Legend Forever

Chapter 1357: There is a portal

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Roasted bear meat is not delicious...Ixunyu doesn't want to admit that because of the lack of sharp teeth, every piece of meat needs to be chewed for a long, long time.

With a light sigh, Yi Xun Yu used a knife to slice a thin slice from the white bear as much as possible, and put it under the blue flame to start a low fire to slowly roast.

Be thinner, at least convenient to swallow later.

In addition, even under the flame baking, the blade made of ice showed no signs of melting.

"Did you leave the bear paw alone?" The goddess suddenly asked while eating gracefully and quickly.

"I want to try it in a casserole." Yi Xun Yu nodded.

"Then come on." The goddess said without much care.

"Don't worry, I haven't done this thing before."

After speaking astonishing, Yi Xunyu looked at the goddess who stopped moving, nodded and added with a certain tone: "Although I have eaten it, I really don't know how to make this thing. But you see there are four bears in total. Foot, how can it be done once in four times?"

"Forget it, I don't have any expectations." Shaking his head, the goddess grabbed a small spoon and sprinkled a handful of seasoning on the barbecue in front of him, and continued to eat.

The opponent eats quickly, but he can't hold up the huge size of a white bear.

After feeling full, Yi Xun Yu sat aside, wiped his hands and picked up the books in his hands, looking lazily. And the goddess, still sitting on the spot, did not slow down the food.

Judging from the posture, he was prepared to eat this white bear in one meal.

"By the way, do you always eat barbecue like this?" Turning a page, Yi Xunyu raised his head and asked suddenly.

"Yes, what's the matter?"

"But there is only this charcoal in your warehouse. You won't eat barbecue in the future?"

"Just find another piece of wood, it's not a troublesome thing."

"Um... those in the orchard?" Ixunyu thought for a while and asked.

She walked all the way to Xueye outside, and she didn't even see the roots of grass along the way, let alone possible trees. After thinking about it, the only wood that can be used to make charcoal is the fruit trees in the orchard that look good.

Go back and break some branches?

"The orchards are all rare varieties that I have finally cultivated. I haven't seen a fingertip growing for hundreds of years. I am afraid that I will feel distressed to burn charcoal with those trees."

"I can do it for you, after all I don't feel bad."


"But I have nothing to catch fire." Ixunyu held the book in his arms and shrugged. "There is just such a charcoal in the warehouse. What did you burn me for?"

Can I just say that I didn’t want to see you scoring this wood before eating the barbecue... The corner of the goddess’s mouth twitched, and she found that she seemed to have overlooked the uncontrolled destructive power of Yi Xunyu here.

If this matter is not resolved, Ixunyu might actually burn the orchard.

"After I finish eating, I will find a piece of wood and it will be over. It's a big deal to buy a few kilograms in Neutral City. Charcoal is nothing but a rare thing."

"Neutral City?"

"Just the city built by thirteen demigods that claims to be absolutely neutral to the outside world. Uh, isn't it gone?"

"Well... among the thirteen demigods you mentioned, is there one called the sky snake?"

"The one with a red lotus in its mouth?" The goddess raised an eyebrow.

"It seems we are talking about one." Yi Xunyu nodded, and then lost interest again.

I thought it would be a new map, but I didn't expect it to be a place I've been to before.

"Why, do you want to go there? I have a portal that leads directly to it, and I can go directly after I activate it." The goddess asked.

Yixunyu raised his eyebrows in surprise, and shook his head after a moment of silence.

"Forget it, it doesn't make sense to go."

For a moment, Yi Xunyu really had some thoughts in her heart, but then she reacted, even if she went there, she had nothing to do.

It only increases the troubles.

Moreover, Yixunyu didn't think of jumping repeatedly in front of people he knew.

"Really not going?"

"Really not going."

Yi Xunyu grabbed two cloves and threw them into the fire, emitting a strong smell as they burned.

Clove is a kind of spice with a strong fragrance. When making a stew, it can completely change the taste of the dish. And this blue flame now seems to have more ability to inspire the aroma of the ingredients...The taste suddenly became like incense.

