Legend Forever

Chapter 1355: Unexpected changes

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"Well, nice fragrance."

The goddess who had just woke up rubbed her eyes, and unconsciously took a few more mouthfuls when the scent drifted from her nose, got up and followed the scent with her waist.



The reality is different from what she imagined. Yi Xunyu sat quietly on the ground, slowly stirring and boiling the food with a spoon, and the picture of white gas was not the same.

At this moment, Yixunyu was sitting cross-legged in the corner, her face was black, and the gray-white fox skin she was wearing was also dyed in pitch black. In front of it was a stove made of three skulls, on which stood a casserole, and the lid with one corner opened was emitting white steam.

There were piles of pitch-black charcoal scattered on the ground, and the **** fragments were unevenly distributed around, which contrasted with the scattered debris not far away.

"You finally can't help but want to light my house?" The goddess opened her mouth and asked in a daze.

"I'm sorry that."


Take a deep breath, take a deep breath, this child is either ignorant, she is deliberately pissing, she is deliberate... With her hand on her forehead, the goddess took a few deep breaths, lifted the animal skin on her body and rolled over to the bed. Next to Xun Yu, he reached out to uncover the lid of the casserole.

"What are you eating?"

"Be careful... forget it when I didn't say it."

Yixunyu loosened his knees, picked up the long-handled wooden spoon on the side, and stirred it in the casserole randomly.

"Lotus lily porridge, by the way, your dried lily is of good quality."

More than 70% of the scent that the other party smelled came from the boiled dried flowers.

"Porridge? It's not surprising that you can do this."

Nodded, the goddess was silent for a moment and asked again: "Then can you explain, how did you...get it out?"

She subconsciously did not tell the scene of the arson that had emerged in her mind, although her first reaction was indeed the case.

Yi Xunyu glanced at each other and sighed slightly: "You, when you burn charcoal next time, don't just throw the whole tree into the fire. Obviously, it won't take long to cut it into wood."

Ixun Yu didn't even want to remember how complicated he was when he turned over the charcoal made from a whole tree in the warehouse.

A whole one, more than three times the thickness of her waist, kept the shape of the tree from the branch to the root and was burned into a whole charcoal.

"In order to knock off a small piece from the top, I almost didn't tire me. The most annoying thing is that you didn't burn the charcoal completely. After you light it, it is all smoke."

Following Yi Xunyu’s narration, the goddess gradually widened her eyes, and suddenly let out a lament: “That’s the charcoal I saved for barbecue!”

On the ice sheet, charcoal is a rare resource, even a non-renewable resource.

"I don't use much."

Ixunyu put his hands on the fire and roasted, yawning with warmth and said, "And I can't find other fuel."


The goddess sighed and sat on the animal skin cushion and squeezed Yixunyu aside: "Make room for me...so, why do you use human skulls to cushion the pot?"

"Because you can't burn a fire otherwise."

Ixunyu pointed to the skulls that glowed in different colors under the flames and said, "After trying many times, I found out that these skulls can isolate part of the law here, so that the flames can ignite."

The owner of the skull is probably a demigod... it is branded with very high-level unnatural laws, which can even isolate the surrounding environment. As for the remaining consciousness, it was completely erased.

"All right, by the way, how come I don't smell the smoke?" The goddess continued to ask, holding her forehead again.

"I burned charcoal outside."

Ixun Yu pointed out the door and added before the goddess was moved: "It's not that I'm afraid to interrupt your rest, but the smell of smoke will affect my sleep."

The goddess' eyelids twitched, deeply admiring Yixun Yu's abilities. But now, she always feels that once she is really angry, she will feel inexplicably lost.

"Also, in fact, the house is pretty clean. The outside is really messy, and you can't clean up the injury. If you have time, you'd better go and scrape all the ice outside. Not much, probably a whole corridor Otherwise, it would look really ugly." Yi Xun Yu said in a relaxed tone.

"...After eating, is the porridge ready?" the goddess asked through gritted teeth.

"It should be done."

Yi Xunyu picked up the spoon and stirred it twice, took a breath while watching the porridge in the pot, and nodded in satisfaction.

"Then the question is, do you have a bowl?"

Yixunyu took the spoon and avoided the hand held by a certain goddess, raised an eyebrow and asked, "If yes, help me get one by the way?"

She rummaged through the warehouse but did not find a pair of cutlery, chopsticks, knives and forks, or dishes. Even the wooden spoon in his hand was fished out of the iron pot beside him.

The goddess silently pulled out two ice bowls from the ground, holding one in her hand and handing the other to Yi Xunyu.

This is why she does not need utensils.


Yi Xun Yu reached out and took it.

"Huh? Why did you have an extra hole in your hand?" The goddess Yu Guang noticed the dry red on the palm of Yi Xunyu's palm.

"Ah? This, I was injured by the inferior knife in your warehouse. The handle of the knife broke when the charcoal was smashed, so I got it."

Yi Xunyu glanced, and opened his hand indifferently to give him a look.

It was also that Yi Xun Yu was not careful. If she hadn't used too much force at the time, she wouldn't have made a deep wound across the palm of her hand.

"Broken... Doesn't it hurt?"

"Fortunately, I am used to it."

With that said, Yi Xunyu had already passed the bowl in his hand to the opponent, and took another bowl and filled himself with half a bowl.

I lowered my head and drank a sip of porridge soup to warm myself up, Yi Xunyu raised his head and suddenly thought of it and added: "By the way, I cut all the knives in your warehouse. Do you have anything stronger?"

"Puff!...cough, cough!"

Seeing this scene, Yi Xunyu nodded in satisfaction, found a small pot of honey from the pile of small ingredients piled on the side, and dropped two drops into the porridge.


"I used to eat this way, you can try it." Yi Xunyu passed the small can in his hand.

"Okay, I don't see that you like sweets." The goddess took the honey and dropped a drop into her bowl.

"If you don't like honey, I still have chili powder." Yixunyu said.

"Haha." The goddess said that she didn't want to talk. U U Reading www.uukANAshu.com

Do you drink sweet porridge with spicy?

After eating, the goddess stood up and stretched her waist: "It tastes good, keep it up."

"Do you know Wanjin Dragon Fire Hotel?" Yi Xunyu asked suddenly.

"Huh? The one run by a group of dragons in Bimeng City?"

"never mind."

Yixunyu shook his head.

This is just a small test for her to judge whether the other party's previous words are true.

However, the goddess did not seem to have the intention to stop, instead she opened the chatterbox with interest:

"The first time I heard that the Dragons didn’t grab the money to open a restaurant, I was taken aback, but I tried it and found that the things they made were really delicious. Later, it was more interesting when I went back, and they started to sell. The dragon meat is gone, and he asked what else he said that this can enhance the body's self-healing ability... Obviously, if someone touched a scale before, it would have to die."

In response, Yi Xunyu raised his eyebrows without interrupting.

She didn't know if what the other party said was true or false, so she just listened to it as a story.

Suddenly, Yi Xunyu suddenly looked up at the sky overhead.

Even in the polar region, she felt a certain wailing that enveloped the entire continent of Edla.

The goddess on the side also raised her head and looked up, but she was much calmer than Yi Xunyu: "There is another true **** who has fallen, tusk, count the days, the cleaning should have already begun."

Seeing Yi Xunyu who sat back in a daze for a while, the goddess asked a little strangely: "Aren't you in a hurry? The Age of God War is about to start again, so don't you have anyone to worry about?"

"It was really anxious at first."

Yixunyu smiled and sighed: "But now, I have nothing to do with that."

Seeing the unnatural smile on Yi Xunyu's face, the goddess raised her eyebrows and said nothing.

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