Legend Forever

Chapter 1374: Pretty, suddenly

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Right now...

Rows of orthographic characters, clearly engraved on the ice wall, represent the total number of meals that Yi Xunyu has eaten here.

Although not accurate, Yi Xunyu continued this way of calculating time. Or even now, Yi Xunyu doesn't know whether what he is recording is time or something else.

37 meals,

Even if I don't feel anything on weekdays, it is still not a small number under the accumulation of time.

According to the calculation of three meals a day, Yi Xun Yu should have stayed here for about 12 days...The error of this calculation is about five days.

No way, Ixunyu really didn't dare to have much expectation about the dietary rules of the ice goddess.

"For the time being, it's not nothing to do."

Wiping his wet head with a towel, Yi Xunyu looked at the straight characters on the wall and whispered.


Putting the towel aside, Yi Xunyu sat on the animal skin and picked up the transparent box again. This time, without careful observation, he just made a fist casually and fixed one of the marbles in midair.

By replacing finger-pointing with a fist, many things become convenient at once.

"Actually, it was a trick."

Released his hand and put the box aside, Yi Xunyu suddenly sighed in a low voice.

In the process of transforming into a mindless demon, as long as you can think of something you want to do, you can get rid of this process, which can be said to be a special kind of hell. However, the number of unintentional demons in **** is always in batches, not decreasing.

Even Yi Xunyu herself, the main reason was because ‘it’s ugly to become a heartless demon,’ and he randomly thought of an excuse... Asked, she really didn’t know what else she could do.

For a moment in a daze, Yi Xunyu recovered from the turn of the ice goddess' sleep, silently picked up the book set aside, opened it, and continued to look down from where he saw it last time.

The author of this notebook seems to be an admirer of a certain ice goddess. There are many places in the writing that emphasize that he used the ice goddess as a reference to do so, and he also obtained from some practices of the ice goddess. Inspiration.

But regardless of this cult of fanaticism, this book itself is indeed quite perfect. It is quite novel in many concepts. Even after reading it, I Xunyu has to think about it a little bit, and even has the urge to experiment on the spot. .

If it is really as recorded in the text, this person has followed the goddess of ice for tens of thousands of years, maybe he has really penetrated the essence of ice.

After all, that was a time that Yi Xunyu couldn't even think of, tens of thousands of years.


What she lacks most is always time.

With a low sigh, Ixunyu closed the book, blinking sour eyes and picked up the transparent box in his hand.

Binghuo, she is no longer ready to continue learning.

However, this freeze, as his own understanding gradually improved, Yi Xunyu only felt that there was a layer of window paper in front of him.

She doesn't know whether it's thin or not, but she really wants to puncture this layer of window paper.

As far as the current progress is concerned, freezing one marble, two, or even dozens of them within the upper limit of mental power is no longer a problem. The next step is to treat the entire ‘transparent box’ as a whole and freeze it.

After trying for so long, she finally understood the way to look at this box-that is, don't apply any experience in this world to it, but understand it as an existence in the state of ‘imaginary’.

Only by setting aside all experience based on this, can we truly understand the laws presented in the box. For example, the weakest state of marbles turned out to be "the most energy-filled, the moment when the force is rebound". If you don't throw away the head of the nine-year compulsory education, I am afraid that it will crash on the spot.

‘Change perspective’, something she used to do often.

‘The moment when all marbles reach their weakest state’ is a thinking from an individual perspective, but this way of thinking is not suitable for the whole. Because as long as the number of marbles in this box is increased dozens of times, this practice will end in failure.

No way, not enough mental power.

What Yixunyu is even more certain is that the lazy appearance of the goddess of ice, even if there is a gap before the shot, it is absolutely impossible to count the number of quanta that constitute the body on the opposite side.

Yixunyu clearly remembered that the ice goddess used only a small amount of energy at that time, even almost useless.

and so……

Observing the irregular collision movement of the marbles in the transparent box, Yi Xunyu tried to observe with his eyes, tried to observe from the microscopic state, and tried to plan their laws.

But without exception, it ended in failure.

Angrily, Yixun Yu stretched out his hands and held them expressionlessly, one at a time, and fixed all the marbles in the transparent box in the air.

Stand still, fall...under the force of the collision, it starts to bounce again.

The law of gravity, which made Newton so pleased, showed his sense of existence at this moment.

Ixun Yu forgot that there was still air inside,

"It turns out that this is the case. Think of them as a whole connected to each other, and then at the moment of freezing, guide these forces to collide with each other... cancel?"

Yi Xun Yu moved his finger, ignoring the failure, but grasping a moment of stillness and began to push back.

Knowing the answer to reverse the process, this is a useful method in many situations.

However, this still seems to be from an individual perspective. and so--

Thinking about it, Yi Xunyu stretched out his hand again, shrouded all these marbles with energy, and slowly tightened, but he didn't rush to freeze, but simply felt the icy fog passing through each road.

The moment the ice goddess is talking about, shouldn't it be the moment when the external force is zero?

With such doubts, Yi Xunyu clenched his fists, and saw that all the marbles inside stood still abruptly. It took three seconds to fall down, and then jumped again and again.


Because of the sudden incident, Yi Xunyu didn't react for a while. Looking at the marbles in the box, the first reaction was that he had thoughts and dreams every day, and finally he had hallucinations.

With some doubts, Yi Xunyu was careful, and tried again slowly, twice... While the marbles were still still, Yi Xunyu gradually opened his mouth.

Once, it can be said to be a coincidence. Two times, it can be said to be accidental. However, when something is repeated in the plural, it should be called the law of necessity.

For the last time, Ixun Feather's hand lightly clicked, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, with some proficiency, froze the marbles in the transparent box together with the air with a soft cry.


Looking at the still picture in the box, Yi Xunyu cautiously placed the box in his hand on top of the animal skin blanket in front of him, took a deep breath, and closed his eyes with some emotion.

She is actually a bit complicated now.

There is a sense of accomplishment, and there is some joy, but in addition to that, it is more of an unspeakable, unpleasant feeling but just can’t spit it out.

"Not bad, did this succeed?"

The previous soft cry, although not crisp, still caused the ice goddess to wake up from her sleep.


Yi Xun Yu sighed, looked at the still marbles in the box, and then at the goddess of ice. After all, he asked, "This is also your intention. I was groping a little bit before watching me?"

"Huh? What's wrong?"

The ice goddess returned a puzzled look, wondering what Yi Xunyu was talking about.

"No more."

Seeing the non-fake expression of the ice goddess, Yi Xunyu smiled bitterly, showing a dumbfounded expression.

After success, she realized that her understanding of ‘freezing’ had taken a long way. It's like taking a short taxi and taking a long detour to reach the destination, but taking a long detour will cost more time and money.

Most of her previous reasoning and research were useless. The reason is still because of her great curiosity, her uncontrollable desire to study, and the inexplicable, she always thinks too much.

"Well, it's a good thing to succeed anyway."

Shaking his head, Yi Xunyu smiled again and said to the goddess of ice, "Come here, and finally it doesn't mean you haven't done anything."

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