Legend Forever

Chapter 1381: I think i am

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The three skulls are shaped like a finished character, with orange flames burning in the middle, and dark charcoal piles loose underneath. Under the baptism of prolonged fireworks, the snow-white skulls were already blackened.

This time, there was no casserole on the fire, instead there were many ice sticks on which were skewered with egg-sized, yellow jewel-like irregular pieces. Under the scorching of the flame, a large amount of white gas was being emitted at this time, continuously evaporating downwards, and even suppressed the fire much weaker.

"So, why is it a crocodile?"

While roasting the sweet potato skewers, Yixunyu turned the fortunet, still asking incomprehensibly.

"Because it's a crocodile?"

"No, no, no matter what kind of animal you want, it can be well domesticated in the orchard. So, why did you choose the crocodile among many kinds of animals?"

Can't you choose a cute one?

"At that time, I chose to look pleasing to the eye. Later, I got used to it." The Ice Goddess said indifferently, as if she didn't care much about it.

"Can you eat it?" Yi Xunyu nodded and asked suddenly.


"Those crocodiles." Looking at the surprised eyes of the ice goddess, Yi Xunyu had to add.

"Yong Ye people's habit of eating everything is really thorough on you... But unfortunately, I advise you to better not beat those little guys. Otherwise, you must be the one who will suffer in the end. ."

"Can I not beat any of them?" Yi Xunyu drank, pushed the cup in his hand against the fire, frowning and asked.

"You don't think those little guys are really crocodiles, do you?"


"It just looks like it. To be more serious, the ancestors of crocodiles are not as old as they are. They are creatures of the mythical age. When there are hundreds of them, they can easily hunt giant mammoths known as moving icebergs. They seem docile... But if you enter the hunting state, you may not even have a chance to react and you will be torn to pieces."

"It sounds scary."

"Well, of course."

"So can't you really eat it?"

Yixunyu was unwilling to ask, "If you don't eat it, they must have overproduced for so many years. Or else, these crocodiles won't lay eggs? In fact, crocodile eggs are pretty good."


Seeing Yixunyu's not joking eyes, the ice goddess had to reply with the same righteous tone: "No, yes-as mythological creatures, they do not have the reproductive ability of conventional creatures, nor will they lay eggs. From I threw them into the orchard, and their numbers have not changed."


Yi Xunyu did not continue to ask because she had basically determined that the crocodiles in the orchard belonged to the ‘inedible range’.

Can't eat, dull and tasteless.

"Because the external environment is no longer suitable for them to live, they can only live in the orchard. Only a few hours will go out hunting, but they will return soon."

The ice goddess further added to her words, "Oh yes, although they can't speak, they are actually higher intelligent creatures just like you. So if you want to express what you mean, you can directly communicate with your mental power."

Higher wisdom can be broadly understood as wisdom equivalent to humans, and this also means that the subtle emotions Ixunyu feels from the crocodile eyes are not illusions.

"But you actually went to dig sweet potatoes, well, counting the time, it seems that it's time to eat."

The ice goddess skipped the topic about crocodile, took the jar with honey and brushed the sweet potato cubes a few times.

"After all, you said before that there are sweet potatoes in the orchard...Always eat dehydrated food, and occasionally want to change the taste."

Yi Xunyu continued to flip the sign and said.

The dug out sweet potatoes are not suitable for conventional cooking methods. On the basis of eating raw, she can only think of the crude method of baking directly with fire.

The long-term flame baking can disperse the ice element in the sweet potato, so that the starch in the sweet potato re-occupies the main position and returns to the ranks of normal ingredients.

However, there is always a way of stripping the ice elements in the'ice sweet potato', but there is always a way to'drink the carbonic acid in the soda as sugar water', eat watermelon and squeeze out the water, only eat the dry flesh, discard the vegetables and eat the pot' Suspected of waste.

But this is also the only way to make it hot.

