disappeared, she felt at a loss for a while.

"Obviously, I scolded others so vigorously before, but it was my turn to realize that the feeling of losing something important was even worse than I thought.

With a wry smile, Yi Xunyu recalled the indignation he had shown in Vis or in front of Mu Tian. As a result, when this kind of thing is my turn, my performance is actually the same.

He bowed his head and carefully sorted out the black robe on his body, covering his body as much as possible, and then tightened his waist belt forcefully.

In the innermost black robe, the hem was torn apart and wrapped around the ankle with a cloth strip.

Although the leaky room is as cold as the outside, if the cold wind blows through the skin, it will be a general irritation from a knife.

After arranging the hair behind him with his hands, Ixun Yu reacted. Because of the problem of the flesh and blood genes used to shape the body, the catalyzed hair also obeyed the information carried by the genes, and naturally turned into a very light blue-purple.

But yesterday the hair of those people seemed to be light blue, so there should be some purple fire in it.

She even carried a little natural curl...Unfortunately, under the dry hair, this kind of natural curl made her hair look more fluffy. Or to put it more bluntly, it is closer to unkempt hair.

However, with mere hair, the hood will be invisible.

Holding the wall lightly with his hand, he walked out of the house with a sense of powerlessness. The cold wind blowing on him made Yi Xunyu's heart not help but the idea of ​​not retracting.

Stepping out barefoot, Yi Xunyu left a string of long footprints in the snow, and randomly chose a direction to walk forward.

Along the way, she hardly met anyone. Even if someone saw her from a distance, they would wait and see for a while, then turned and ran away.

It is the biggest abnormality to walk alone in the snow unsuspectingly.

Yi Xunyu didn't think about chasing, because he couldn't catch up because he couldn't run.

The sobbing sound from the breeze interrupted Yi Xunyu's daze~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Yi Xunyu looked left and right along the sound, hesitated for a moment, and finally walked towards the direction of the sound.

A little girl with light blue hair... fell into the snow and cried, wearing torn clothes, and the exposed skin still showed signs of frostbite.

The surroundings are also very quiet.

Yi Xunyu stepped forward silently, but stopped about ten meters away from the little girl, and just stood there silently, saying nothing.

At first, the little girl didn't realize Yi Xunyu was just sobbing. After a while, the little girl turned her head and stared at Yi Xunyu with wide eyes. However, the stare at each other lasted more than ten minutes again. Half an hour later, the little girl knelt and sat on the spot, not knowing what she should do again.

Yixunyu stood there with inexplicable patience, just standing still and looking at the little girl. The cold wind blew through, as if turned into an ice sculpture... Or she was just in a daze.

In the case of a low degree of fit between the soul and the body, frequent dazes are beneficial to health.

An hour later, it started with a strong figure standing up cursingly: "It's all tm to get up, what are you doing stupidly, this guy obviously found us, copy guy!"

Suddenly, with the little girl as the center, from the snowdrifts, the ruins, the fallen shelves and many other places, at least twenty people were found.

"Ah, are you finally willing to come out."

Yi Xunyu returned to his senses, first glanced at the little girl who was trembling from the cold, and even her nose was frozen on her face, and then slowly swept over the people who surrounded her.

More than she imagined... Or, these people would hide more than she thought.

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