The goddess took the barbecue in the corresponding position and changed it to another place, sprinkled a handful of spices and continued to cook.

This topic will end here.

This is the twelfth day... Yi Xun Yu silently stroked the third straight character on the ice wall beside him.

She knew that this method of calculating time was not accurate, but at the moment it was the only way she could think of and a more convenient way of judging time.

Looking at the book in his hand word by word, Yi Xunyu yawned, his eyes closed, and his body began to rise rapidly. In just a moment, the fluctuation of the ice element from his body was several times stronger than before.

This was her first meditation since she came here, and the results of her practice were quite good.

Opening her eyes, the goddess glanced here and nodded slightly: "The speed is not bad, just so-so."


Yi Xunyu raised his eyebrows and did not speak.

In her vague memory, in order to achieve her current strength, she practiced for two months with sufficient resources. Now, it's a lot easier to do it again, it only took two minutes.

This is already a rapid progress, okay?

Ixunyu continued to lower his head to read, while the goddess continued to sullenly ate quickly and gracefully. The aroma of barbecue was permeated in the air, but it quickly dissipated to nowhere, leaving no trace in the igloo.

When Yi Xunyu felt sleepy, the goddess wiped her mouth suddenly, and leaned against the ice wall with a long breath, letting out a long breath: "Comfortable."

A whole white snow, only a blue and white skeleton remained.

"Do you still feel full?" Ixunyu asked strangely, raising his head.

In the past, most of her food was simply enjoying the taste, and occasionally eating high-quality ingredients was for energy intake. But no matter which way of eating, it is limited to just a little taste.

The strong digestive ability makes her not really support herself at all. Unless Yixunyu eats ingredients such as ‘beef’ and ‘crab’ that are far stronger than him.

As for the white bear, the life level is not bad, but it should not have reached that exaggerated level.

"How should I say, my power system is not the same as the cultivation method you understand, so I still need to eat. As for this barbecue, it is used to promote the circulation of substances in the body." The goddess thought for a while and said.

Still not giving Yi Xunyu more opportunities to inquire, the goddess stood up and stretched her waist, "Do you know how to make shower gel?"


"It's those foam petals, which can increase fragrance and relieve fatigue in water."

"That thing is not difficult, the materials in the warehouse should be enough...Wait, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is there a bathing place?"

Halfway through the conversation, Yi Xunyu realized the implied meaning in the other party's words.

Before the eighth meal, in order to re-grill the charcoal, she made her face full of cinders, and she looked like she was going to a coal pit to dig for coal, and she was so dirty that she couldn't rest. Finally, knock the ice cubes outside and boil water to clean it.

The ninth, ten, and eleven were the same. Now she suspected that she was smoky.

"Yes, you go to prepare first, and then I will take you with you." The goddess yawned, took a glass of water from the ice wall beside her, and drank a few sips.

"I'm sure, the place you said to take a bath is not the ice lake I fell into before, right?"

"No, the hot spring, there is hot water in it."


Yi Xunyu obediently put down the book in her hand and turned and went into the warehouse, ready to hurriedly call out a can of body soap.

She doesn't have much love for bathing, but after staying in this ice field for a long time, she is inexplicably yearning for the concept of'a lot of water'. And if it is hot water that can relieve the freezing of the skin for a long time, then this yearning will have to be increased a little bit...

If there are no detailed requirements, the preparation of the bath liquid is not difficult. Condensed milk, butter, honey, white sugar, salt and various seasonings are added. By the way, I grab a few handfuls of dried petals that are of good color, and mix them together, and the Ixun feather bath is completed.

"Uh, are you sure this thing can be used as a bath lotion?"

The goddess seemed to have seen Ixunyu's uncomfortable behavior in the warehouse.

"Don't worry, even those branded bath lotions have similar ingredients."

In fact, the seasoning used for the bacon is similar to this... Yi Xunyu silently added a word in her heart.

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