"Then why don't you dig a cabbage by the way, it's obviously beside the sweet potato field."

It seemed that it was almost baked, the ice goddess picked up the lottery, took a sweet potato with her hand and threw it into her mouth without getting too hot. While chewing, Kazkaz's crisp sound was gradually heard.

Not familiar inside,


Frowning, the ice goddess silently put the sign back on the fire and continued to bake.

"Is the dark blue plant that is taller than me and looks like an ellipse a cabbage?"

Ixunyu asked in memory.

She did have such speculations at the time, but she did not dare to confirm.

"Yes, it grows like that when planted in an orchard. But the taste doesn't change much. It's delicious when cooked with meat."

"Those things will freeze directly when they are thrown into the pot?"

Judging from the color alone, the dark blue cabbage has a much higher ice content than sweet potatoes, and it should also be a non-hot cooking ingredient.

"I can extract the ice element inside~ throw it out and throw it away. It's not difficult." The Goddess of Ice replied naturally.


Yi Xunyu stopped talking, just silently looked at the lottery in his hand, then looked at the goddess of ice, and gave the other person a look to let him understand.

"So you can't?"

After a moment of silence, the ice goddess asked.

"If I do it, I won't be able to eat this thing."

The ice element extracted by Yixunyu will bring the moisture inside, and other various components will be extracted more or less together....... Remove a small part of the problem of poor energy control technology, mainly the ice element will spontaneously adhere to the substance Above the free water.

The difficulty of separating the two is no less than a precision operation.

"I'm still wondering if it will be more delicious."

With a sigh, the ice goddess stretched out her hand on the iron sign, and a small blue ice element appeared in her hand.

Sweet potatoes, intact.

"Maybe a little bit of roasting will look more soulful?"

Yi Xun Yu shrugged and put a small cover for his embarrassment.

After the ice element is peeled off, the surface of the sweet potato quickly becomes brighter, accompanied by the sugar secreted from the inside, bursts of sweetness exudes.

"The rest, save a part for the sweet potato porridge tomorrow, and roast the rest as snacks?"

Looking at the remaining sweet potatoes, Ixun Yu suggested.

"Yes, but in this case this bit of honey is not enough, you have to get two more, no, five cans." The ice goddess nodded and said.

"Obviously you brushed too much honey..." Yi Xunyu sighed.

The ice goddess’ preference for sweets is not obvious in normal times~www.wuxiaspot.com~, but once they are eaten, they will emptied the sugar jar in an ‘inattentive’ way.

"By the way, do you need mental power to control the ice element, or do you just need to think about it?" Looking at the blue light group gradually dissipating beside the ice goddess, Ixunyu asked as if thinking of something. Tao.

"Just think about it. You can understand that ice is part of my body."

Just as a person only needs one thought to control his own hands, the same goes for the ice goddess to control ice.

"Well, the environment around you, shouldn't it also change with the changes in your thoughts?"

Yi Xunyu leaned forward, staring at the eyes of the ice goddess and asked.

The gods all have the ability to change and erode reality with their thoughts. Think about it carefully. Although the goddess of ice freezes the divinity of the body by virtue of physique, the authority that the gods should have should also be reflected in his body.

"This, probably?" The ice goddess didn't seem to understand Yi Xunyu's question very well.

"Then let me ask you another way. You have passed such a long time from your birth to the present. As your experience continues to increase, have you ever felt that there are parts of the ice around you that you can't understand, or something you think Is there a place to go in?"

Yi Xun Yu licked his lips, looked at the water cup beside him, raised his head and asked.

"How can it be."

The goddess of ice answered naturally, "I am the embodiment of ice, the essence of ice."


Yi Xun Yu drew a sigh, sat back to the original position with a wry smile, and then clenched his fist and knocked on his head.

Descartes, Joule, Planck and many other great scientists, you can rest in peace. In the different world of the Continent of Edla, there is no reason for you to lift the coffin board.

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